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Items tagged with: automation

Setting up the release automation for multiple projects is annoying. Here is a tool that helps with that! 🔥

⛰ **cliff-jumper**: Automates package versioning and changelog management using semantic versioning.

🚀 Uses @git_cliff under the hood.

⭐ GitHub:

#release #automation #changelog #semver #semantic #versioning #opensource

New version of @git_cliff is out ☄️ I'm ramping up the development!

⛰️ A highly customizable changelog generator that follows conventional commit specifications.

🦀 Written in Rust!

🚀 Get started:

⭐ Changelog:

#rustlang #changelog #generator #commandline #release #automation

Today I discovered a Rust project optimization tool! 🚀

🦀 **cargo-wizard**: Applies profile and config templates to your Cargo project.

🔥 Tweak for maximum performance, fast compile times or minimal binary size.

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #performance #cargo #automation #wizard