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Items tagged with: Politics

Trump looked ‘very demolished’ by verdict, says court sketch artist who captured the moment #America #Politics #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USPolitics #USA #USAPolitics

The art of the TV debate #WestminsterInsider #Westminsterbubble #U.K.election2024 #Britishpolitics #Politics #Media

Content warning: Trump, Cohen, cashing in

Content warning: Trump, Secret Service, self dealing?

Content warning: Trump, Michael Cohen, money

Content warning: Trump, Cohen, Swamp

Content warning: Trump, micromanaging, crime

A group of ordinary citizens plucked from the masses sat in judgment over one who had been and could yet again become the most powerful person on the planet and returned a conviction.

A momentous victory for the rule of law and the idea that all citizens are equal before the law.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #law #trump

Keir Starmer appears to think this is a get out of jail free card, on accusations of backtracking on previous promises:

'with the damage that’s been done to the economy, particularly by Liz Truss, it is not possible to do that'!

While he may well be right that things have been made so much worse in the last three years that earlier promises have been undermined.... for many, its a series of shifts that have suggested he wasn't serious in the first place.

pragmatic or hypocritical?


"There is a mini cottage industry of punditry that is forever on the lookout for the merest hint of disrespect toward #conservative voters, particularly #rural & working-class #white ones. But the fact that the #GOP nominee for president approvingly posted a video that declares a large ideological subgroup of #Americans “done” & “gone” if he is elected... appears to have garnered almost no headlines."

#Trump #Politics #Journalism #Press #Media #News #USA

Minnesota bans gay and trans panic defense after vote divided strictly along party lines

Don't tell me both parties are the same, I'm too busy living in reality where voting has consequences

#usa #politics

Scenes From a #MAGA Meltdown: Inside the “America First” Movement’s War Over Democracy

Across the country, the #Republican Party’s rank-and-file have turned on the #GOP establishment.

In #Michigan, this schism broke the party — and maybe #democracy itself.

#News #Elections #Voting #Midwest #Politics #Government

Trump, seen here globbing on to a NASCAR crowd to pretend they were there for him, waves to any moving red object he sees in his bizarro, increasingly desperate campaign. #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #USPolitics

“If the facts as you just stated are true, then apparently some people are above the law.”

Last week: The Texas Observer and Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting have found that armed vigilantes have forged relationships with local and federal law enforcement—ties that appear to elevate risks of violence in already volatile #border regions.

#politics #news #USpol #Mexico #Arizona #Texas #SouthTexas #immigration #police Sotomayor recalls closing her door and crying in despair over SCOTUS rulings #Politics #U.S.Politics #UnitedStates

I don’t want to bang on, but really think we’re glossing over the fact 78 Tory MP’s are standing down rather than face an election - that’s 78, I mean we should be giving this more attention-78, seventy fucking eight

#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #costofliving #Sunak #toryracists #GeneralElectionNow #BrexitBenefits #rishisunak #BrexitHasFailed #inflation #election #Election2024 #GeneralElection #farage #michaelgove #Gove

For the Women Who Accused the #Trump Campaign of Harassment, It’s Been More Harassment

Trump is well known for publicly bullying his #political rivals, but the former president’s campaign has also used similar tactics to launch private, relentless attacks against some of its own workers.

#News #Politics #Law #DonaldTrump #Election #Government

The Trump Org sought to hire 170 foreign workers in 2023.

All told, Donald Trump's businesses have looked to bring on at least 1,670 temporary foreign workers over the past 16 years.

me, for @Forbes
#labor #politics #immigration

#politics #DonaldTrump #SocialMedia #TruthSocial #EnronNumbers

'Trump Media and Technology Group, the company affiliated with former U.S. president Donald Trump that operates Truth Social, reported $770,500 in revenue for the first quarter of 2024 and a net loss of $327.6 million.'

Today's top story: “Active Clubs can best be understood as modern-day skinheads, as they often engage in the same networks, activities, and ideologies.”

Working with @Bellingcat, Special Investigative Correspondent @stevanzetti exposed this North #Texas organization and its leader, who tried but failed to hide his identity.

#extremism #WhiteSupremacy #news #politics #racism #WhiteSupremacy #fascism #NorthTexas #USpol #antisemitism

“The Board and the Governor have put their politics over justice and made a mockery of our legal system.”

Yesterday, Governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon for Daniel Perry, who killed Garrett Foster, a protester at a Black Lives Matter march in 2020. Special Investigative Correspondent @stevanzetti explains all the context the governor ignored:

#news #politics #USpol #GregAbbott #BlackLivesMatter #protest #GunViolence #Texas

Top Story: A network of highly paid lobbyists, PACs and consultants is transforming #Texas school boards into politicized battlefields, reports Special Investigative Correspondent @stevanzetti in the second part of our series on the Republican transformation of #education ...

#politics #USpol #news #democracy #elections #corruption #Republicans #schools #PublicSchools

Featured: The Remnant Alliance has united several powerful conservative Christian groups under the banner of Christian Nationalism, and they're going to have an even bigger impact on public #education than ever. From Correspondent @stevanzetti ...

#news #politics #USpol #Texas #Christianity #religion #extremism

I'll post more if Alito's dissent has anything interesting I notice, but I think 95% of the action is in the concurrences.

If you made it to the end--glad to have waded into some case law with you! 🙂

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

And then pretty compellingly, Justice Jackson explains why this restraint is warranted not only generally, but in this case specifically:

The parties seeking to challenge the independent funding structure are the exact entities the Legislature likely intended to insulate against.

She ends by noting the role of the Court isn't policy, it's law, and oversight of policy is the sphere of the People, not the Courts.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

For context, Byrd was a case in which individual legislators were held not to have standing to challenge the Line Item Veto Act.

Richardson was a standing case where an individual was trying to sue for information relating to the CIA.

I think even more context surrounding the quote in Richardson is worth reading too, coming from Justice Powell's concurrence:

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

McCulloch v. Maryland was an early case from 1819 in which the State of Maryland had put a tax on a bank chartered by the federal government. The litigation stemmed from a refusal to pay the tax, and the Court of Appeals held the bank to be unconstitutional, necessitating Supreme Court review.

Ends up being the seminal "necessary & proper" case.

And the part to which she cites... is exactly that:

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

Jackson: Separation. Of. Powers.

She cites to this part of Byrd, citing Richardson.

The context around the quoted part is, I think, extremely important. (Image 2).

It not only notes that the court's role is *not* general supervision, but that the "irreplaceable value of [judicial review]" is its protection of individual liberties.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

But wait! Where's Justice Jackson?

Notably, she writes separately in concurrence.

What point does she feel it's important to make?

When the Constitution provides a power to another branch without limitation, the Courts shouldn't presume their right to craft a limit.

McCulloch v. Maryland... another oldie but a goodie.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

Kagan then notes that there are many appropriations made which are not on an annual basis and not required to return to the Legislature for additional funding:

Customs Service, Post Office, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (Definitely an office I knew existed 😉), and the Federal Reserve Board.

And that's about it for Kagan and her interesting squad of justices.

What do these tea leaves mean?! (Who knows)

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

Kagan then details the 200 years of unbroken tradition with broad Congressional discretion over form of Appropriation.

"The founding-era practice that the Court relates (Image 1) became the 19th-century practice (Image 2), which became the 20th-century practice (Image 3), which became today’s. (Image 4)"

[parenthetical added by me]

And throwing in Scalia for good measure. Everyone loves a good Scalia cite.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

We surface back to Kagan's concurrence, where she chain cites to Federalist 37 in support of the same principle.

I don't have the same version, but I presume this is where she's pointing.

James Madison explaining that even the most well-planned laws must draw their interpretation from the reality they address.

That it is necessary because we cannot imagine all possibilities. We don't even have the words we will need.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

So if the Executive has been allowed to do something for a long time, and its done it for a long time, and the Legislature let it do it for a long time, and the Judiciary approved its doing it for a long time, then there is a constitutional inertia that exists.

The Court *can* intervene, but only if it can overcome the inertia.

The big interest: What about a 40-year practice of agency deference?

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

The Pocket Veto Case was a case in which President Coolidge allowed a bill passed by Congress to expire without signing it after Congress' adjournment.

The question was whether the bill was law considering the Presentment Clause in Article I. (Image 1)

The Clause reads like an LSAT logic game, but the Court held the bill did not become law.

The important part for Kagan's opinion is the quote's context: (Image 2).

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

I cut off the nested citation in the original image with Chiafalo in it, but the quote goes one level deeper to The Pocket Veto Case from 1929.

We must go deeper! **Submarine noises**

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

Let's dive into some citations Kagan used and see what the underlying stuff says.

For fun---because I definitely see a Federalist citation in there and the beauty of the writing is irresistible.

Chiafalo v. Washington, you may actually recall, was a Supreme Court case involving "Faithless Electors" in the 2016 election. (Image: Summary of Facts)

The Court permitted States to penalize the faithless electors.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics

So all the action in #CFPB opinion is in the concurrences.

Justice Kagan writes separately in concurrence, joined by Sotomayor, **Kavanaugh**, and **Barrett**.

For which purpose do these four find common ground?

To grant interpretive weight to traditionalism and evolving practice over time.

With big, big administrative cases coming up on their docket, perhaps a significant signal?

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #law #lawfedi #legal #uspol #politics #uspolitics