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Items tagged with: TRUMP

"One of the things we've learned in the past few days was that Olivia Nuzzi who wrote those very critical pieces about Biden was in fact in a relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. when she wrote them."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#RFKJr #KamalaHarris #Trump

"Kennedy is working hard to be a spoiler for Harris, fighting to keep his name on the ballot where it could harm the vice president’s campaign and to remove it where his appearance might hurt Trump. It’s a remarkably shameless ploy for a man who spent his career as an environmental attorney and is now willing to get in bed with a politician who thinks windmills cause cancer and fossil fuels are the future."

~ Liz Dye

#RFKJr #KamalaHarris #Trump

"Trump has no understanding of the economy.

He was terrible at business — which is why he’s driven so many businesses into the ground. (He’s even driven casinos into the ground. How do you lose money running a casino?)

Given another chance, he’ll drive the American economy into the ground, too."

~ Robert Reich

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"According to an analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics published Thursday, the devastating effects on the economy could last through 2040.

Trump promises to carry out 'mass deportations' if elected president. Doing so could 'cause a large inflationary impulse and a significant loss of employment (particularly in manufacturing and agriculture) in the US economy,' the researchers found."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"According to independent nonprofit nonpartisan researchers, Trump’s policies on tariffs, deportations, and the Federal Reserve would, if put in action, seriously hike inflation, wipe out jobs, and slow U.S. production and economic growth.

In even the most generous modeling, inflation would reach 6 percent by 2026 and consumer prices would balloon 20 percent by 2028."

~ Paige Oamek

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"It costs a lot of money to be one of Donald Trump’s supporters. When they’re not paying his legal bills, they’re being scammed into buying gold sneakers and NFT trading cards. And then there are the silver coins he’s selling. [Act now while supplies last.]"

~ Mary Trump

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy #policy #policies #grift #grifter #ConArtist #Conman

"There’s little evidence Republican voters give a damn about coherent policy details. If they did, they might have chosen Nikki Haley or even Ron DeSantis during the GOP primary instead of an adjudicated rapist and raving kook."

~ Stephen Robinson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy #policy #policies

"On Wednesday, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump promoted their competing visions of the economy under their prospective administrations. Their visions could not be more different."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"I know it seems like a cliche, but this election is about the economy. In every poll, voters list the economy — and high prices in particular — as the issue most important to their vote."

~ Dan Pfeiffer

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"For all of Donald Trump’s talk about how he will save the American economy, his actual plans are set to crush it — perhaps catastrophically."

~ Jill Filipovic

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"On Tuesday, Harris also received the endorsement of more than 400 economists and former policy makers who said the election is “a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future.”

~ Renee Graham

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"Yesterday, more than 400 economists and high-ranking U.S. policymakers endorsed Harris, and today, the members of former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley’s presidential leadership teams in Michigan, Iowa, and Vermont announced they would be supporting Harris, in part because of Trump’s economic policies."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy


"and the state of Texas is going to the Supreme Court to make sure it can continue to deny women abortions in emergency rooms when their pregnancies are in life-threatening distress, Trump has found the issue he wants to stake his campaign on: Kamala Harris’ work history at McDonalds."

#Trump #KamalaHarris #MentalDecline #age #McDonalds

"With 39 days left before the election in November, at a time when the Middle East is blowing up, Russia is drawing a brand new red line threatening to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine,"

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#Trump #KamalaHarris #MentalDecline #age #McDonalds

"Then, in his press conference, Trump bizarrely suggested that he was not at fault for the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The person to blame, he said, was then–House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), whom he also accused of stock fraud. "

#Trump #JackSmith #Jan6 #insurrection #RageMachine

"The filing is sealed and includes previously unseen material, including interview and grand jury transcripts. Trump’s team can respond; its answer is due October 17.

The filing is clearly on Trump’s mind. This morning, he posted on social media that 'Deep State subversives' had ignored his orders to prevent unrest on January 6, 2021."

#Trump #JackSmith #Jan6 #insurrection #RageMachine

"Trump had a number of reasons to melt down today.

Special counsel Jack Smith filed with U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan his detailed report on the evidence he will use to prove that Trump broke the law when he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Trump lawyers tried unsuccessfully to put this filing date off until after the election."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Trump #JackSmith #Jan6 #insurrection #RageMachine


"The real cause of Trump’s fury? Smith is set to submit a court filing detailing his evidence of Trump’s alleged January 6–related crimes, some of which may become public."

Sargent interviews Kyle Cheney, who says it's no accident Trump is exploding now about Smith's findings, since they're likely to contain damning new information about Trump's Jan. 6 involvement we have not yet heard.

#Trump #JackSmith #Jan6 #insurrection #RageMachine

"Donald Trump has been quiet about January 6 lately. But this week, he suddenly unleashed an epic rant on social media about special counsel Jack Smith, raging about false new claims on the right that the 'deep state' deliberately allowed the insurrection to go forward—against Trump’s will."

~ Greg Sargent

#Trump #JackSmith #Jan6 #insurrection #RageMachine

"The danger of the Christian nationalist worldview is that it raises the stakes of political contests exponentially, transposing political opponents into existential enemies. Politics are no longer understood to be disagreements between fellow citizens of goodwill but to be apocalyptic battles over good and evil, fought by agents of God against agents of Satan."

~ Robert P. Jones

#Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #apocalypticism

"Because it is immoral, I believe Christian nationalism is inevitably doomed. But in the meantime, the pain, suffering, and injury it will inflict will be enormous—just consider women facing difficult pregnancies, trans children seeking care, librarians attacked for certain books."

#Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #apocalypticism

"To claim that one political figure uniquely represents God’s will for the body politic is a form of anti-Christian idolatry. To elevate one set of spiritual beliefs above another and do it by force of law removes a nonnegotiable tenet of evangelical faith—free will. We are born again when we choose to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, not when we’re forced to do so."

~Rob Schenck

#Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #apocalypticism

"f you assume all evangelical Christians are motivated by the thought of a coming Rapture today, you may have missed the new end-of-days mood that has taken hold within American evangelicalism. For many Christians on the right, the end times are no longer a source of dread and anxiety so much as an expected and even welcome opportunity for God’s soldiers to conquer the earth."

~Matthew D. Taylor

#Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #apocalypticism

"For Americans unfamiliar with the evangelical world, it can be hard to grasp how rapidly this right-wing movement is changing Christianity in the U.S. and turning politics, in many Christians’ minds, into a zero-sum war between the forces of evil and the armies of God."

~ Molly Olmstead

#Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #apocalypticism #ChurchandState

"In his decade as the leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump has been steadily reshaping the Southern Strategy into something different than it was. It’s still about fear and resentment, but the relative importance of anti-Black resentment and anti-immigrant resentment has flipped. And there’s good reason to believe the new strategy will endure well after Trump departs."

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Springfield #SouthernStrategy #PoliticsofHate #racism

“'The whole secret to politics,' Nixon aide Kevin Phillips, the architect of the 'Southern Strategy,' told author Gary Wills in 1968, is 'who hates who.' But hatred is not merely organic; while it arises on its own, it can also be cultivated and directed."

~ Paul Waldman

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Springfield #SouthernStrategy #PoliticsofHate #racism

"Dig deeper into the $100,000 Trump Watches and who might buy it:

-You can buy w bitcoin (untraceable)

-Foreigners and foreign entities can buy.

-Photos on site are not the actual watch but 'illustrations' of what it might look like per disclaimer.

-No guarantee when, or if, watch will arrive and Trump not liable for shipping timing per disclaimer."

~ Ben Meiselas as quoted by Kamala Rocks!

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA


"Former President Donald Trump pushed $100,000 watches on the same day his wife Melania Trump told Fox News people are struggling to afford basic necessities."

~ Zachary Leeman

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

Jonathan V. Last looks into the materials and parts used to make the $499 watch and the $100,000 one, and finds the former has parts worth about $60, the latter parts worth about $20,000 and possibly much less. A scam….

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

"There are much, much worse things about Donald Trump than his shameless hucksterism, but leveraging the presidency in this way is truly grotesque. Despite the fact that we’ve learned to expect nothing, it’s still shocking that corporate media considers that this ugly aspect of a presidential candidate is something we all should ignore—or accept."

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

"In a slimy video that would be stunning in its ridiculousness coming from any other presidential candidate, Donald tells us the $100,000 watch is made with almost 200 grams of gold and 'more than 100 real diamonds. That’s a lot of diamonds. I love gold. I love diamonds. We all do.'


#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

"Donald long ago learned that there’s no risk in selling his name—he gets paid up front, does a sales pitch, and cashes his check.

The new watches sell for anywhere from $499 to $100,000 (not a typo)."

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

"Sometimes the grift comes in the form of asking for campaign contributions that go to fund his legal expenses and not his campaign. Sometimes he hawks cheap products somebody pays him to slap his name on. In the last year alone we’ve gotten gold sneakers, non-fungible trading cards, bibles, and, most recently, watches."

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

Mary Trump writes about her uncle:

"Donald is not a builder—he has, in fact, created very few things in his life, unless you count the smoke and mirrors. Since he’s been unemployed over three years, he’s spent the bulk of his time playing and cheating at golf; but he’s also spent a considerable amount on his lucrative side-hustle: grifting his followers."

#Trump #grift #grifter #ConArtist #MAGA

Now that journalist Ken Klippenstein has published the Trump campaign dossier on JD Vance linked by, ostensibly, pro-Irian hackers, Craig Calcaterra remarks that tthe dossier serves “as a 271-page reminder of just how thoroughly Vance has traded in his principles for power. Just page after page documenting how utterly phony that guy is.”

~ David Badash

#Trump #JDVance…

"On Thursday, American Muckrakers posted about emails it received detailing how the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports, which claims to be nonpartisan, shared polling results with Trump advisers and campaign officials like Dan Scavino, Susie Wiles, and John McLaughlin."

~ Hafiz Rashid

#Rasmussen #Trump #Republicans #media #AmericanMuckrakers #polls

"The gender gap between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump could not be more vivid. In a new NBC poll, Harris is winning among women 58 percent to 37 percent, while Trump is leading Harris among men 52 percent to 40 percent."

~ Steven Beschloss

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

"As it is, the two are clashing in an election marked by a gulf so wide, the phrase 'gender gap' doesn’t do it justice. In ways that go deeper than mere politics, and with implications for the world beyond the US, the presidential election is increasingly looking like a war between men and women."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

"I hesitate to give JD Vance any ideas, but if American women were denied the vote, Donald Trump would be restored to the White House in a landslide. Similarly, if men were removed from the franchise, Kamala Harris would be swept into the Oval Office in an even bigger earthquake."

~ Jonathan Freedland

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

“'They’re eating the cats,' will go down in history as one of the most unhinged things to ever be said during a US presidential debate. Now Trump’s immortal line is being sampled in a viral parody song by the Kiffness. And all the earnings are reportedly going to help pets and stray cats and dogs in Springfield. All of which sounds very much like a Simpsons episode."

~ Arwa Mahdawi

#Trump #Springfield #cats…