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Items tagged with: WebStandards

I spent the day getting to know

I've tried many feed readers over the years and never managed to form a habit with any of them. Maybe this is the one?

It's been great so far, and because it's a web application it can generate new feeds based on filters and tags and share the feeds as HTML or RSS! Pretty cool!

It's too bad not as many websites have RSS feeds anymore.

#rss #FreeSoftware #WebStandards #agpl3 #SelfHosting

☞ today November 30 is the 17th Blue Beanie Day, an annual international celebration and support of Web standards.

Thanks to all who help develop standards, promote the open web, and thanks to @zeldman for starting it in 2007!

Listen to our Founder, Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, on what part of W3C he's most proud of:

Watch "Web standards for the future" for the reasons for Web standards

#BlueBeanieDay #bbd17 #WebStandards