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Items tagged with: TRUMP

Joyce Vance looks at a scheme that has come to light in Georgia, in which Trump supporters are plotting to monkey-wrench the 2024 election by refusing to certify the election if Kamala Harris is the victor.

"Trump is trying to create a legal path to do what he failed to accomplish in 2020, overturning the will of the voters if he loses."

#Trump #Republicans #ElectionInterference #coup…

Jay Kuo provides a valuable service by reporting verbatim some of the verbal diarrhea that has streamed from the Trumpian mouth in the last several days, as the press continues sanewashing what absolutely makes no sense.

Read Trump's words at your own risk.

#Trump #media #sanewashing…

"They got what they wanted. the two 78-year-olds, former Republican presidents who appointed the majority of Republican Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe vs. Wade got what they wanted. Sometimes when you get what you want, more things than you anticipate come with it."

~ Lawrence O'Donnell

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #Georgia #women

This week, we learn about Candi Miller, a Black Georgia woman who was afraid to go to the hospital to get an abortion for a pregnancy doctors had told her might kill her. She got a medication abortion, but 5% of these require an extra dose or a D&C to complete the abortion. She died at home because she knew she couldn’t get a D&C in the hospital.

~ Stephanie G. Wilson

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #Georgia #women

"When a state committee of experts in maternal health, including 10 doctors, reviewed her case this year at the end of August, they immediately decided it was 'preventable' and blamed the state’s abortion ban, according to members who spoke to ProPublica on the condition of anonymity."

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #Georgia #women

Miller ordered abortion pills online then found that she could not expel all the fetal tissue and needed a D&C procedure, which she knew doctors would not perform under current post-Roe Georgia law.

Surana writes:

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #Georgia #women

Kavitha Surana offers another sobering report today on how the decision of the Republican-stacked Supreme Court to rip abortion rights from women is putting American women at great risk.

She reports the story of Georgia woman Candi Miller, who found herself pregnant with doctors warning another pregnancy would be highly risky. He had diabetes, lupus, and hypertension.

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #Georgia #women

"The question of abortion rights is not only driving voter registration, it is also helping to forge a gender gap that we’ve not seen before. A recent poll in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania by Suffolk University found a gender gap in the high teens, with women favoring Harris by 17 points—a number never before seen."

~ Jay Kuo

#abortion #Republicans #Trump #SupremeCourt #RoevWade #women

"A new Scripps News/Ipsos poll surveyed voters about what they thought of Trump’s plan, asking if they 'support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.' Fifty-four percent of respondents either 'strongly' or 'somewhat support' the policy. This includes '86% of Republicans, 58% of independents, and 25% of Democrats.'”

~ Rebecca Crosby

#Trump #immigrants #MassDeportation #EthnicCleansing #Nazis

Donald Trump didn’t get into politics to govern; he got into politics to enjoy unfettered power, which he believed would bring him admiration and respect. But there are three issues he does actually seem to care about: Immigration, crime, and the economy. And his immigration plans are among the most dangerous.

~ Jill Filipovic

#Trump #immigrants #MassDeportation #EthnicCleansing #Nazis

"We can no longer shrink from drawing the awful conclusion that Donald Trump is pro-Nazi when he keeps actually hanging out with, listening to, and taking advice from Nazis. 'Very fine people'? Yes, he really meant it."

#Trump #immigrants #MassDeportation #EthnicCleansing #Nazis

"One of the signatures of the Trump era is the death of Godwin’s Law, an old internet adage meant to discourage lazy attempts to win an argument by comparing your opponent to Hitler. It is an artifact of an era when neo-Nazis were a small and highly marginalized group. That is no longer the case, and Trump is one of the people who let them out of that box."

#Trump #immigrants #MassDeportation #EthnicCleansing #Nazis

~ Robert Tracinski…

"What is happening in Springfield, Ohio is not merely a distraction from the Right’s plutocratic agenda – although they certainly care about that as well; it’s not just a campaign tactic – although they do seem to think that violent chaos will help them win in November. This is the manifestation of the Right’s defining political project. And a preview of what is to come if they get back to power."

~ Thomas Zimmer

#Trump #immigrants #MassDeportation #Nazis

"Donald Trump staged his first rally on Wednesday night since the second apparent attempt on his life, telling his supporters in New York that 'these encounters with death' had made him stronger and attributing his survival to divine intervention.

'God has now spared my life. It must have been God, not once, but twice,' Trump said to raucous cheers from the crowd in the Nassau Coliseum in the Long Island suburbs."

~ Clea Skopeliti

#Trump #authoritarianism #fascism

"Regardless, Routh wasn’t allowed to have firearms, period.

But we live in a country where JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, shrugged off a school shooting by saying it was a regrettable 'fact of life,' mumbled nonsense about schools being 'soft targets,' and said that Kamala Harris wants to 'take law-abiding American citizens’ guns away from them.'"

#RyanRouth #Republicans #guns #Trump #JDVance

"We live in a country where Trump himself said, only 36 hours after a school shooting in Iowa, that they 'have to get over it, we have to move forward.'”

#RyanRouth #Republicans #guns #Trump #JDVance

As numerous reliable commenators are noting, Trump-Vance are counting on the male vote to win the day for them in this election — and polling indicates that strategy may well be paying off as young men and more men in minority communities are flocking to Trump.

Misogyny is a powerful drug in contemporary culture and contemporary politics. And an incredibly stupefying one….

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Teamsters #labor #MaleVoters #misogyny

"Many of the summer fears of the Joe-can’t-go crowd have proven unfounded. But the fear that Democrats would miss Biden’s strength in neutralizing Trump’s pull on culturally conservative union members seems to have been on the money."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Teamsters #labor #MaleVoters #misogyny

"One of the bigger gut checks for Kamala Harris since she took over the Democratic ticket came yesterday afternoon, when she failed to secure the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the country’s largest labor unions. The last time the Teamsters didn’t endorse the Democratic presidential candidate: 1996."

~ Andrew Egger

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Teamsters #labor #MaleVoters #misogyny

"There’s a reason Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, are so busy (and intentionally) stoking racial resentments, and it isn’t because they feel good about the current state of the race. Depressingly, it may even be working. A year ago, Trump was 7 points underwater among white voters. He’s now 5 points above with them.

White people are keeping Trump in the game."

#Trump #WhiteVoters

"In 2016, Donald Trump won the white vote 57% to Hillary Clinton’s 37%, including white women 52% to 43%. (Who can forget, 'I want a woman president, just not this one...')

In 2020, Donald Trump won the white vote 58% to Joe Biden’s 41%, including white women 55% to 44%. Trump actually did better with white voters in this election despite the Democratic nominee being a boring old white guy."

~ kos

#Trump #WhiteVoters

"This sanewashing must stop. Voters need to be informed when Trump makes statements with a tenuous connection to reality at best. He’s disqualifying himself from the presidency every day that he opens his mouth, but much of the mainstream media is ignoring the words coming out."

#Trump #antisemitism #media #sanewashing

"The phrase 'antisemitism event' usually refers to an event designed to draw attention to and denounce antisemitism. But in Donald Trump’s hands, it morphed into an event that featured antisemitism, in the form of the mind-blowing comments by the principal."

~ Michael Tomasky

#Trump #antisemitism #media #sanewashing

Skopeliti adds that Twitter (excuse me: X) no longer tags posts as "disputed" but uses “community notes.”

She also notes that the study she's citing was conducted during the 2020 election. But as she maintains, its findings have pertinence for the contemporary US election cycle, since they show something about how Trump voters characteristically process news reports that call his claims into question.

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #Twitter #SocialMedia #ElonMusk

"Tagging posts that made false claims about election fraud as 'disputed' could make Trump voters more likely to believe the lies, a study has found, appearing to throw cold water over the platform’s previous intervention on misinformation."

~ Clea Skopeliti

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #Twitter #SocialMedia #ElonMusk

"Bender’s byline includes the fact that he 'traveled on Senator JD Vance’s campaign plane this week for events in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.'

And that explains a lot."

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #NewYorkTimes

"People sometimes ask what I mean when I criticize the New York Times and other major news organizations for sanitizing and normalizing the profoundly sick, hateful rot at the heart of the modern Republican Party.

Well here’s a great example: An article today by Michael C. Bender headlined 'How JD Vance’s Combative Conservatism Is Shaping Trumpism 2.0.'"

~ Dan Froomkin

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #NewYorkTimes

"Just about everything Trump and Vance have said about Springfield has been a lie, including about the death of eleven-year-old Aiden Clark."

~ Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #immigrants #lies #media

"By every account, the CNN story can’t quite capture how sordid the Robinson posts it uncovered actually are. Calling himself a 'Black Nazi' is just a sampling. The well from which CNN drew makes NSFW look like a Disney movie.

It was almost comical when additional reporting chimed in that Robinson’s email was in the leak-and-dump Ashley Madison episode from a few years ago."

~ David Kurtz


#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

"GOP politicians are currently running from Robinson like he is radioactive, with many scrubbing their social media posts of any evidence they were ever seen together. But the Harris campaign was quick with receipts. After all, Trump publicly sang Robinson’s praises not long ago.

Hard to run away from Robinson when he was a featured speaker at the RNC."

~ Jay Kuo

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

"Vance’s whole political career has been about imitating Trump. Whether it’s in being a quisling for Putin or finding racist lies to divide people, Vance is determined to be the Web3 Trump, even more vicious yet less sloppy.

That’s all Peter Thiel wants.

Someone who will end democracy, and insist that’s what sweet ole Mamaw would want."

~ Jason Sattler

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #lies #democracy

"Rarely, if ever, has a presidential campaign collapsed from seeming assurance into utter chaos as Trump-Vance has. The campaign seems to have stumbled into a strange unintended message: 'Let’s go to war with Taylor Swift to stop Haitians from eating dogs.'”

~ David Frum

#Trump #JDVance #TaylorSwift #immigrants #Haitians #lies

Gift link below is from Jim Swift at the Bulwark. If it doesn't work here, I suggest clicking the link at Swift's Substack blog.…

"Donald Trump doesn’t want you to focus on the economy, because the news is very good."

~ Dan Rather

#Biden #KamalaHarris #Trump #economy #EconomicRecovery

Richardson also notes that the Mark Robinson story distracts from another major news story yesterday: the continued stellar performance of the US economy under President Biden. She says,

"Bringing the U.S. economy out of the pandemic more successfully than any other major economically developed country meant clear goals and principles, and careful, informed adjustments."

#Biden #economy #MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

As Heather Cox Richardson notes, "That this scandal dropped on the last possible day Robinson could drop out of the race suggests it was pushed by Republicans themselves because they recognize that Robinson is dragging Trump and other Republican candidates down in North Carolina. But here’s the thing: Republican voters knew who Robinson was, and they chose him anyway."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis


Emily Tamkin notes that Mark Robinson "has always been antisemitic — so why are Republicans only panicking about him now?" She says,

"While Robinson’s comments reported in the piece are horrific, and should by any measure be considered disqualifying, they’re also par for the course for him. His antisemitism, in particular, has been well-reported; it is not news that the man is a bigot."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #antisemitism

Commentators are now speculating about a "reverse coattails" effect for Trump in North Carolina: as Mark Robinson goes down, he may take Trump with him. These commentators include Carter Wrenn, cited by Marc A. Caputo and Sam Stein, and Larry Sabato, cited by David Badash.……

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

"A few days ago I wrote a piece on The Left Hook arguing we need to use 'Nazi' to describe where MAGA is headed. I brought out all the receipts. For a party and movement that is so hostile and allergic to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, I am curious to see if they are willing to expand the tent and continue supporting Mark Robinson, a man who referred to himself as a 'Black Nazi.'”

~ Wajahat Ali

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

"In another era, [Mark Robinson's] candidacy wouldn’t have survived his almost beyond-belief scandals. But he’s staying in the race. So in North Carolina, it’s perfectly proper to talk about the Trump-Robinson Republican ticket. It’s perfectly proper to run ads of Trump praising Robinson and Robinson praising Trump. It’s perfectly proper to make the election not just a referendum on Trump personally but on Trumpists.

~ William Kristol

#MarkRobinson #Trump

There was Trump blaming Jewish voters if he loses to Kamala Harris — his tired old antisemitic trope never quite identified as such by journalists.

There was more shocking dirt — allegations seemingly substantiated — about Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz's sexual encounters with minors at drug-flooded parties.

And there was Oprah Winfrey's interview with Kamala Harris.

#MarkRobinson #Trump #antisemitism #KamalaHarris #OprahWinfrey #MattGaetz