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Items tagged with: maga

It's not surprising that both men who attempted violence against trump are White male Republicans.

When one teaches that violence is an acceptable, if not preferred, way to deal with those one dislikes, eventually some of those you've taught will decide they dislike you.

#Trump #Violence #MAGA #GOP #Republicans #Assassination #StochasticTerrorism #Politics #USA

"The morning after Trump repeated racist claims about Haitians in Springfield, OH, some Haitian families are keeping their children home from school for their safety...

“We’re all victims this morning,” said [one] woman, who moved to Springfield 6 years ago. “They’re attacking us in every way.”

"Tthe woman also said her cars have been vandalized twice in the middle of the night. She woke up one morning to broken windows..." #StochasticTerror #trump #maga #immigration

Definitely ANTI-MAGA red hats reading "Make Pets Safe Again" worn by rows of dogs and cats.

#Anti #MAGA #RedHats #pets #safety #anti-Trump #humour #humor

He went from voting #Democrat to loving #Trump in a record time.

He also went from lying something to lying constantly the same time.

#Musk #MAGA #US

@Wileymiller @kshernandez
Conservatives’ only true values are the acquisition and retention of wealth & power; all else is theater.

And thus has it always been and will always be.


#MAGA #attacks on Kamala Harris' #stepdaughter threaten to backfire on Donald Trump

#Ella #Emhoff has triggered Trump's bitter #bro #fanbase
— but an embrace of the #incel #vote could come back to hurt him

Harris' family has drawn ire -- especially her stepdaughter,
25-year-old model and designer Ella Emhoff,
whose creativity, beauty, and easygoing love for her family has sent many on the right into paroxysms of #rage.

The daughter of Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, triggers the incel-minded online right by being a Brooklyn hipster who rejects the tiresome conservative rules for how women are allowed to dress or behave.

In response, Donald Trump's fanboys are in a total meltdown, unable to accept the existence of a woman who doesn't care what they think of her.

And they can't hide that they're furious that she looks great doing so.