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Items tagged with: tui

This TUI is all I needed. 👌

⚙️ **systemctl-tui**: A fast and simple TUI for interacting with systemd services and their logs.

🔥 Quickly browse service status and logs, & start/stop/restart services.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ratatui #systemd #systemctl #service #terminal

TUIs for everything! 🔥

📌 **rust-kanban**: A kanban board for the terminal.

🚀 Boost productivity by prioritizing tasks!
🎨 Supports multiple themes!
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #kanban #board #terminal #productivity

This is how we throw a party in the terminal! 🎉

🎊 **confetty**: Particle system (fireworks, stars) rendered in the TTY.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #confetti #render #terminal #stars

I love this Rusty system tool! ⚙️🔥

🕵️‍♂️ **tracexec**: A small utility for tracing execve{,at}

🔍 Figure out what and how programs get executed.

🦀 Written in Rust & have a TUI built using @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ratatui #system #calls #monitoring

I'm much more productive ever since I started using this TUI! 🔥

📓 **tui-journal**: Your journal app if you live in a terminal.

🌱 Don't forget your ideas, take notes!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ratatui #journal #notes #todo #terminal

Finally figured out an issue I noticed at least a couple weeks ago! I'm using @ratatui_rs, but I don't think it's specific to it.

If you have a TUI that uses the alternate screen (as I think you probably should), and that TUI has an option to open another terminal program (like a file editor): first leave the alt screen, do whatever with the external program, then enter the alt screen again & force a redraw.

#RustLang #TUI


I am on Rustacean Station Podcast this week!

🦀 We talked about @ratatui_rs — a Rust library for building TUIs.

➡️ Listen here:

✨ Learn about rebranding from tui-rs, development progress, future plans, & more!

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #podcast

Today I found a TUI for downloading torrents! 🚀

🍃 **vincenzo**: A BitTorrent client in the terminal.

🔥 Supports vim-like keybindings.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ratatui #torrent #bittorrent #client #terminal

You can run TUIs in the browser with Rust! 🦀

🐭 **ratframe** : egui widget + @ratatui_rs backend.

🔥 Ratatui integrates with egui, enabling compilation to WASM!

🚀 Demo:

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #egui #wasm #browser #web

Arch users... it's finally here! 🔥

📦 **parui**: Simple TUI frontend for paru or yay.

🚀 Manage Arch Linux packages via TUI!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #rust #ratatui #tui #packaging #archlinux #arch #linux #terminal

Today I found a tool to debug Rust programs! 🔥

🥷 **BugStalker**: Modern Rust debugger for Linux x86-64.

🚀 Supports breakpoints, steps & signals.

🦀 Has a TUI built with tui-realm & @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #debugger #debug #x86_64 #terminal #binary

TUIs are everywhere! 🚀

🎸 **twitch-tui**: Twitch chat in the terminal.

💬 Read/send/search messages with customizable functionality.
🔥 Has Vim and Emacs inspired keybindings.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #twitch #chat #terminal #commandline

Do you type fast? Check out this TUI! 🔥

🏁 **ttyper**: Terminal-based typing test.

🚀 Supports different languages - you can test with Rust keywords!
🎨 Supports configuration and custom styles.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #typing #test #terminal

Do you like playing chess? Do you use terminal a lot?
Your wish is about to come true 🪄

♜ **chess-tui**: Play chess in your terminal.

🔥 Supports playing against a chess engine.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #chess #terminal #game

Transferring files in the terminal is a pain 😫
Well, not anymore! 💪

🌀 **termscp**: A feature rich TUI for file transfer and explorer.

🔥 Supports SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3/SMB
🚀 Works on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and MacOS!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs
⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #terminal #file #transfer #scp #sftp #ftp #smb #explorer

No more Postman! This TUI API client goes crazy 🔥

📡 **atac**: A simple API client in your terminal.

🚀 Supports importing collections from Postman.
🔓 Free, account-less, and offline.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #tui #ratatui #http #client #api #postman #terminal

I'm excited to announce the new version of **Ratatui**! 🐁

🦀 A Rust library that's all about cooking up terminal user interfaces (@ratatui_rs)

✨ Release highlights:

📢 I'm giving a lightning talk on Ratatui at **Rust for Lunch** tomorrow! (

🧀 GitHub:

#rustlang #tui #library #terminal

Want to add Vim key bindings to your Rust application? 🤔
Say less.

🦀 **modalkit**: A Rust library for building modal editing applications.

🚀 Can be used with TUIs (via @ratatui_rs) or shell-like applications.

⭐ GitHub: by @ulyssa

#rustlang #library #vim #editor #tui #shell #ratatui

Today I found a TUI frontend for curl! 🔥

🌀**cute**: TUI HTTP client with API/auth key management and request history/storage.

🌐 Supports importing Postman collections!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #curl #http #request #api #auth