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Items tagged with: microsoft

Every time I install Windows 11 at work, I feel like I've sold off a little more of my soul.

This operating system is one of the biggest privacy disasters to ever be forced upon the world of personal computing.

Seriously, I know it's intimidating, I know computers are complicated, but you need to ditch Microsoft, and Google. They are not your friends. They are using and exploiting our entire population.

It's time to move away from them.

#Windows #Google #Microsoft

Je suis vraiment horrifiée par la nouvelle invention de Microsoft, qui consiste en substance a prendre des screenshots de tout ce qui se passe sur l'ordinateur, a le transformer en texte et a le stocker pendant des mois, afin avec une simple recherche de ressortir les screens
Mais quelle idée stupide et dangereuse !
Ils n'ont jamais entendu parler des violences domestiques, des séparations qui se passent mal, des enfants abusés ?
#microsoft #copilot #violencedomestique

Regular user: I want to feel safe and private.

Google: cool, anyways here's an AI that listens to your calls.

Microsoft: word, how about an AI that takes screenshots of everything you do?

#Google #AI #Microsoft #privacy #security #safety #cybersecurity #infosec

Why does #Microsoft want to implement #Recall? It's not about *images*. It's about modelling what workers do on Windows, and then replacing them.

The most expensive part of a computer is the fallible feelings-filled unpredictable meat sack that operates it.

Google has YouTube, Google Photos, Maps, and a bucket load of search data, Google Analytics, advertising, as well as it's #GCP data (e.g. #STT transcriptions). And a bunch of data from Android services. From this data they can model speech, model videos and model advertising systems, and how humans respond to them.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Amazon has Prime data, and a bucket load of compute. But no operating system data. They can build models based around e-commerce and advertising systems.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Meta has *waves hands* enough analytics to model human behaviour in the Metaverse.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Microsoft has GitHub.
Microsoft has LinkedIn.
Microsoft has SharePoint.
Microsoft has Teams.
Microsoft has Dynamics.
Microsoft has O365.
Microsoft has Windows telemetry data.

Microsoft can model what people do on (Windows) computers. Like fill out spreadsheets.Write emails. Synthesize web pages of research. Interact with colleagues on Teams. Create and edit documents.

Microsoft wants #MicrosoftRecall data so they can model what people *do* with operating systems.

Then replace them.

Imagine a CoPilot that doesn't just write buggy code. Imagine one that also does spreadsheets. That creates documents on SharePoint. That communicates with colleages on Teams. That has a customer pipeline on Dynamics.

That's what Recall is about - 360 degree surveillance of the worker, to model their functions, make them fungible, replicable - and replaceable.

Holy fucking kill me now.

This is the LAST thing I want.

If my computer did this I would launch it right out the window, go outside, and beat it with a bat.

#tech #privacy #Widows #microsoft

Classic example of trying to shift the Overton window, i.e. to move the unthinkable (dystopian) into the realm of the possible in the public discourse. The main use is not the product itself, but the profits that MS can extract from the shift in the discourse space: us all to be more ready to accept the lesser evil.

#AI #Microsoft #manipulation

A technology that eats endless energy and water is being shipped to millions of computers world wide. That is a scandal.

#microsoft #ai #copilot

Suit #1: "You know those scenes in movies where AI takes over the world in milliseconds?"

Suit #2: "Yeah, So unbelievable, Ai remote code execution on millions of disparate code base PCs at once is impossible"

Suit #1 "Unless..."

#Microsoft #Enshittification #AI on your #PC whether you want it or not.

After pledging to slash its #GreenhouseGas emissions, #Microsoft’s climate pollution has grown by 30 percent as the company prioritizes #AI.

Microsoft’s AI obsession is jeopardizing its climate ambitions - The Verge