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Items tagged with: UN

#Netanyahu also stressed the need to achieve a peace agreement w/ #SaudiArabia, citing the experience of the #AbrahamAccords.

“I say to you, what blessing such a peace w/ Saudi Arabia would bring – it would be a boon to the #security & #economy of our 2 countries, it would boost trade & tourism across the region, it would help transform the #MiddleEast into a global juggernaut,” he said.

#Israel #UNGA #UN #geopolitics #war #Gaza #Palestinians #HumanitarianCrisis

Benjamin #Netanyahu, prime minister of #Israel, is speaking at the #UNGA.

He says that he didn’t intend to come this year, but after he heard the “lies & slander” levelled at Israel he decided to come & “set the record straight.”

“Israel seeks peace, Israel yearns for peace,” he said, adding that Israel must defend itself against “savage murderers.”

Netanyahu speaks of the “curse” of October 7 & the atrocities committed that day.

#UN #geopolitics #war #Gaza #Palestinians #HumanitarianCrisis

#Netanyahu insisted that #Israel doesn’t want to see a single innocent person die.

“No army has done what Israel is doing to minimize civilian casualties: we drop fliers, we send text messages, we make phone calls by the millions to ensure that #Palestinian #civilians get out of harm’s way,” he said.

Netanyahu spent a large portion of his speech criticizing the #UN, angrily accusing the members of hypocrisy & #antisemitism.

#UNGA #geopolitics #war #Gaza #Palestinians #HumanitarianCrisis

"At the UN Security Council, I emphasized that there is only one #UN Charter that applies to every part of the world. It is not divided by regions or blocs. We don’t have separate rules for any country. The UN Charter unites us all—and it must be upheld equally by everyone."

-Volodymyr #Zelenskyy, President of #Ukraine

Omar Barghouti, the founder of the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement writes about how the historic UN vote for sanctions on Israel could change reality for Palestinians.

"As Craig Mokhiber, a former senior UN human rights official, puts it, the international court of justice (ICJ) ruling makes BDS “not only a moral imperative and constitutional and human right, but also an international legal obligation”.

#BDS #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #UN #Sanctions

#Finland's President Alexander #Stubb has called for expansion of the #UN Security Council, abolition of its single state veto power, and suspension of any member engaging in an "illegal war" such as #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine.