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A few days ago - the NYC Dyke March put out a very strong statement saying that in response to proposed mask bans - and in solidarity with the disability community - the march would be fully masked.

I was thrilled to see it as I think these types of statements will help dissuade governments from banning medical masks.

Imagine my surprise when the march happened with a small “masked” section! Everyone else was unmasked.

The great irony here is that kind of segregation is exactly what’s going to happen as more mask ban bills pass. Masking will only be permitted for a very narrow number of “exempt” people while everyone else will go without.

If you’re able to mask up - please do it now. The more people masking the more we can normalize it as a medical tool to protect health!

Very grateful to the people who were masking - but concerned for all those high risk people who showed up expecting a fully masked event.

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #MaskBan #BoycottNC #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #NorthCarolina #NewYork #UglyLaws