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Items tagged with: EDL

"BrewDog has a history of treating their workers with contempt, but to sack a worker of colour for objecting to members of a fascist organisation meeting in their workplace is a new low for this company"
Bryan Simpson, Lead Organiser at Unite Hospitality.

#BoycottBrewdog #Racism #Fascism #EDL

Asian BrewDog Worker Sacked After Raising Concerns About EDL Presence

#FarRight #Immigration #Migration #GE2024 #UKPolitics


Far Right thug & leader of the anti-foreigner #EDL, Tommy Robinson arrested at an extremist event in #Canada on suspected immigration offences!

Plain-clothes police detained him under an outstanding immigration warrant.

The Far Right activist was due to speak at several other events in Canada. He's been ordered to stay in the country & hand in his passport.

Oh dear... Oh well 🤷🏾‍♂️
