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Items tagged with: malware

NEW: "shocking and depressing"

"...even in this room I am speaking to people who were victims of this system"

#Poland's prosecutor general testifies to 🇵🇱#polish parliament about hacking of 100s with #Pegasus spyware.


#polska #cybersecurity #spyware #malware #infosec #surveillance #EU #Europe

There's a disgraceful ecosystem of public relations & lobbying firms using hackers for hire.

Sometimes they are used to silence critics & advocacy groups.

Like US nonprofits doing climate advocacy.

Our investigation into a group we christened #DarkBasin uncovered a sprawling #India-based hack-for-hire operation.

They enabled US corporations to outsource lawbreaking.
#infosec #cybersecurity #malware #hacking #climatechange #climatecrisis #exxon #phishing

I'd bet my bottom dollar that this "unnamed...PR and lobbying firm" knows exactly who they are...

...and are no doubt experiencing an afternoon of the purest panic.

Using the offshore hack-for-hire ecosystem has been largely consequence-free for the middlemen & the ultimate beneficiaries of stolen information.

The tide may be turning & this latest arrest suggests that more consequences may be inbound.

#hacking #infosec #spyware #malware #cybersecurity #phishing #India

BREAKING: #Israeli private investigator arrested for cyberespionage on behalf of American PR firm.

Caught by UK under #RedNotice from 🇺🇸US while boarding a flight.

BIG TWIST in a wild case that began w/our @citizenlab investigation into indian hack-for-hire group #belltrox

Sound familiar?

Because Amit Forlit is the *second* PI from #Israel arrested in similar way for this case.

First = convicted.

#hacking #cybersecurity #infosec #malware #espionage #intelligence