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Items tagged with: China

⬆️ @Npars01 @kmck @w7voa

>> Part of why #China is funding #ElectionInterference for #GOP: (1) #taxCuts (2) #fiscalShortfall funded by sale of #debt to China, #SaudiArabia & #Russia

I've noted China brokering #rapprochement between #Iran & #SaudiArabia to derail peace between #ArabLeague & #Israel, and resulting #AxisOfResistance attacks as a precursor to US Election Interference.

Also noted China's #debtDiplomacy ensnaring poorer nations, but this angle of ensnaring #US in debt is new! Thanks!

Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll finds

Most people in the world’s biggest fossil fuel producing countries want their countries to transition quickly to clean energy to fight the climate crisis,
according to the largest ever climate opinion poll, conducted by the UN.

Many of these states have profited heavily from fossil fuel exploitation,
but the 77-nation poll shows their citizens are deeply concerned about the impacts of global heating on their lives.

In #China and #India, the biggest coal producers, 80% and 76% respectively want a quick green transition.
In the #US, the world’s biggest oil and gas producer, 54% of people want a fast transition,
as do 75% of those in #Saudi #Arabia, the second biggest oil producer.
The poll also found 69% of #Australians want a quick transition away from its large coal and gas sector.