Items tagged with: webapp
📊 Visprex
by Martin Donath
A lightweight data visualisation tool that helps you speed up your statistical modelling and analytics workflows.
#datavis #dataviz #webapp #webtool #opensource
What do you call Ratatui running in a browser?
🐭 **webatui**: Make TUI-themed WASM web apps!
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs &
➡️ Watch it in action:…
⭐ GitHub:
#rustlang #ratatui #tui #web #yew #frontend #wasm #webapp #terminal
GitHub - TylerBloom/webatui: An integration between the Yew and Ratatui crates for making TUI-themed WASM webapps
An integration between the Yew and Ratatui crates for making TUI-themed WASM webapps - TylerBloom/webatuiGitHub