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Items tagged with: presidentialdebate

The debate “production values” sucked as far as Biden was concerned — lighting, makeup, and camera angles seemed to be designed to make him look as old as possible — “death warmed over” captures it. Also, his mic probably could’ve been adjusted to make him more audible, and at times it looked like he was straining to hear.
CNN must’ve done this purposely for just the reasons you said— keep the “race” close. Haha! They musta been ecstatic when Biden showed up hoarse from a cold— the cherry on top.

But one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you. It’s my understanding that the Biden camp offered these two debates— take it or leave it. So why do you think they wanted one to be so early before the conventions?

#PresidentialDebate #biden


Loved Biden bringing up Trump's 40 cabinet members not endorsing Trump #PresidentialDebate #PresidentialDebate2024

Gavin Newsome just said “worry less and do more” and I think that’s the answer for the next 4+ months #PresidentialDebate

#CNN is complicit in Trump's lies. They agreed to the debate terms that the GOP put forth including restricting the moderators from fact checking all in the name of ratings and ad revenue and they are doing the country harm by giving Trump a platform on which he can sound bigger, stronger, and more presidential than an aging man with a stutter.


#Debate2024 #PresidentialDebate I couldn't last watching the debate. I tried gave it a valid shot. It was just to painful to listen to #Trump unchecked. #Biden got some good hit in while I watched. Luckily I've decided long ago- it's not like I'm undecided and needed to watch to make a choice. Unfortunately that's probably true for most #Americians

Why are they calling it a presidential debate?

There’s only one President on stage and the other guy is a convicted criminal who has never once been presidential in his life.


🥥 Here's how Eye'm hoping the Biden/Trump debate goes on Thursday.
Image borrowed from My Assets Got Auctioned in a response thread at NationalZero dot com:
#USPolitics, #Election2024, #PresidentialDebate, #PresidentBiden, #ConvictedFelonTrump, #TuckersBalls

This is the first time in my life, I am about to watch a historic presidential debate, and my primary concern is, the voters will not get an impression of the political difference, because one candidate has somehow convinced his voters, that name calling, agism, and false accusations, are a sign of strength.


#Thursday #PresidentialDebate #USelections2024