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Maskless healthcare workers - would you be willing to tell me WHY you don’t mask?

I’m not looking for “because I don’t have to”. I want to know why you don’t mask mirror for patients and/or CHOOSE to take precautions?

Respectful answers only please. I’m genuinely asking.

I’m working on an article about this and I feel I’ve got a good grasp on the “why” for those who DO mask - but I genuinely don’t understand those who refuse.

You’re in a profession where people pit your lives in their hands - it seems nonsensical to put them at risk. You KNOW you’re dealing with the most vulnerable among us - yet opt not to protect them.

A mask won’t harm you in any way - so what reason is there NOT to do it?

I would appreciate boosts for visibility - and there may not be many maskless HCWs on here so I also invite people to share stories of times their HCW refused to mask for them (and why - if you know).

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans

in reply to Broadwaybabyto

You would be amazed how many people in health care don't believe in basic science. Epidemiology, vaccines, & virology.

Managers who require staff to fruitlessly clean surfaces (cheap), instead of providing air purification/filtration (expensive).

Communication seems to be a common refrain.

People say they can't understand HCW, if they cannot see a health care worker's mouth as they speak.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 yes the communication one I’ve heard a lot - and in some circumstances can understand - but I also think it’s used as an excuse more than it should be. I’ve had people say “I can’t hear you!” In healthcare settings when I’ve been masked. And I KNOW they can hear me.
in reply to Broadwaybabyto

Wonder if it's comprehension & inattention behind the communication gap.

Is a person's mouth a visual focal point that people use to pay attention to what is being said?

It's not hearing or audibility that's the issue, it's maintaining attention long enough for comprehension.

HCW endure working conditions with high levels of distraction, noise, stress, short attention spans, metered & monitored time expenditures, constant interruptions, & expectations of multi-tasking.


Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


The health care industry squeezes HCW's time management relentlessly & disinformation has worsened how HCW & patients are treated.

Since people struggle to pay attention, they blame the mask & mask wearing instead.

More studies are needed.

For example, if masks that were more transparent were available, would this excuse go away?

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 in horror films, zombies are about “brainzz”. Here are the normies about “smilez” and faceism.
in reply to Nicole Parsons

"People say they can't understand HCW, if they cannot see a health care worker's mouth as they speak."

This is true for me. My hearing is not very good, with constant tinnitus and a -65 dB dropout at six to eight kilohertz, which is right in the range of spoken consonants. Because of that I have moderate difficulty understanding normal-speed speech when I cannot augment by lip-reading.

Masked speakers can help by enunciating a bit more clearly and slowly than usual.

in reply to Broadwaybabyto

I think when we wear a mask, we are inadvertently signalling to them that they're committing a societal wrong and personal harm by not (and they are). If they put the mask on they are either admitting to this harm, or quelling a crazy person. If they don't wear one, they are standing up for their denialism, and clearing guilt. They are backing their lie. Because it's that, or become a fill blown still covider and they see the that as too hard and threatening...
in reply to ZorroCOVID

Admitting that covid is dangerous (and it is) and deciding to mask to protect your patient(s) is then signalling to all others in their profession that they should be. That feels threatening. It means knowing your one way masking in high risk setting is risky,especially if you don't have upgraded filtration. It means you're putting your kids/family in danger. It means your spouse might heave you if you tried to get them to mask. It means you've endangered patients in the past.
in reply to ZorroCOVID

It means dealing with all the mask discrimination and questions and sometimes aggression or losing of patients. It means explaining that others should be masking when your profession is not showing this, and now it's your word against the whole system that's taken reign, even though the system's ignorance is against all science, logic, and morality. Every healthcare professional who masks now is my biggest hero for what they endure. But I need that. They need it. It's worth it.
This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to ZorroCOVID

@themaskerscomic great summary. It’s so sad that this is where we are but everything you said makes sense. I too am so grateful to any HCW still masking - because I can only imagine they’re under intense pressure to give it up (and from people who are in the healthcare field and therefore should know better).

I worry if we don’t change course soon we will never be able to. Sunk cost fallacy and all that. The only thing worse than putting people at risk for 4 years? Putting them at risk for 5!

in reply to Broadwaybabyto

For sure! I really believe we need infection control policy updated to make n95s standard precaution, and you can register to make an oral public comment at their next meeting,there's a window to register starting tomorrow for the November meeting, at… and here is where we need to win