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Items tagged with: 11ty

I just tried out the getting started @eleventy docs thinger and... halp!

This one:
After steps 4 and 5 I get this in my browser:

��<�!doctype html><�title>Page title<�/title><�p>Hi<�/p>

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Is it because I'm using powershell in my terminal or something?


Today I was able to add some #analytics using #umami analytics to my website! Here's the process I went through to get this added using #eleventy to spruce up my stats page.


Issue 47 of the #11ty Bundle blog is out: v3.0.0-alpha.11 is here!, Typescript & JSX in the docs, An updated dev server, More posts 'From the Source', A new bundle item layout here...And 3 releases, 5 posts, and 9 sites to see.

#eleventy @eleventy

New for each #11ty Bundle post: (1) new location for date, (2) number of posts by this author, (3) link to author’s website, and (4) link to author's RSS feed (if detectable). More in Issue 47, arriving tomorrow. @eleventy

Man, it feels so good to learn and understand more and more about #Eleventy, and as a result a bunch of other stuffs that are tightly knit with it like #Node, #Javascript, #Nunjucks and even improve my existing skills like #HTML and #CSS (in which, also from this learning endeavour, I've discovered and migrated to using #Sass!).

Special thanks to for the encouragement/push I needed to start learning #11ty in the first place ​:blobfoxcat:

So, I converted over to Eleventy v3 — kinda expected it to be a bigger deal; aside from the package*json changes from just installing the new version, this is the whole of the diff:



Yall the M10y MULTIPLICITY starter by @lukem for #11ty is incredible!. I've now used it several times for different projects.

A post about the node CLI scripts that I dreamt a reality. Helping me to make more bundles of #11ty joy.

Hat tips to @chrisburnell & @robb & @raycast

It's alive! I've made a node CLI to manage the json database that makes up the #11ty Bundle site. And it's finally working. I can even edit an entry after entering it. The code ain’t the cleanest, but it's functional. And with @raycast, I can fire it up with a couple of keystrokes from anywhere. Still promising a blog post about this.

Issue 46 of the #11ty Bundle is out: The 11ty-hundredth Post!!!, A 'From the Source' catgory, A new 'Getting started' post, Max shows us how he updated to v3, Google Sheets ain't my DB no mo...And 9 posts and 4 sites to see.

#eleventy @eleventy @lene @seanmcp @mxbck

I have just released version 3.0 of Eleventy Excellent, now fully on ESM and with many other changes, including my attempts to learn more about WebC and web components. Contributions very welcome! 💚

#11ty #webc

Apologies to #11ty Bundle RSS readers who saw my test post called, oddly enough, "A Post.” That aside, we're at 1,099 posts on the Bundle…be the 11ty-hundredth and become famous.

Finally had a proper look at @eleventy.

I really like that it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

I'm not quite sold on it for hosting blogs (yet), but I've migrated a few of my smaller projects for which I've used a simple node app (mainly to take advantage of templating).

Huge improvement in memory consumption! For example, went from 67.89MB down to just 6.07MB.


#webdev #11ty #eleventy

Check out the start of a new category on the 11ty Bundle…From the Source. It's got a recent podcast episode about Zach taking 11ty fully independent. I haven't listened yet. I’ll be adding some earlier posts to this before long. #11ty
