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Items tagged with: Auspol

Senator Bridget McKenzie was on ABC News earlier this afternoon claiming no country runs on 100% renewable energy. There are 7. Albania, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Iceland, Nepal, Paraguay and the Democratic Republic of Congo. #auspol

Congratulations, you've *finally* cottoned on to the entire point of the nuclear push.

It's a purely ideological attempt to slow down or stop the rollout of renewables. It's not about positive belief in nuclear, cheaper electricity, or any of that. #AusPol

Finnane & Richards in the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review investigate the evidence of genocide against First Nations on the Queensland frontier 1859-1897. They argue that the impact of colonisation needs to be studied carefully using local sources.

@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @SocArXivBot #history #histodons #glamsdons #colonialism #indigenous #Auspol #Australia

Oh, yes. And putting up Matt Kean as the new chair of the Climate Change Authority is a stroke of genius. Want to get up Dutton's nose? They will be having a meltdown over this.

Former Liberal NSW treasurer Matt Kean named new chair of Climate Change Authority

#auspol #ClimateChange #StrokeOfGenius