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Items tagged with: AmyConeyBarrett

#JackSmith might also decide to revise the charges against #Trump to move the case forward — a possibility that #SCOTUS Justice #AmyConeyBarrett raised during oral argument.

If the court rules that Trump cannot be prosecuted for official conduct as president but his private conduct is fair game, Barrett asked, “Is another option for the special counsel to just proceed based on the private conduct & drop the official conduct?”


Next up, an #immigration case: Department of #State v. Munoz. Justice #AmyConeyBarrett has the opinion, & the three liberals — Justices Sonia #Sotomayor, Elena #Kagan & #KetanjiBrownJackson — #dissented. Now on to the second box of opinions.

First up, a #WaterRights case, #Texas v #NewMexico & #Colorado. Justice #KetanjiBrownJackson has the opinion. There’s a divided ruling with Justices #ClarenceThomas, Samuel A. #Alito Jr. & #AmyConeyBarrett joining a #dissent by Justice Neil M. #Gorsuch.

#SCOTUS #law