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Items tagged with: Climatecrisis

How embarrassingly ironic that we let a minuscule minority of #sociopaths destroy the habitability of our #planet in their quest to profit from machines that think better than we do -- when the most important moral, ethical, and subjective questions can't be answered by machines because they mimic the sociopaths that built them.

#Morality #Ethics #Subjectivity #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #AI #uspol #QuantumComputing

#ClimateDiary I already reposted this but keep on thinking about it. I knew, of course, what @rahmstorf is saying here: that all this is irreversible (at least for the next 10,000s of years). But somehow reading it here, as one short sentence, it really really hit me.

I mean, the fact that we will nver again have “normal” weather is just so enormous.

I also keep on thinking of what @snippet said: that the word “crisis” (#ClimateCrisis,
#Polycrisis) 1/2…


Russia's winter crop sowing is in a very difficult situation due to severe drought, which is expected to seriously affect next year's harvest, analysts and farming company executives said on Friday.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #GlobalWarming #climatecrisis #climatechange…

DeSantis hasn’t yet warned them about #ClimateCrisis and time has about run out. He won’t even let people use the words.

CNN—#Hurricane Helene has strengthened into a massive Category 4 storm as #Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warns residents to evacuate while there's still time

Fossil fuel lobbyists coordinated with lawmakers behind the scenes and across state lines to push and shape laws that are escalating a crackdown on peaceful protests against oil and gas expansion, a new Guardian investigation reveals. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming…

Apropos Externalisierungsgesellschaft und "deutscher Wohlstand über Alles":

"People must understand: we in #Malawi are paying for the #climatecrisis with our lives".…

„OPEC Says Phasing Out Oil Is Just A Fantasy“

“… the fantasy of phasing out oil and gas bears no relation to fact,” OPEC said“

„… stresses the importance of continued investment in the oil sector, estimating $17.4 trillion
will be needed by 2050 to ensure stable supply.“

🔥 🔥
We drive to #climateHell and these psychopaths are still hosting and sitting at all negotiation tables.
🔥 🔥

#overshoot #climatechange #fossilfuels #climatecrisis…

"But what if we just ignored Climate Change and let the Greed continue, would that be so bad? I would like some gifts please, some new clothes....and some shoes." - UK Politicians…

#London #Weather #ClimateCrisis #UKPOL #Ukpolitics

Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report

Corporations such as ExxonMobil and Blackstone also big funders of #ClimateCrisis, new trade union report finds…

As #sea #ice disappears and grows less reflective, the #Arctic has lost around a quarter of its #cooling power since 1980, and the world has lost up to 15%, according to new research led by University of Michigan scientists. #climatecrisis #globalheating #environment…

Appendix 2: Prefiguring Degrowth
Confronting Power, Accumulation, and Ecocide

I found this essay to be an excellent overview bringing together many of the same themes presented in this thread, explaining the necessity of an anarchist approach to #degrowth and clearly describing the continuum of hierarchical power structures, #state, #colonialism, #capitalism, #ClimateCrisis and #ecocide. Features solid basic info on #anarchism and #democracy…

(a thread of threads, quotes, and links)

This is a collection of writings and research concerned with how we got where we are today, which is in fact the story of what has been done *to* us, and what has been *taken from us*.

By "us" we're talking about "the 99%", "workers", "wage slaves", all non-owners of private property, "the poor", unhoused people, indigenous people, even plenty of people who swear by capitalism and identify as "capitalist" yet have no capital of their own and no serious hope of ever having any worth speaking of. In other words almost everyone except for the very few who have had the power to exploit us and shape our lives to serve their agenda. We're going to examine institutions and concepts that have deeply altered our world at all levels, both our external and internal realities.

By "here" we are talking about climate crisis and myriad other environmental catastrophes resulting from hyper-excessive extraction, consumption and waste; a world of rampant inequality and exploitation, hunger and starvation; a world of fences, walls, tollbooths, prisons, police, bullshit jobs and criminalized poverty; a world overrun with cars and preventable diseases; a world of vanishing biodiversity and blooming fascism; a world where "democracy" results in being led by some of the worst of humanity; a world ruled by an imaginary but all-powerful and single-minded god: Capital.

Our inspiration and structural framework for this survey is this quote from "The Prehistory of Private Property", an important work from political philosopher Karl Widerquist and anthropologist Grant S. McCall:

"After hundreds of millennia in which all humans had direct access to the commons, it took only a few centuries for enclosure, colonialism, capitalism, and industrialization to cut off the vast majority of people on Earth from direct access to the means of economic production and therefore to rob them of the power to say no. It took only a few generations to convince most people that this situation was natural and inevitable. That false lesson needs to be unlearned."

Also recommended: "Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy"

#capitalism #colonialism #enclosure #PrivateProperty #state #police #inequality #anthropology #environment #ClimateCrisis #economics


Just in the last few days, we've witnessed "once-in-a-century" flooding in China and Southeast Asia, in Africa, in South America, and in Central Europe.

Yeah, about those floods...

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

Last month was the hottest August ever recorded. There is no doubt that we are in a climate emergency.

But still, Business As Usual just goes on and on.

August 2024 was Earth’s hottest August in NOAA’s 175-year climate record. This marks the 15th-consecutive month of record-high global temperatures — which is itself a record streak.

According to NCEI’s Global Annual Temperature Outlook, there is a 97% chance that 2024 will rank as the world’s warmest year on record.


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

For only the second time in our 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Vice President #KamalaHarris — Scientific American #quotes #quote #Education #PublicHealth #ReproductiveRights #ClimateCrisis