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Items tagged with: Education

The recent campus protests led to renewed debates around academic freedom and freedom of speech. @themarkup’s Mohamed Al Elew spoke to author and professor Julia Schleck about academic labor, university policies, politics, and her new vision for higher education.

#Education #HigherEducation #Academia #CampusProtests #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

Good Climate News! Advocates celebrated Monday after a Boulder, Colorado judge rejected attempts by ExxonMobil and Suncor Energy subsidiaries to dismiss a landmark lawsuit that seeks damages for the harms the fossil fuel companies have inflicted on the climate and local communities.

We're pleased to offer a teaching guide for Youth v Gov, the documentary about the Juliana v. United States lawsuit, in which 21 young people are similarly suing the US Federal government over climate change. These resources are great classroom tools for putting climate litigation news into context.

Get your free guide from our library:

#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCase #ClimateLitigation #ClimateAction #ExxonMobil #Suncor #Education #ClimateLaw #Environment #FossilFuels #EnvironmentalStudies #Edutooters @edutooters