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Items tagged with: ge2024

Our open letter to #GE2024 candidates from 37 civil society groups calls for the use of humanising and respectful language about migrants and refugees.

Words shape our collective future. It must be one where everyone is valued and afforded dignity.

Read the open letter ➑️

#GeneralElection2024 #GeneralElection #migrants #refugees #ukpolitics

#FarRight #Immigration #Migration #GE2024 #UKPolitics


Far Right thug & leader of the anti-foreigner #EDL, Tommy Robinson arrested at an extremist event in #Canada on suspected immigration offences!

Plain-clothes police detained him under an outstanding immigration warrant.

The Far Right activist was due to speak at several other events in Canada. He's been ordered to stay in the country & hand in his passport.

Oh dear... Oh well πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

