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Items tagged with: vulnerability

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🛡️ A TUI for browsing security vulnerabilities (CVEs)

🚀 Quickly view details of a CVE in your terminal!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

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#rustlang #ratatui #tui #security #cve #vulnerability

@Viss I wish articles like this would include, up front, the indicators of compromise that I can use to test if the servers I manage are affected. It's the first and most important thing I want to know when learning about a vulnerability.

#linux #vulnerability #InfoSec #security #journalism

We've released #PuTTY version 0.81. This is a SECURITY UPDATE, fixing a #vulnerability in ECDSA signing for #SSH.

If you've used a 521-bit ECDSA key (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) with any previous version of PuTTY, consider it compromised! Generate a new key pair, and remove the old public key from authorized_keys files.

Other key types are not affected, even other sizes of ECDSA. In particular, Ed25519 is fine.

This vulnerability has id CVE-2024-31497. Full information is at