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Items tagged with: books

British author and educator Jane Marcet died #OTD in 1858.

Her popular science books were among the first to bring such subjects into the domestic sphere, inspiring a generation of future scientists and thinkers. Her book "Conversations on Chemistry" (1805) served as a foundational text for many, including Michael Faraday, who credited it with sparking his interest in science.

Books by Jane Marcet at PG:

#books #literature #science

#OTD in 1947. The Diary of a Young Girl is published.

The book was written while Anne Frank was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family was apprehended in 1944, & Anne died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Anne's diaries were retrieved by Miep Gies & Bep Voskuijl. Miep gave them to Anne's father, Otto, the family's only survivor, just after the World War II was over.

#books #literature

man, i'm thoroughly bummed that the 3 books i wrote are no longer accessible as part of the @internetarchive library. i've purchased so, so many books after discovering them there (or the similarly declawed google books). i've also often used it to quickly reference my own books & others, especially if i'm out in the world & need to look something up. not like a library, actually a library. #books #libraries

We've had to let go of friends who believe covid is "just a cold" or who deny long covid -- and it hurts.

This is the last day to pre-order and support The Covid Safety Handbook:

#covid #COVID19 #kickstarter #books #audiobook #LongCovid