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Items tagged with: http

It seems like #tiktok uses #HTTP to distribute its videos. What type of heavy lift might it be to create a #fediverse alternative in the wake of the #tiktokban? Asking for my friends. Please RT.

No more Postman! This TUI API client goes crazy 🔥

📡 **atac**: A simple API client in your terminal.

🚀 Supports importing collections from Postman.
🔓 Free, account-less, and offline.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #tui #ratatui #http #client #api #postman #terminal

Today I found a TUI frontend for curl! 🔥

🌀**cute**: TUI HTTP client with API/auth key management and request history/storage.

🌐 Supports importing Postman collections!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #curl #http #request #api #auth