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Items tagged with: histodons

#OTD 60 years ago, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with MLK there to celebrate.

The political achievement was also a reminder that money talks:

Economic boycotts in cities like Birmingham and Nashville played a crucial role. During 5 weeks of boycotts, Birmingham businesses had lost millions in sales. Business owners soon mobilized, dragging along politicians, school administrators, law enforcement.

#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #Histodons @histodons

The new year brings great news: 📯

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the #emdiplomacy handbook! 🎉

Neither the pitfalls of the overheated academic system nor a pandemic could stop our wonderful authors and us from completing this project. After four years in the making the #earlymodern #diplomacy #handbook was finally published on New Year’s Eve 2023. What a great way to end the project and the old year!

We are over the moon that this book turned out as huge and pink as we wished it to be. A big thank you to our authors, the members of the editorial board as well as our publisher for their cooperation and commitment.

#histodons #history #NewDiplomaticHistory @histodons @historikerinnen

Swiss #emdiplomacy differed in many ways from #emdiplomacy by European #monarchies. For one, the Swiss Cantons didn’t develop a centralized foreign office and didn’t sent permanent #emdiplomats to foreign courts. Instead, they relied heavily on informal diplomatic actors, such as military officers, merchants and clergymen.
This was much cheaper and helped them avoid ceremonial conflicts that they usually could not win against the great European powers. (3/5)

#emdiplomacy #earlymodern #history #histodons #earlyModernEurope

Finnane & Richards in the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review investigate the evidence of genocide against First Nations on the Queensland frontier 1859-1897. They argue that the impact of colonisation needs to be studied carefully using local sources.

@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @SocArXivBot #history #histodons #glamsdons #colonialism #indigenous #Auspol #Australia