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Items tagged with: SARSCoV2

#SARSCoV2, the airborne virus that causes the disease known as 'COVID-19', really hasn't gone away.
In England, despite limited testing and reporting, it's clear the trend is upwards:
🦠2,815 Cases [in 7 days to 19 Jun 2024]: +33.5%
⚰️146 Deaths [in 7 days to 14 Jun 2024]: +5%
Link to data @UKHSA dashboard:

It’s been a particularly difficult week where I’ve been let down by a number of people who I thought had my back… and the rampant ableism in society is wearing on me.

I revisited one of the first articles I wrote about being disabled & chronically ill… and am saddened that nothing has changed. Things haven’t improved and if anything people are LESS tolerant & more ableist now than a year ago.

It all started when someone said to me “you’ve been sick for years - just die already”. Whenever I think of that statement I find myself wondering if people would have EVER said something like that before Covid. Many may have thought it - but would they verbalize it?

The pandemic is fueling hatred of disabled and chronically ill people to the point where they will say the cruelest things without a second thought - and it’s leading nowhere good.

The whole article can be found here:

#CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #sarscov2 #chronicillness #Ableism #Eugenics #disability #DisabiltyRights #DisabilityInclusion #spoonie #Compassion #WearAMask #CleanTheAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #LongCovid #mecfs
