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Items tagged with: OpenSource

Tips to prevent maintainer burnout from the beautiful soup maintainer. A single maintainer managing a package will millions of users

*ask users to contribute issues before a pr
* practice defensive programming. Use warnings to point to common user mistakes

#pyconus #python #opensource

This is great but can we please also have Fedora (& Ubuntu, etc.) acknowledge they started shipping operating systems without a functional screen reader when they switched to Wayland and that that’s still the case?

This is not to name and shame. Unless we acknowledge this as an error on par with shipping without monitor support and unless the culture is altered to make accessibility a showstopper, it’ll happen again.

#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource

Winamp has announced that on 24 September 2024, the application's source code will be open to developers worldwide.


Setting up the release automation for multiple projects is annoying. Here is a tool that helps with that! 🔥

⛰ **cliff-jumper**: Automates package versioning and changelog management using semantic versioning.

🚀 Uses @git_cliff under the hood.

⭐ GitHub:

#release #automation #changelog #semver #semantic #versioning #opensource

BTW I'm sharing exclusive life updates in my GitHub Sponsors newsletter 🤗

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🗞 This week's Changelog News!

💡 Daniel Hooper's list of good ideas in CS
⚰️ @geerlingguy: corporate open source is dead
🗑️ @thoughtbot: WIP is waste
😱 @LWN on the @nixos_org leadership crisis
🔬 @jhawthorn: Ruby might be faster than you think
🎙 hosted by @jerod


#opensource #software #news #podcast

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (74%, 221 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (17%, 52 votes)
  • macOS (18%, 55 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (24%, 74 votes)
298 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

It's so rare to see the difference between #FreeSoftware and #OpenSource explained in "mainstream" technical media.

Thanks for bringing attention to that.

As free money dries up and profits slow, companies slash headcount almost as fast as #opensource community trust.

My thoughts on IBM's HashiCorp buyout:

IBM to buy HashiCorp for 6.4b — should I post a hot take on the state of corporate #opensource tomorrow?

We have 4 new open calls for funding for projects that contribute to an open, trustworthy, human-centered internet. Projects must be free and open source and papers published as open access.

NGI0 Core: Internet architecture and digital commons
NGI0 Commons Fund: Reclaim the public nature of the internet
NGI TALER: Privacy-preserving digital payments
NGI MobiFree: More ethical and human mobile software

Deadline is June 1, 12.00 (noon) CEST
#NGI0 #opensource

Every version of the PuTTY tools from 0.68 to 0.80 inclusive has a critical vulnerability in the code that generates signatures from ECDSA private keys. Tthe effect of the vulnerability is to compromise the private key #infosec #security #ssh #opensource #linux #unix #windows