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Items tagged with: Media

Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist and climate activist, was interviewed yesterday by Democracy Now about the impacts of Hurricane Helene. Here is part of what he said...

I was reading articles about the flooding in western North Carolina in The New York Times. The articles did not even mention climate change, not a single mention. This is what’s driving it. And then there’s the larger context of irreversible global overheating, which is caused by the fossil fuel industry. They’ve been lying and blocking action for decades.

The planet’s overheating. It’s irreversible. It’s caused by the fossil fuel industry. And the reason I say “industry” specifically, not “fossil fuels,” is because this industry has been systematically blocking action for almost 50 years, for decades and decades.

This will get worse as the planet continues to get hotter. We’ll see even worse storms in the future. Every day that we continue burning fossil fuels and allowing this industry to continue spreading disinformation and blocking action, the planet gets hotter.

Hotter oceans fuels these storms, causing them to intensify more rapidly, to get much more powerful. And a hotter atmosphere holds more water, so we get these intense rainfalls, which cause the sort of flooding that’s happening right now.

I think that this is the most evil thing that's possible to imagine, that fossil fuel executives and lobbyists will continue to lie so they can line their bank accounts at the irreversible expense of our planet and the future of humanity.


#Media #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange

from #Zeteo
#Nasrallah Assassinated: What Happens Next?

The four most pressing questions, answered by Middle East expert Trita Parsi.

Sep 29, 2024…

Trita Parsi is the Executive VP of the Quincy Institute and an award-winning author. Washingtonian Magazine has named him one of the 25 most influential voices on foreign policy. Noam Chomsky calls him "one of the most distinguished scholars on #Iran"

#HandsOffLebanon #Lebanon #Israel #Palestine #politics #MiddleEast
#Biden #media #news #press @palestine @israel

"The advisers, Rasmussen, and the nonprofit organizations that pay it for polling are violating tax and election laws, according to American Muckrakers.

One of the emails details close collaboration between the Trump campaign, Rasmussen, and the Heartland Institute, which calls itself a national free-market public policy think tank. However, it’s also a 501(c)3 nonprofit and is not allowed to engage in political activity benefiting a political candidate."

#Rasmussen #media #polls

"On Thursday, American Muckrakers posted about emails it received detailing how the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports, which claims to be nonpartisan, shared polling results with Trump advisers and campaign officials like Dan Scavino, Susie Wiles, and John McLaughlin."

~ Hafiz Rashid

#Rasmussen #Trump #Republicans #media #AmericanMuckrakers #polls

"It assumes that Trump channels the Volk, and therefore is to be given wide latitude; as he supposedly embodies and gives voice to a populist uprising of 'regular folks,' his message is to be amplified; the will of the true people must not be impeded. Who wants to bring the hammer down on the tribune of 'real America'?"

#Trump #media #RuralVoters #white #heartland

"There is an element of volkish ideology underneath the way the institutions have behaved towards [Trump], a widespread ideology of 'real Americanism' that is centered around an essentialist view of who gets to represent the nation."

~ Thomas Zimmer

#Trump #media #RuralVoters #white

"And white voters vote for the GOP because the GOP is a white identity party which promises to elevate white people at the expense of everyone else."

#Democrats #white #RuralVoters #media #WhiteNationalism #WhiteChristianNationalism

"It doesn’t, then, really matter what Democrats say to rural voters. It doesn’t matter even that Democratic policies (like support for rural broadband and rural hospitals) are clearly better than Republican policies. The key problem for Democrats is that white rural voters—especially white rural Christian evangelical voters—vastly outnumber POC rural voters."

#Democrats #white #RuralVoters #media #WhiteNationalism #WhiteChristianNationalism

Noah Berlatsky notes how the media keep using a stick they especially like to beat Democrats with, claiming that Democrats are disdainful of "real" American voters, rural heartland voters. But as he notes,

"Democrats struggle not with rural voters in general, but with white rural voters in particular. And white rural voters do not vote for the GOP because they are rural. They vote for the GOP because they are white."

#Democrats #white #RuralVoters #media

I simply adore this photo of James Earl Jones & Big Bird.

Yes, he played a lot of memorable dads from Darth Vader to Mufasa to King Jaffe Joffer + countless other incredible roles on & offscreen.

And Mr. Jones also happened to be the very first celebrity guest on Sesame Street. #history #media #art

The Texas Observer is hiring for a 2025 legislative intern to help Justin Miller cover next year's #txlege session!

Details here:

#jobs #journalism #media #Fedihire #GetFediHired #Texas

"The difference ... from 2016 is that we are aware that the corporate media is not our friend. And their corrupt coverage of the 2024 election I believe will hasten their demise and result in even more independent media outlets sprouting up to fill the void."

~ Dean Obeidallah

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail

"As a brown-skinned Muslim man and son of immigrants who come from 'shit hole countries,' I don’t have the time, privilege or luxury of many of my white corporate media colleagues to play Taboo and sanewash Trump’s clear and convincing history of bigotry."

~ Wajaht Ali

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #racism #sanewashing

The Biden-Harris admin record is outstanding:

The IRA has transformed the economy. The act invested “~$370B to combat climate change” -spurred “>$100B in prv. investment & ~100K new jobs created in clean energy MANU. The IRA & Chips Act offer >$400B in funds focused on jump starting MANU IDU, reducing emissions & providing cleaner electricity to the economy.”

The #media -often covered Biden’s presidency -negatively, but Biden has presided over leg. victories...


...Weirdly, this drama within an Australian family may well determine the fate and future of the Republican Party and the conservative and MAGA movements in the US. The future of democracy in America...

#FoxNews #Media #Murdoch #GOP…

👓 VR system mixes physical and virtual worlds to drive home climate urgency

(… I am fascinated on these ‘place based experience’, in which case a city bus is working like a ride in a ride in a Disney park)…

#vr #ar #themepark #climatechange #pr #future #media

"Last night, JD Vance was asked by a reporter why he didn’t fact check claims from his constituents who were saying, allegedly, that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating cats. Vance insisted it was the media’s responsibility to fact check the residents of Springfield, 'not lie about them.'”

~ William Kristol

#JDVance #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

In a new article at Mother Jones, Anna Merlin surveys who's behind the attack on disinformation and lies disseminated in the public square – and she points the finger squarely and rightly at Republicans.

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"This morning, the Wall Street Journal reports that Vance’s office did actually reach out to the Springfield city manager to see if there was any validity to the rumors about Haitian migrants. The staffer was told that it was all baseless. Vance, nevertheless, kept up his post on X about the rumors. And that night, Donald Trump went on the debate stage and just stated it as fact."

#JDVance #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"Today, The Wall Street Journal published a fantastic exposé about Springfield, Ohio, urban legends, and the power of lies, titled, 'How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren't True.' I want to give credit to a job well done."

~ Parker Molloy

#JDVance #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"The New York Times is belatedly getting out of the 'unproven claims' safe space and calling Trump’s lies 'lies.'”

~ Mark Jacob quoted by Greg Dworkin

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"Now, the thoroughly Trumpified Republican party has all but dispensed with the pretext of honesty, instead embracing an avowed sense that the factual truth is actually irrelevant."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"There was a time, earlier in Trump’s political career, when pundits liked to issue chin-scratching missives about the mutability of truth: about how Trump could spin outright fabrications into vehicles for white or male grievance, and about how shockingly little it mattered when his stories were revealed to be lies."

~ Moira Donegan

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"JD Vance defended his comments about Haitian immigrants eating pets during a Tuesday rally, saying that 'the media has a responsibility to fact-check' stories – not him."

~ Alice Herman

Translated: it's your fault that I lie, not mine.

#JDVance #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

"Springfield’s Republican mayor said this to the WSJ [i.e., Wall Street Journal]:

'We have told those at the national level that they are speaking these things that are untrue,' added Springfield Mayor Rob Rue, a registered Republican. But he said claims have been 'repeated and doubled down on.'

Here’s my question: How is Rue going to vote in November?"

~ Jonathan V. Last

#JDVance #lies #disinformation #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants #media

Jay Kuo provides a valuable service by reporting verbatim some of the verbal diarrhea that has streamed from the Trumpian mouth in the last several days, as the press continues sanewashing what absolutely makes no sense.

Read Trump's words at your own risk.

#Trump #media #sanewashing…

"This sanewashing must stop. Voters need to be informed when Trump makes statements with a tenuous connection to reality at best. He’s disqualifying himself from the presidency every day that he opens his mouth, but much of the mainstream media is ignoring the words coming out."

#Trump #antisemitism #media #sanewashing

"The phrase 'antisemitism event' usually refers to an event designed to draw attention to and denounce antisemitism. But in Donald Trump’s hands, it morphed into an event that featured antisemitism, in the form of the mind-blowing comments by the principal."

~ Michael Tomasky

#Trump #antisemitism #media #sanewashing

"For a decade before Trump took over the GOP, I watched national political reporters bobble their heads in unison when Republican leaders insisted 'deficits don’t matter' (because the president was a Republican) then bobble their heads some more when Republicans decried deficits as a threat to American security (because the president was a Democrat), never once catching on that their sources were just lying."

~ Brian Beutler

#media #Republicans #Democrats

Skopeliti adds that Twitter (excuse me: X) no longer tags posts as "disputed" but uses “community notes.”

She also notes that the study she's citing was conducted during the 2020 election. But as she maintains, its findings have pertinence for the contemporary US election cycle, since they show something about how Trump voters characteristically process news reports that call his claims into question.

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #Twitter #SocialMedia #ElonMusk

"Tagging posts that made false claims about election fraud as 'disputed' could make Trump voters more likely to believe the lies, a study has found, appearing to throw cold water over the platform’s previous intervention on misinformation."

~ Clea Skopeliti

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #Twitter #SocialMedia #ElonMusk

"Bender’s byline includes the fact that he 'traveled on Senator JD Vance’s campaign plane this week for events in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.'

And that explains a lot."

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #NewYorkTimes

"People sometimes ask what I mean when I criticize the New York Times and other major news organizations for sanitizing and normalizing the profoundly sick, hateful rot at the heart of the modern Republican Party.

Well here’s a great example: An article today by Michael C. Bender headlined 'How JD Vance’s Combative Conservatism Is Shaping Trumpism 2.0.'"

~ Dan Froomkin

#Trump #JDVance #lies #disinformation #media #NewYorkTimes

"Just about everything Trump and Vance have said about Springfield has been a lie, including about the death of eleven-year-old Aiden Clark."

~ Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #immigrants #lies #media

Robyn Pennacchia comments sarcastically on the Olivia Nuzzi-RFKJr. story:

"Just to be completely open and honest and transparent here — in case you were wondering, absolutely no one at Wonkette has ever communicated sexually, romantically, or otherwise with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., unless you count the many PR emails I have received from his anti-vaccine Children’s Health Defense group over the years, which I do not."

#RFKJr #OliviaNuzzi #media

"The #NewYorkTimes, #CNN, & the rest of incumbent #journalism:

You have refused to recognize #fascism at the door. You insist on covering #authoritarianism as just another side in still-symmetrical #American politics.

You do not read #history. For God’s sake, reread or read Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism (or at least listen to the podcast). You fail to cite history for your readers, explaining the context of what is occurring"…

#Press #Media #News #USA

An excellent takedown of the ongoing media coverage of Trump, Vance, fascism, and blood libel, by @jeffjarvis

"You hide behind your impotent fact-checking, never seeing — though frequently warned — that in the ways you debunk their lies, you spread them, and by pedantically nitpicking the other side in your misguided search for balance you create false equivalence. This is how they exploit you."…

#media #fascism

While she’s always been at least fash-curious, Nuzzi’s gonna experience a very significant life-change both professionally and socially.

Takes time. First you have to endure the middle part, where you’ve been cancelled and disgraced, and then that gives you entry into the whole right-wing, formerly liberal “independent thinkers” grift. #media

Did this affair with a candidate whose campaign was based largely on Biden’s ostensible unfitness for office coincide with her big splashy NYMag piece about Biden’s ostensible unfitness for office?…
#media #rfkjr #OliviaNuzzi #Election2024