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Items tagged with: commandline

TUIs are everywhere! 🚀

🎸 **twitch-tui**: Twitch chat in the terminal.

💬 Read/send/search messages with customizable functionality.
🔥 Has Vim and Emacs inspired keybindings.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #twitch #chat #terminal #commandline

Some of y'all ask how I find cool terminal tools 🤔

🌐 Here is one of my sources:

🖥️ The $HOME of all things in the terminal.

💖 Also, big shout-out to @terminaltrove for sponsoring me on GitHub!

#terminal #tool #commandline #cli #developertools