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Items tagged with: WebDev

Looking to add a /stats page to my blog and website? If you have one, what do you put on yours? So far I have total posts and a nice graph

#11ty #WebDev #Blog

🚀 Excited to share my latest article detailing the step-by-step process of creating a high-performance blog site with @eleventy and @storyblok!

Read the full article here:

#WebDev #Eleventy #11ty #Storyblok #CMS #StaticSiteGenerator

Eleventy is an act of rebellion against the dark forces driving today’s internet, said its creator @zachleat at #11tyConf. Also at the lively event, we discovered that @eleventy does scale! #WebDev

🍦 New Article: Learn how to make websites real good #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

I built a new Eleventy site while waiting for the Eleventy conference to start.

Such meta. Much joy.

#Eleventy #WebDev

Tomorrow evening will be fun and interesting! Starting with The 11ty Conference, better known as:

11ty's International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good 🎈

that's got a great lineup of folks and talks I'm looking forward too - and a Scalable CSS Masterclass nestled in between that.

(Hopefully I can catch up with any #11ty talks I miss at a later time)

#WebDev #CSS

Local-First Web Development

So, you want to build an app that has its data co-located with its UI? That works offline? That synchronizes between clients? And that lets its users own their data?


#data #webdev #localfirst #web #app #ui

Live and learn — I used a filter to render recent posts on my home page. The splice call in the filter mutated the global posts collection causing said posts not to make it to my RSS feed. #Eleventy #WebDev

📝 New Post: Surfing The Web And Sharing What I Find

How I surf the web, manage my online bookmarks and share exciting hyperlinks with the community.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

As I delve into yet another data analytics project, I'm wondering what static site generators folks are using these days?

#webdev #staticsite #jekyll #hugo #11ty

📝 New Post: Deploying An 11ty Project To Shared Hosting

Forget the usual suspects for your website hosting. You should consider shared hosting for your next 11ty project.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

Issue 40 of the 11ty Bundle blog is out: Another canary, Tolkien's 'eleventy', Transforms in the docs, Dev Server 2.0, eleventy-img beta, Validate your data, Embed everything, Two new starters, 11ty conference speakers...AND 3 releases, 7 posts, and 2 sites to see

#11ty #eleventy @eleventy #webdev

🍦 New Article: The International Symposium on Making Websites Real Good #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

Got bored with my old website design so I decided to make a new one. Tried to make it less boring, but I'm no designer, so I'm not sure if I succeeded.

I also wrote a short blog post about the update:

#personal #blog #webdesign #webdev #blogging #11ty

Had to install extensions that prevented disabling paste in edit fields online. I wish browsers would make this possible natively because I never, ever, want paste disabled on any edit field, ever. Here's an extension for FF #WebDev #Web #WebDesign