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Items tagged with: nanowrimo

Oh boi, do I have thoughts about #nanowrimo. Disclosure; I have written millions of words (most of them technical), I have done #NaNoWriMo a few times, and I have been writing about #AI since the early 90s.

#LLMs are NOT AI. LLMs are vacuums which sort existing data into sets. They do not create anything. Everything they output depends on stolen data. There is no honest LLM.

This year, Nano is sponsored by an LLM company, and after pushback, they said anyone suggesting AI shouldn't be used was "ableist and "classist"....which....whooweee , that's a mighty bold stance.

LLMs are being sued to hell by authors for slurping up all their content. The reason you can "engineer a prompt" by including "in the style of RR Martin" is because the LLM has digested ALL of RRMartin.

Re: "ableism", I'm going to direct you to Lina², who writes about the issue better than I could. And I want to thank @LinuxAndYarn for coming up with my fave new Nano tag: #NahNoHellNo.

Well, #NaNoWriMo is ruined now. Because WTF is this nonsense?

STOP MINIMIZING AND INFANTALIZING THE DISABLED. In case you didn't know it, NaNoWriMo, we kind of hate that.


P.S. On the classism, that is unhinged in its detachment. For real, have they never met poor and working class writers and artists? We're MORE likely to work together.

#Writing #Writers #Disabled #Disability #Prejudice #Ableism #AI #Propaganda