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"CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski had tracked down a bunch of old online profiles of Robinson—most notably, an account he’d frequently used to comment on a porn site, Nude Africa, in the early 2010s. Those posts included some of the most insane ranting you’ll ever see:"

~ Andrew Egger

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As Andrew Egger reminds us,

"Donald Trump is a close Robinson ally: He endorsed Robinson during the primary, calling him 'Martin Luther King on steroids.'”


" In pledging to plow through, in suggesting it may all be AI, in choosing to run in the first place—knowing this stuff was all out there—Robinson has offered a nasty appraisal of the voters whose support he is seeking."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"He thinks he can fashion his history of disturbing, angry behavior into a story in which he is the victim—and that the voters will buy it. He sees those voters as morally malleable dupes, who will cross any serious ethical line in the service of politics.

It makes sense for him to make this calculation. After all, it has never not paid off for Trump."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As Doktor Zoom says at Wonkette, yesterday's news cycle brought "just a ridiculous amount of news…. and all of it kind of weird!"

There was the Mark Robinson story (see /1 - /5 above).

There was the news that Olivia Nuzzi of New York Magazine has been put on leave for a previously undisclosed relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as she wrote about him as a political candidate.

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #RFKJr

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

There was Trump blaming Jewish voters if he loses to Kamala Harris — his tired old antisemitic trope never quite identified as such by journalists.

There was more shocking dirt — allegations seemingly substantiated — about Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz's sexual encounters with minors at drug-flooded parties.

And there was Oprah Winfrey's interview with Kamala Harris.

#MarkRobinson #Trump #antisemitism #KamalaHarris #OprahWinfrey #MattGaetz

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

On Oprah Winfrey's interview with Kamala Harris mentioned in /7:

Robert B. Hubbell encourages folks to watch the entire thing and provides a link for this. He cites Oprah's endorsement of Kamala Harris:

"As my friend and mentor Maya Angelou always said, ‘When you know better, you got to do better.’ So, let's do better and vote for Kamala Harris."

#KamalaHarris #OprahWinfrey

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"In another era, [Mark Robinson's] candidacy wouldn’t have survived his almost beyond-belief scandals. But he’s staying in the race. So in North Carolina, it’s perfectly proper to talk about the Trump-Robinson Republican ticket. It’s perfectly proper to run ads of Trump praising Robinson and Robinson praising Trump. It’s perfectly proper to make the election not just a referendum on Trump personally but on Trumpists.

~ William Kristol

#MarkRobinson #Trump

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"A few days ago I wrote a piece on The Left Hook arguing we need to use 'Nazi' to describe where MAGA is headed. I brought out all the receipts. For a party and movement that is so hostile and allergic to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, I am curious to see if they are willing to expand the tent and continue supporting Mark Robinson, a man who referred to himself as a 'Black Nazi.'”

~ Wajahat Ali

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Commentators are now speculating about a "reverse coattails" effect for Trump in North Carolina: as Mark Robinson goes down, he may take Trump with him. These commentators include Carter Wrenn, cited by Marc A. Caputo and Sam Stein, and Larry Sabato, cited by David Badash.……

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As Heather Cox Richardson notes, "That this scandal dropped on the last possible day Robinson could drop out of the race suggests it was pushed by Republicans themselves because they recognize that Robinson is dragging Trump and other Republican candidates down in North Carolina. But here’s the thing: Republican voters knew who Robinson was, and they chose him anyway."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis


in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Richardson also notes that the Mark Robinson story distracts from another major news story yesterday: the continued stellar performance of the US economy under President Biden. She says,

"Bringing the U.S. economy out of the pandemic more successfully than any other major economically developed country meant clear goals and principles, and careful, informed adjustments."

#Biden #economy #MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Rarely, if ever, has a presidential campaign collapsed from seeming assurance into utter chaos as Trump-Vance has. The campaign seems to have stumbled into a strange unintended message: 'Let’s go to war with Taylor Swift to stop Haitians from eating dogs.'”

~ David Frum

#Trump #JDVance #TaylorSwift #immigrants #Haitians #lies

Gift link below is from Jim Swift at the Bulwark. If it doesn't work here, I suggest clicking the link at Swift's Substack blog.…

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Vance’s whole political career has been about imitating Trump. Whether it’s in being a quisling for Putin or finding racist lies to divide people, Vance is determined to be the Web3 Trump, even more vicious yet less sloppy.

That’s all Peter Thiel wants.

Someone who will end democracy, and insist that’s what sweet ole Mamaw would want."

~ Jason Sattler

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #lies #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"GOP politicians are currently running from Robinson like he is radioactive, with many scrubbing their social media posts of any evidence they were ever seen together. But the Harris campaign was quick with receipts. After all, Trump publicly sang Robinson’s praises not long ago.

Hard to run away from Robinson when he was a featured speaker at the RNC."

~ Jay Kuo

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"By every account, the CNN story can’t quite capture how sordid the Robinson posts it uncovered actually are. Calling himself a 'Black Nazi' is just a sampling. The well from which CNN drew makes NSFW look like a Disney movie.

It was almost comical when additional reporting chimed in that Robinson’s email was in the leak-and-dump Ashley Madison episode from a few years ago."

~ David Kurtz


#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Robyn Pennacchia comments sarcastically on the Olivia Nuzzi-RFKJr. story:

"Just to be completely open and honest and transparent here — in case you were wondering, absolutely no one at Wonkette has ever communicated sexually, romantically, or otherwise with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., unless you count the many PR emails I have received from his anti-vaccine Children’s Health Defense group over the years, which I do not."

#RFKJr #OliviaNuzzi #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Emily Tamkin notes that Mark Robinson "has always been antisemitic — so why are Republicans only panicking about him now?" She says,

"While Robinson’s comments reported in the piece are horrific, and should by any measure be considered disqualifying, they’re also par for the course for him. His antisemitism, in particular, has been well-reported; it is not news that the man is a bigot."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #antisemitism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"So those watching Republicans push him to drop out now should ask: Are they doing so out of a desire to fight antisemitism and hatred, or because their candidate is polling poorly? ...

If Republicans were ahead in the polls, would they care about Robinson’s shocking bigotry — toward Jews, or anyone else?"

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #antisemitism