Items tagged with: frontend
I’m currently looking for new opportunities in freelance, contract, or permanent roles starting in the new year. If you know of any openings or can share this post, I’d be grateful for your support!
With expertise in frontend development, web design, interaction design, and design systems, I’m excited to bring fresh ideas and skills to new projects.
#frontend #webdesign #interactiondesign #css #html #sass #designsystems #static #11ty
What do you call Ratatui running in a browser?
🐭 **webatui**: Make TUI-themed WASM web apps!
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs &
➡️ Watch it in action:…
⭐ GitHub:
#rustlang #ratatui #tui #web #yew #frontend #wasm #webapp #terminal
GitHub - TylerBloom/webatui: An integration between the Yew and Ratatui crates for making TUI-themed WASM webapps
An integration between the Yew and Ratatui crates for making TUI-themed WASM webapps - TylerBloom/webatuiGitHub
Fixed a long-standing color contrast problem on my website 🎉
Been using (h/t @KiwiKilian) remark-shiki-twoslash as an @eleventy v3 replacement for eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash to highlight syntax in Markdown code blocks.
But it's stuck on an old Shiki version with no accessible themes. So I forked it!
@olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash has high contrast themes and supports Eleventy 3. (CJS->ESM side quest: createRequire)
#shiki #eleventy #FrontEnd #a11y
GitHub - olets/shiki: Forks of some Shiki org repos. Notably, @olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash support Eleventy 3 and adds the latest Shiki themes and languages
Forks of some Shiki org repos. Notably, @olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash support Eleventy 3 and adds the latest Shiki themes and languages - olets/shikiGitHub