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Items tagged with: openaccess

Update. New study: Our findings show "a significant association between female authorship and the choice of #OpenAccess publishing, indicating a female preference for open access."…

Update. Missed this one from Nov 2017: The #OpenAccess citation advantage (#OACA) is real and it "benefits male and female political scientists at similar rates. Thus, OA negates the gender citation advantage that typically accrues to male political scientists."…

#PoliticalScience #SSH

Update. From a survey of university faculty in the US: "Males were twice as likely as females to use #AI to recommend journals to which to submit research articles."…

(Unfortunately the full results are not #OpenAccess and not even close. One copy of the PDF costs $98.)

Update. "Between 2015 and 2022, our findings suggests that men [in #Germany, in #economics] tend to seek reputation, while women favor visibility through #OpenAccess, at least at the margin. While authorship in teams can dilute these behavioral patterns, female economists publish more single-authored papers. Overall female researchers appear to contribute more to the public good of open science."…

Summary by one of the co-authors:…

Update. New study: At least in #Germany, in the field of #economics, "men tend to seek reputation, while women favor visibility through #OpenAccess…Overall female researchers appear to contribute more to the public good of #OpenScience, while their male colleagues focus on private reputation. These findings may offer an additional explanatory channel for the academic #gender gap."…

Update. New study: "Our extensive experiments reveal that #OpenAccess high-performance #LLMs can be adeptly reverse-aligned to output harmful content, even in the absence of manually curated malicious datasets. Our research acts as a whistleblower for the community, emphasizing the need to pay more attention to safety of open-accessing LLMs."…