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Items tagged with: gunviolence

California to track gun shop credit card sales | AP News


Surgeon General Declares #GunViolence a Public Health Crisis

Dr. Vivek Murthy is calling for a multipronged effort to reduce gun deaths, modeled on campaigns against smoking and traffic fatalities.

You could’ve fooled me!

“Active shooter incidents in the U.S. declined by 4% from 2022 to 2023, according to new statistics released by the FBI on Monday..48..compared to 50 in 2022

Last year also saw the number of those killed decrease from 313 in 2022 to 244 in 2023, according to the report. The shooters were largely male” #GunViolence

"The medical costs incurred by the survivors of the shooting are hitting hard, and they won’t end soon. The average medical spending for someone who is shot increases by nearly $30,000 in the first year, according to a Harvard Medical School study. Another study found that number goes up to $35,000 for children. Ten kids were shot at the parade."

#healthcare #GunViolence #GunSafety #CostsOfCare #insurance #EmergencyMed #hospitals

Another day, another…

“2 dead, 8 wounded in #shooting at Mad Butcher grocery store in #Arkansas

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said a fast response by first responders might have saved lives during the mass shooting in Fordyce.”

🤦🏻‍♀️So would gun laws, #HuckaBS.
