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Items tagged with: uspol

Coinbase's "Stand With Crypto" PAC website is now confirming what I reported earlier.

More than 99% of the amount they claimed was raised by this supposedly "grassroots" PAC is in fact massive corporate contributions to the FairShake super PAC.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #CryptoLobby #FairShake #Coinbase #uspol #USpolitics

Feeling pretty depressed about today's Supreme Court decision granting Trump partial immunity. And feeling scared for what's to come. This is really bad, no other way to put it.

#Trump #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #immunity #politics #USpol

BREAKING: In 6-3 decision, U.S. Supreme Court rules that a plot to overthrow the government is OK as long as it's printed on White House letterhead.

More news any moment. #SCOTUS #USpol

Checking the news during lunch was a bit of a surprise today. I guess the president now really can shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not have anything to worry about. You know, when I was in college in the 1980s studying American history it never occurred to me I'd actually live to see the disintegration of American democracy. Good times. #USPol

‘Hello from my Black job’: Dems strike back after Trump debate remark

Democratic politicians took to social media Friday to poke fun at and criticize former president Donald Trump’s remark during the debate that immigrants coming into the United States illegally are “taking Black jobs.”

#GiftLink =

The TikTok is pretty funny

#USPol #BlackJobs #Debate #Biden #Trump #GiftArticle

I don’t understand the conservative impulse to just grind the poor down to dust.

People have limits and our country is awash with guns. The elite _should_ be scared of a population with nothing to lose.


Trump's fact-free claims endure absolutely no fact-checking from these moderators.

Abysmal moderation.

#USpol #USpolitics #Debate #BidenTrumpDebate #Debate2024

I can’t stand the sound of Trumps voice and my mind was made up in 2016 that he should never be near power. So I’m not watching the debates. But I’m really happy with what I’m reading on here about our current president’s performance. Great shit.

I’m also terrified about what the fascists are going to do to the environment, my friends, my wife, and my family when they win.

Fuck everyone who downplayed 1/6. These fascists should have been drummed out of society after that.


The 5 years with the lowest homicide rates in the past 50 years all came under President Obama (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014).

Under President Biden, 2024 is also on track to have the one of the lowest homicide rates in the past 50 years.

#News #USPol #USPolitics

Oh look another decision limiting the reach of bribery laws.

At least it is authored by one of the Justices not accused of being bribed by billionaires.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #legal #law #lawfedi #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt

The Indigenous Shasta Nation of California just won 2800 acres of their land back after 100 yrs, the largest in California #history! And, California is paying for it!
It's part of the Klamath River dam removal project, an ecological project which revives a 300 mile salmon habitat! Shasta land was stolen in the 1848 Gold Rush & 1911 by imminent domain for the Copco No 1 Dam. Shasta chairman Janice Crowe said “Today is a turning point in the history of the Shasta people”
#news #indigenous #uspol


The new doco, The Night Won’t End, investigates civilian killings in Gaza & U.S. backing of Israel

The doco "takes an in-depth look at attacks on civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza."

It follows three Palestinian families, including the family of 6-year-old Hind Rajab.

#USPol #GazaGenocide #TheNightWon'tEnd ..


U.S. military members seek conscientious-objector status over US support of Israel in Gaza

"The death of 6-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire in Gaza sparked international condemnation...

"and for Larry Hebert Jr., an active duty U.S. airman, the incident accelerated his decision to seek conscientious objector status from the U.S. military."

#USPol #GazaGenocide #ConscientiousObjection #USComplicity ..