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Items tagged with: KetanjiBrownJackson

The third case decision announced this morning is also NOT one of the high-profile cases that we have been closely tracking. It involves the federal #criminal #sentencing statute — #Erlinger v. U.S.

Justice Neil M. #Gorsuch has the opinion. An interesting combination in #dissent: Justices Brett M. #Kavanaugh, Samuel A. #Alito Jr. & #KetanjiBrownJackson.

#SCOTUS #law

Next up, an #immigration case: Department of #State v. Munoz. Justice #AmyConeyBarrett has the opinion, & the three liberals — Justices Sonia #Sotomayor, Elena #Kagan & #KetanjiBrownJackson — #dissented. Now on to the second box of opinions.

First up, a #WaterRights case, #Texas v #NewMexico & #Colorado. Justice #KetanjiBrownJackson has the opinion. There’s a divided ruling with Justices #ClarenceThomas, Samuel A. #Alito Jr. & #AmyConeyBarrett joining a #dissent by Justice Neil M. #Gorsuch.

#SCOTUS #law