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in reply to Laffy

I take extra pleasure that, his whining notwithstanding, it's self-inflicted.

He's taken every opportunity to delay proceedings, so the fact that the information's come out now is his own fault.

If he'd not fought every step of the way, he could be watching the election circus from the comfort of his own cell and not have to worry about any of it.

in reply to Laffy

2/ FFS, people, can't you be appreciative of ANY good news? Some of you insist on raining on this: "Yeah, but no trial."

We know that already. That's not news.

This is.

And it's well-timed, monopolizing the headlines, reinvigorating the "Trump's a traitorous criminal" evidence, disrupting his campaign, causing him to blather all over Truth Social like the caged animal he is, and it may ... MAY... swing a voter or two.

Okay? Kthxbye.

in reply to Laffy

I think what it's most likely to do is depress Republican turn out.

I don't think it'll depress it a lot, but it could be enough to take it from nail biter to a laugher.

It's a very bfd.

I don't see how a trial would be bigger. This is huge.

Will it make a difference? I'm not sure. But if it doesn't nothing would.

in reply to Philip Cardella

@philip_cardella Exactly. It’s “here’s the evidence we are going to present at trial. Now everyone can see the prosecution’s case before the election, and we’re pretty sure the defense isn’t going to reveal their evidence and strategy before 5 Nov.”
in reply to Philip Cardella

Republican billionaires are shifting their funding from the black hole that is Trump's campaign financing, to a strategy of an all out assault on the Senate.…

America loses if any of the 3 branches of federal government fall into GOP control.

Senate, House, Oval Office & the State Houses, are all critically important to keep in the hands of pro-democracy candidates.

John Tester…

Sherrod Brown…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

No, I get the cynicism everyone is expressing. He really hasn't ever been held accountable for his behavior in the past 50 years. For a lot of us, we won't find relief until he is completely gone. Some narcissists will never see how their behavior hurts others. They enjoy inflicting the pain.
in reply to Alexander Portnoy 🌊 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@5klp471 Then you've missed my point entirely. Maybe read it again?…

2/ FFS, people, can't you be appreciative of ANY good news? Some of you insist on raining on this: "Yeah, but no trial."

We know that already. That's not news.

This is.

And it's well-timed, monopolizing the headlines, reinvigorating the "Trump's a traitorous criminal" evidence, disrupting his campaign, causing him to blather all over Truth Social like the caged animal he is, and it may ... MAY... swing a voter or two.

Okay? Kthxbye.

in reply to Alexander Portnoy 🌊 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@5klp471 Oh, I understand it, but not sure why anyone would be cynical about how well timed and effective this is and will be.

Again, as I said, this isn't about the trial. It's about the condemnation in excruciating detail.

That has zero to do with "He never gets punished!"

THIS... is punishment. Not the ultimate punishment, but it's killing him. He HATES this.

People are missing the point.

in reply to Laffy


this IS his punishment, having everything to do with fact that many of those who weren't paying attention, are now riveted to their sets, taking in every word. Via all their attempts @ delay, the Trump campaign have suffered a self-inflicted wound, having convinced themselves none of this would have come up before the election. They effed up on their timing. And now the whole sordid affair will be painstakingly laid out in front of the entire world for everyone to digest
