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Items tagged with: Stephen

William Wolfe served in the Trump administration
both as the deputy assistant secretary of defense
and as director of House affairs at the Department of State.

He is also an alumnus of #Heritage #Action,
a sister organization of the Heritage Foundation,
the arch-conservative think tank behind Project 2025,
whose chief architect, Russell Vought, posted on X that he was “proud to work with @William_E_Wolfe on scoping out a sound Christian Nationalism.”

A few months later, the Bucks County Beacon uncovered a lengthy online manifesto on the goals of Christian nationalists.

The document, which listed Wolfe and Joel Webbon as contributing editors
and Oklahoma Sen. #Dusty #Deevers as a co-author,
called for “civil magistrates” to usher in 💥“the establishment of the Ten Commandments as the foundational law of the nation.”

The manifesto doesn’t specify exactly how Christian nationalists should achieve these goals.

As Tabachnick, the extremism researcher, interprets it, the TheoBros are imagining a utopia where “they are going to be free to be entrepreneurs in all different senses,
including the tech world that they’re mixing with so freely.”

The key, she said, is that authoritarianism “is required to have the utopian vision.”

Last year, the extremism watchdog group Right Wing Watch posted a video of Wolfe quoting a scripture passage.
There are times when “even the God of peace proclaims by his providence, ‘to arms!’” he says.

“If we have ever lived in a point of time in American history since then that we could argue that now is a time ‘to arms’ again, I think we are getting close.”

William Wolfe’s Christian nationalism manifesto made the rounds on social media,
but in mainstream conservative outlets,
it was #Stephen #Wolfe
(no relation to William)
who brought TheoBro ideas to the wider world.

In his book, which was praised by editors at the Federalist and the American Conservative,
Wolfe paints America as a “#gynocracy” whose government and culture have been feminized by unhappy women leaders.
(Sound familiar?)

He has stated on X that women should not have the right to vote, and that “interethnic” marriage can be “sinful.”

#Andrew #Isker #Andrew #Torba #Gab #refugees #Paul #Gottfried #Richard #Spencer #William #Wolfe #Big #Eva #Josh #Abbotoy #Claremont #Institute #Project2025 #Heritage #Foundation #Chris #Buskirk #Rockbridge #Network #Leonard #Leo #Peter #Thiel #Vance #Josh #Clemans #Charles #Haywood #warlord #Nate #Fischer #Brian #Sauvé #Mefferd #Joel #Webbon #dominant #man #submissive #woman #Hawley #Johnson #Lee #Vance #Trump #Turning #Point #USA #Tucker #Carlson #flamethrower #Douglas #Wilson #Calvinism #Vance #hypermasculinity #birthrates #ethnonationalism #misogyny #TheoBros #Calvin #Rushdoony #homeschooling #charismatic #New #Apostolic #Reformation #reformed #TheoBros #apostles #prophets #Bible #postmillennialism #Aaron #Renn #Andrew #Isker #Douglas #Wilson #shared #history #patriarchal #Christian #nationalism #young #pastors #Christian #prince #women #flogging #Franco #multiculturalism #Taylor #Swift