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Items tagged with: linux

POLL: what self-hosted how-to video should I do first, Nextcloud or Jellyfin? Boosts appreciated.

(Note: I am not looking for suggestions beyond these two options, nor am I seeking technical advice)

#selfhosted #linux

  • Nextcloud (47%, 80 votes)
  • Jellyfin (52%, 89 votes)
169 voters. Poll end: in 4 days

Wanna record your screen on Linux? No problem!

🎥 blue-recorder: A simple desktop recorder.

🚀 Supports many formats including mp4, avi & gif!

🦀 Written in Rust!

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #linux #screen #desktop #recorder #mp4 #gif #record

Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.

This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.

If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.

NVIDIA transitions fully towards open-source GPU Linux kernel modules

It's a bit of a Linux news day today - it happens - but this one is good news we can all be happy about. After earning a bad reputation for mishandling its Linux graphics drivers for years, almost decades, NVIDIA has been turning the ship around these past two years, and today they made a major annou
