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Items tagged with: whitechristiannationalism

"Other people may be in America, but they live there only with the sufferance of the nation’s true owners. ...

It’s a conglomeration of men who believe that oppressing women and crushing diversity is the way to convert America into their white Christian paradise."

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

"They see Vance’s ugly attacks on women, immigrants, and others as points to be celebrated. And they see him as the leader they’ve been looking for, a kind of anti-diversity messiah—a 'Christian Prince' for a white nationalist America. ...

They see Vance as endorsing their central tenet—that America is for white Christians."

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

"Vance is the most disliked figure on either party’s ticket this election year: He’s an unmitigated asshole.

But there’s a group of white men who believe that he may be something more."

~ Mark Sumner

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

As Butler notes, the framework in which TheoBros understand women's "place" comes from their patriarch, Douglas Wilson, who has written,

“The sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.”

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

"In American Reformer, their unofficial magazine, hagiographies of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco appear alongside full-throated defenses of countries that execute gay people. On podcasts, the TheoBros unpack 'the perils of multiculturalism,' expose 'Burning Man’s wicked agenda,' and peel back the nefarious feminist plot of Taylor Swift."

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

"For some, prison reform would involve replacing incarceration with public flogging. Unlike more mainstream Christian nationalists, like House Speaker Mike Johnson, who are obsessed with the US Constitution, many TheoBros believe that the Constitution is dead and that we should be governed by the Ten Commandments."

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination

It made me believe that white supremacy was defeated, specifically by people such as us.

And so I am a fool” (p. 14).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“I want to be sure you know, in case you didn’t grow up among white Christian evangelical conservative Americans, as I did, that most of us aren’t pretending. We really are very nice, very kind, very generous. We are, by these and other measures, very fine people.

This made me think that fascism would be unpopular, particularly with people such as us."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“In August 2017, the White Christian president, like all cheap hucksters, knew quite well which lies people would believe, knew quite well what lies his people wanted to hear, and knew quite well the lies they depended on for fortune and identity.

So he told the lie of the very fine people.

It’s a popular lie. It’s a traditional lie.

For most of my life, to one extent or another, I believed it.

And so I am a fool” (p. 13).

#ARMoxon #Trump #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism

"and their deliberate unawareness as regards the methods and intentions of those with whom they march, and yes, their Christianity, too—because how could a religious person ever support atrocity if they did so out of a religious conviction? Their very fine presence in solidarity with monsters defends and enables the monstrousness” (pp. 12-3).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“Nazis and Confederates and Christian nationalists and other authoritarian supremacists only ever rise on the permissive shoulders of masses of very fine people willing to lend their moral authority to a monstrous cause—yes, and their energy, too, and their normalcy and niceness and well-scrubbed politeness," (continued in /6)

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"and overwhelmingly identify as a specific thing known as ‘Christian,’ and the White Christian president made quite a show over the years of representing U.S. citizens exclusively based on whether or not they support him” (p. 11).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"August 2017 was also when the White Christian president defended those who marched with the Nazis as ‘very fine people.’ I call him ‘the White Christian president’ because the people who support him are overwhelmingly understood to be a specific thing known as ‘white,’" (continued in /4)

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"August 2017 is when tiki-torch waving Nazis invaded Charlottesville, Virginia, in defense of treasonous confederate slaveholders and their own perceived supremacy. We know they were Nazis because they were chanting ‘Jews will not replace us,’ and ‘blood and soil,’ and all the other Nazi hits, and because they believed in Nazi causes and utilized Nazi symbology, and so on."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

I'm reading A.R. Moxon's new book Very Fine People: Confessions of an American Fool (Grand Rapids: J. Goat Press, 2024). His comments on why he wrote the book:

“I wrote all the words you’ll find between these covers sometime between December 2016 and early 2023. Most were written after August 2017, which was a key date in my rapidly dawning awareness of the true nature of my country."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

Ali then asks Deckman how much misogyny, patriarchy, belief in "traditional" gender role influence people's prefrence for authoritarianism.

Deckman's response: a lot. There's significant overlap between those gender ideas and the preference for authoritarianism that is especially strong among highly religious Americans and Christian nationalists.

#authoritarianism #Republicans #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

Wajahat Ali asks Melissa Deckman, CEO at Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI),

Why are so many Americans openly embracing authoritarianism? PRRI's latest study shows 43% of Americans espousing authoritarian views. Why so?

Deckman's response,

"Religion matters." PRRI finds that Republicans far more than Democrats lean authoritarian, as do Christian nationalists and folks who are highly religious.

#authoritarianism #Republicans #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

"To understand JD Vance, you need to meet the 'TheoBros.' These extremely online young Christian men want to end the 19th Amendment, restore public flogging, and make America white again. ...

Many TheoBros, for example, don’t think women belong in the pulpit or the voting booth—and even want to repeal the 19th Amendment."

~ Kiera Butler

#JDVance #TheoBros #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #misogyny #MaleDomination