Items tagged with: Regulation
How UnitedHealth’s Playbook for Limiting #MentalHealth Coverage Puts Countless Americans’ Treatment at Risk
United used an #algorithm system to identify #patients who it determined were getting too much #therapy and then limited coverage. It was deemed illegal in three states, but similar practices persist due to a patchwork of #regulation.
#News #Healthcare #Health #Insurance #UnitedHealth #Medicaid #Government
Inside UnitedHealth’s Playbook for Limiting Mental Health Coverage
United’s practices were deemed illegal in three states. But that hasn’t stopped the company from policing mental health care with arbitrary thresholds and cost-driven targets.ProPublica
State Regulators Know #Health #Insurance Directories Are Full of Wrong Information. They’re Doing Little to Fix It.
Health insurance experts said that, unless agencies can crack down and issue bigger fines, insurers will keep selling error-ridden plans.
#News #Healthcare #Accountability #Regulation #MentalHealth #NewYork #Arizona #Massachusetts #California
Why Health Insurance Regulators Have Failed to Curb Ghost Networks
State agencies say they’re holding insurers accountable for errors in provider directories. But ProPublica found that the actual actions taken so far do not match the regulators’ rhetoric.ProPublica