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Items tagged with: library

I'm excited to announce the new version of **Ratatui**! 🐁

🦀 A Rust library that's all about cooking up terminal user interfaces (@ratatui_rs)

✨ Release highlights:

📢 I'm giving a lightning talk on Ratatui at **Rust for Lunch** tomorrow! (

🧀 GitHub:

#rustlang #tui #library #terminal

Want to add Vim key bindings to your Rust application? 🤔
Say less.

🦀 **modalkit**: A Rust library for building modal editing applications.

🚀 Can be used with TUIs (via @ratatui_rs) or shell-like applications.

⭐ GitHub: by @ulyssa

#rustlang #library #vim #editor #tui #shell #ratatui

A pack horse librarian delivering books in rural Kentucky in 1938. During the Great Depression, the Pack Horse Library Project was a Works Progress Administration (WPA) program in which the librarians, who were often called "book women" or "book ladies," delivered books to remote parts of Appalachia.


#books #library #PublicWorks #WPA #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon