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Items tagged with: climate

Hundreds are dying of heat stroke in South Asia as temperatures of up to 50°C continue, but it just isn't major news for most of the world.
#climate #ClimateCollapse #environment

Good Climate News! Advocates celebrated Monday after a Boulder, Colorado judge rejected attempts by ExxonMobil and Suncor Energy subsidiaries to dismiss a landmark lawsuit that seeks damages for the harms the fossil fuel companies have inflicted on the climate and local communities.

We're pleased to offer a teaching guide for Youth v Gov, the documentary about the Juliana v. United States lawsuit, in which 21 young people are similarly suing the US Federal government over climate change. These resources are great classroom tools for putting climate litigation news into context.

Get your free guide from our library:

#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCase #ClimateLitigation #ClimateAction #ExxonMobil #Suncor #Education #ClimateLaw #Environment #FossilFuels #EnvironmentalStudies #Edutooters @edutooters

Biden has really sharply cut oil and gas leasing.

This is important because once a lease is issued, it's treated as a property right to drill and extract, which makes it much harder to fight.

It's by far the most effective leave-it-in-the-ground measure the President has.

#ClimateAction #USPolitics #Climate

Seawater intrusion below glaciers may be reaching a tipping point (or have even passed it) suggesting we could be about to see a significant sea level rise.

Aha, say the sceptics, this is 'may' and 'could'... we want the facts.

The problem is that approach to the climate is what has got us where we are... climate scientists have been warning us for years, and their estimates/fears have been largely borne out, the sceptics claims, not so much!

#climate #sea

Around 50 years ago, our rulers chose to begin a massive project, essentially conducting a unique scientific experiment, one with potentially foreseen but possibly unpredictable outcomes.

They decided to go all out in (1) extracting fuels buried deep in the Earth, energy from the sun stored via photosynthesis and animal metabolism over a span of 500 million years as coal, oil, and gas, and then (2) burning all of this they could find in the brief period of a few decades.

Our rulers were warned by scientists that their project involved serious risk, but they figured the power they could gain and the money they could make was worth any cost. They didn't care about the negative consequences, and/or foolishly believed that future technologies (still a fantasy in the year 2024) would somehow be able to fix whatever problems their actions caused.

And now, guess what — we're seeing signs that this experiment might be out of control. Feedback loops are kicking in, causing "natural" emissions which could trigger cascading effects, breaking down the ecosystem. It also appears that Earth's climate is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than first believed. Yet our rulers *still* continue to recklessly burn fossil fuels, always drilling and fracking for more, hungry for power and compelled by greed.

#History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

This is something I'd like a read on from an actual #climate scientist. Have we really underestimated CO2's global warming potential? Seems unlikely as a characteristic of CO2 by itself, but could be some kind of broader world system interaction. What's going on here: is this one of the mysterious popular articles that appear and fade, or not?

Here's a reminder of where we are now compared to where we need to be.

As mentioned in my previous post (, fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions are at record highs. Yet scientists have repeatedly warned that we *must* rapidly reduce emissions or face climate breakdown and ecosystem collapse.

Look at the second graph below. We should have taken action years ago. By 2030, our emissions need to be 48% lower than in 2019. But instead, they keep going up, year after year. We're already halfway to 2030 and have made zero progress.

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

Holy wow

Meanwhile, the 5th bullet down: "Nearly 2 million people stranded as second wave of devastating floods hits Bangladesh in less than a month"

#climate #heat #hajj #Bangladesh #flood Climate goals could make gas heating obsolete. So why do gas companies keep adding customers? | Building more gas infrastructure is like investing in video rental stores 15 years ago, says expert #Climate

You and I will never again live in a time free from killer heatwaves and other extreme climate emergencies.

It's so disgusting to me that this is where we're at. 😡 But this is where we're at.

Please be careful!!

#Weather #HeatWave #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency

Minnesota highway projects will need to consider climate impacts in planning

The state legislature expanded a 2023 law that will now require all major highway projects to account for and mitigate climate impacts before qualifying for state funding

#Minnesota #USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

How does heat kill? It confuses your brain. It shuts down your organs. It overworks your heart

#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

Rise in gas flaring hurting climate change efforts, World Bank warns

The amount of gas flared worldwide in 2023 rose by nine billion cubic meters to 148 bcm, its highest level since 2019, a World Bank report has said

#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

I still occasionally hear people of my age or older going on and on and on about how they think the summer of 1976 was unusually hot...
#ShowYourStripesDay #climate

Today is #ShowYourStripes day — every year on the summer solstice!

Get your local US stripes here:

And get your international #WarmingStripes here:

#History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis


The CO2 we have in the atmosphere now, even with no more CO2 added, is RAISING temperature, a closed window.

This much CO2 doesn't mean THIS TEMPERATURE, this much CO2 means this % of warming per year.

NO ADDED CO2 means warmer next year, and next year.

We have to REMOVE billions of tons of CO2 before it STOPS WARMING.

Adding More is MADNESS
Screaming into the dark madness.

We must build the non-carbon energy like tanks and ships for war.

Or We Dont Make It.


Under 'historic' settlement, #Hawaii agrees to decarbonize the state's transportation - land, sea, air - by 2045. Young activists forced the agreement.

#climate #news

Climate change is making the massive heat wave hitting the northeast and midwest an estimated 1.5 to 2 times more likely than otherwise, according the #Climate Central's Climate Shift analysis.