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Items tagged with: Gardening

Staying sane in a world where significant numbers will enthusiastically vote for #genocide, #racism, trickle-down (and therefore povery for the masses) and naked #fascism: I go to my #garden

Spring flowers are going strong but going over now. Thankfully there are more to follow.

Poppies and lupins ending, sweet peas going strong and dahlias just starting.

#Gardening #Bloomscrolling

Lawns were something that wealthy people in the past used to ostentatiously show their wealth.

To maintain a rich green manicured lawn required a lot of resources. It wasn't to grow food for humans or livestock, so showed they were so wealthy they could afford to waste a lot.

Flash forward, and so many of us STILL imitate this, albeit on a small scale. Some will even judge others based on their lawn.

#gardening #nature #peoplearedumb