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Items tagged with: KamalaHarris

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #HarrisWalz

I present a formula that will be a loss for trump. I've said so before, we take 20% of his 71M 2020 votes by attrition new voters, undecided and everybody pulling in the same direction. We shoe in over100M for Karmala SUCCESS!!!

VOTE BLUE IN 2024 so we fire trump again and make trump a TWO-TERM LOSER.

The #NewYorkTimes editorial board has #endorsed #KamalaHarris for president. In an editorial published Monday, the editorial board called #Trump #unfit for office & declared the VP the “only patriotic choice for president.” While the editorial board was harshly critical of Trump, it also suggested #Harris should offer more policy details [🙄] in her campaign & take part in more media interviews [🙄🙄].

[she has done both, which the NYT has barely covered]

"Trump has turned his campaign into a pitch for hyper-traditional masculinity. At this year’s Republican national convention, he walked on stage to the James Brown song It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World and was introduced by Dana White, the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship who was caught slapping his wife on camera."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #MaleVoters #sexism #misogyny

Carter Sherman looks at the Lincoln Project's new video featuring Sam Elliott saying, “It’s time to be a man and vote for a woman,” and concludes that "masculinity and people’s views on gender roles may be more important than ever in 2024."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #MaleVoters #sexism #misogyny

"And Donald Trump will be only the second major party nominee to lose the popular vote three times since the Civil War (William Jennings Bryan is the other).

Now, in a rational democracy, that would be the end of the story. But we live in America. We cannot be as confident of the result in the Electoral College states."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Democrats #Republicans #PopularVote #ElectoralCollege #democracy

"This will be Democrats’ fifth consecutive popular vote win, which has happened only once before since the Civil War (Truman in 1948). It will also mark their eighth popular vote win out of the previous nine presidential elections, which has never happened before."

~ Michael Podhorzer

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Democrats #Republicans #PopularVote #ElectoralCollege #democracy

And for a fascinating conversation about why the polls may be broken and how they might be fixed, see Jay Kuo's conversation with Joe Lazer and Shane Snow at the link below.

#KamalaHarris #polls #SwingStates

The Wikipedia "List of Kamala Harris 2024 presidential campaign endorsements" referenced by Keith Owens is at the link below.

#KamalaHarris #polls #SwingStates

Keith Owens is dubious about the polling data we're being fed by media big boys, especially date that show Kamala Harris underwater in several swing states:

"I'll say it again; something is wrong with those polls."

He points to a continuously updated page at Wikipedia entitled "List of Kamala Harris 2024 presidential campaign endorsements," which has an enormous list of dignitaries who have endorsed Harris.

#KamalaHarris #polls #SwingStates

"One of the things we've learned in the past few days was that Olivia Nuzzi who wrote those very critical pieces about Biden was in fact in a relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. when she wrote them."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#RFKJr #KamalaHarris #Trump

"Kennedy is working hard to be a spoiler for Harris, fighting to keep his name on the ballot where it could harm the vice president’s campaign and to remove it where his appearance might hurt Trump. It’s a remarkably shameless ploy for a man who spent his career as an environmental attorney and is now willing to get in bed with a politician who thinks windmills cause cancer and fossil fuels are the future."

~ Liz Dye

#RFKJr #KamalaHarris #Trump

"Trump has no understanding of the economy.

He was terrible at business — which is why he’s driven so many businesses into the ground. (He’s even driven casinos into the ground. How do you lose money running a casino?)

Given another chance, he’ll drive the American economy into the ground, too."

~ Robert Reich

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"According to an analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics published Thursday, the devastating effects on the economy could last through 2040.

Trump promises to carry out 'mass deportations' if elected president. Doing so could 'cause a large inflationary impulse and a significant loss of employment (particularly in manufacturing and agriculture) in the US economy,' the researchers found."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"According to independent nonprofit nonpartisan researchers, Trump’s policies on tariffs, deportations, and the Federal Reserve would, if put in action, seriously hike inflation, wipe out jobs, and slow U.S. production and economic growth.

In even the most generous modeling, inflation would reach 6 percent by 2026 and consumer prices would balloon 20 percent by 2028."

~ Paige Oamek

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"It costs a lot of money to be one of Donald Trump’s supporters. When they’re not paying his legal bills, they’re being scammed into buying gold sneakers and NFT trading cards. And then there are the silver coins he’s selling. [Act now while supplies last.]"

~ Mary Trump

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy #policy #policies #grift #grifter #ConArtist #Conman

"There’s little evidence Republican voters give a damn about coherent policy details. If they did, they might have chosen Nikki Haley or even Ron DeSantis during the GOP primary instead of an adjudicated rapist and raving kook."

~ Stephen Robinson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy #policy #policies

"On Wednesday, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump promoted their competing visions of the economy under their prospective administrations. Their visions could not be more different."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"I know it seems like a cliche, but this election is about the economy. In every poll, voters list the economy — and high prices in particular — as the issue most important to their vote."

~ Dan Pfeiffer

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"For all of Donald Trump’s talk about how he will save the American economy, his actual plans are set to crush it — perhaps catastrophically."

~ Jill Filipovic

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"On Tuesday, Harris also received the endorsement of more than 400 economists and former policy makers who said the election is “a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future.”

~ Renee Graham

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy

"Yesterday, more than 400 economists and high-ranking U.S. policymakers endorsed Harris, and today, the members of former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley’s presidential leadership teams in Michigan, Iowa, and Vermont announced they would be supporting Harris, in part because of Trump’s economic policies."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #economy


"and the state of Texas is going to the Supreme Court to make sure it can continue to deny women abortions in emergency rooms when their pregnancies are in life-threatening distress, Trump has found the issue he wants to stake his campaign on: Kamala Harris’ work history at McDonalds."

#Trump #KamalaHarris #MentalDecline #age #McDonalds

"With 39 days left before the election in November, at a time when the Middle East is blowing up, Russia is drawing a brand new red line threatening to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine,"

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#Trump #KamalaHarris #MentalDecline #age #McDonalds

"The gender gap between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump could not be more vivid. In a new NBC poll, Harris is winning among women 58 percent to 37 percent, while Trump is leading Harris among men 52 percent to 40 percent."

~ Steven Beschloss

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

"As it is, the two are clashing in an election marked by a gulf so wide, the phrase 'gender gap' doesn’t do it justice. In ways that go deeper than mere politics, and with implications for the world beyond the US, the presidential election is increasingly looking like a war between men and women."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

"I hesitate to give JD Vance any ideas, but if American women were denied the vote, Donald Trump would be restored to the White House in a landslide. Similarly, if men were removed from the franchise, Kamala Harris would be swept into the Oval Office in an even bigger earthquake."

~ Jonathan Freedland

#KamalaHarris #Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleVoters

Would you like to boost Democratic turnout for the Nov. US elections? Postcards to Swing States will send you FREE postcards, a short message for you to write on the postcards & the addresses of recipients. You provide the stamps, write & address the postcards & mail! Sign up at

#PostcardsToSwingStates #SwingStates #USElections #Kamala #KamalaHarris #HarrisWalz #Democrats #vote #VPHarris #GovWalz #NeverAgain #HarrisforPresident #VoteBlue #MastodonForHarris

Badass moment captured here. Legit moment and does not come off as posed or staged. Great photo. #KamalaHarris

Bill Nye is showing his support for #KamalaHarris, emphasizing that "Science Isn't Partisan. It's Patriotic." Check out his take on the intersection of science and politics here:…

Gen. #StanleyMcChrystal, a retired four-star Army general & the former commander of U.S. & allied forces in Afghanistan, just endorsed MVP #KamalaHarris:

"Ms. Harris has the strength, the temperament &, importantly, the values to serve as commander in chief."

"I would urge others to vote as I have."

#NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024…

"The difference ... from 2016 is that we are aware that the corporate media is not our friend. And their corrupt coverage of the 2024 election I believe will hasten their demise and result in even more independent media outlets sprouting up to fill the void."

~ Dean Obeidallah

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail

"As a brown-skinned Muslim man and son of immigrants who come from 'shit hole countries,' I don’t have the time, privilege or luxury of many of my white corporate media colleagues to play Taboo and sanewash Trump’s clear and convincing history of bigotry."

~ Wajaht Ali

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #racism #sanewashing

"Follow the money" seems to always be a good recipe to find the roots of criminal morons put into places they definitely don't belong in, like public or even presidential office.

Follow the money that placed Trump in public office, check all tax irregularities, possible money laundering & contacts with foreign adversaries.
If the NSA shouldn't have all the bills & tapes, who should?

#AmericaDeservesBetter #KamalaHarris #HarrisWalz #RegisterToVote #GOTV #VOTE #Democracy

#MarkCuban slams #Trump, endorses #KamalaHarris:

‘She's run her campaign like a CEO'

[echoes of The Lonely Island’s ‘Like A Boss’ — until the bit about Deborah, then it’s alllllll #Trump]

Billionaire entrepreneur [#SharkTank] Mark Cuban joined #NicolleWallace on #DeadlineWhiteHouse after #Harris’ speech on her #economic agenda, explaining his endorsement of #Harris & what changed his mind about #Trump + his relationship w/POS #ElonMusk.

#economy #HarrisWalz2024…

Asked during a press conference Tues if he'd commit to observing regular order on certifying a #Harris win, #House Speaker #MikeJohnson replied, "Well of course – *IF* we have a free, fair, & safe election, we're going to follow the Constitution. Absolutely. Yes. Absolutely."

Top House #Democrats have been worried a #Republican-controlled House may try to block a potential #KamalaHarris election victory on #Jan6, 2025.

#HouseRepublicans #CoupCaucus #law #democracy…

A vote for Harris/Walz is a vote for making life more affordable for lower & middle class Americans, including the costs of:
✅ food
✅ prescriptions
✅ housing
✅ taxes
Share with your friends & neighbors. Let's focus the government on helping everyone with the things that matter everyday.

#HarrisWalz2024 #KamalaHarris #HarrisForPresident #KamalaForPresident