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what the fuck do we do. theyve destroyed communication in gaza. they keep bombing. we don't even know how bad it is. if it was that bad when the world was watching. Jesus.
in reply to tj

learning that telecom services have been down for five months in Sudan. they are begging for power to be restored so that they can contact their families.

(this is one of the people who has been recommended to follow to keep up to date with news on sudan)…

in reply to tj

this has been one of the only things ive really seen about what's happening in sudan and the genocide of their people…

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

Ahmed Alnaouq lost more than 23 family members in Israel's genoicide of Palestine

he's on a live on Twitter and his advice to those who are in similar positions as him is

"Don't lose hope. [...] Palestinians will have their rights back."…

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Palestinian Feminist Collective
October 2023
Palestine Digital Action Toolkit

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tweet from hebel_jamal that reads: "Palestinians in Gaza are suspicious about posting about their families on social media-there have been a number of cases of Palestinians advocating for their families, only for their next post to be about their deaths. Now they are advising each other not to post, not to advocate"
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(Free from Verso Books)

The Palestine Laboratory:
How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World

by Antony Loewenstein…

in reply to tj

"We cannot write a free Palestine into existence, but together we must do all we possibly can to reject narratives that soothe Western complicity in ethnic cleansing."

~Writers Against The War On Gaza…

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Resources for Resisting Repression from Writers Against The War on Gaza (appears US specific)…

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Graphic care-package in solidarity with Palestine.…

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"Do not succumb to hopelessness. Do not become desensitized to suffering. I do not despair. I believe in justice. Whether in this world or the next, we have to believe that justice will be served. That people will be free. Hopelessness is a privilege…and we shouldn’t chose it.

I know people are tired. I am. The amount of times I’ve cried while going from lecture to lecture. The amount of times I’ve gotten frustrated and wanted to quit. To just never talk about any genocide ever again. To be normal. To just be a regular girl. I get it. But we can’t.

We are so privileged to have access to the information we do. We are privileged to have information at our fingertips. We are privileged to have freedom and safety. & those privileges make us uniquely responsible for speaking out against oppression.

And we have to speak. All of us. Whether about Palestine or any other place. None of us are free until all of us are free. And freedom means fighting for it. Not despairing. Not becoming hopeless. But staying hopeful that one day justice will be served.

Vent to your friends. Cry it out. If you feel guilt, feel it. It’s human, it’s normal. Scream out if you need to. Take a walk. Breathe and close your eyes for a bit. But don’t stay quiet. I am begging you, as a survivor of genocide, to not become hopeless."

~Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura, (…)

in reply to tj

(FREE) Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha

Winner of the Palestine Book Award and the American Book Award
National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry Finalist
Shortlisted for the 2022 Walcott Poetry Prize…

in reply to tj

Broken Ghazal, Before Balfour

ars poetica in which every pronoun is a Free Palestine

Two Poems by George Abraham…

in reply to tj

only an american by Mandy Shunnarah…

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one of the few things ive seen naming all four genocides currently taking place:

Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Gaza is unable to receive the money we're donating

from rasha abdulhadi, written up by chrysanthemum

How else can I support Palestinians right now?

At this moment, the Israeli government’s total blockade continues to severely limit the life-saving humanitarian aid—including food, water, medical supplies, and fuel—that can enter Gaza and reach Palestinians under siege, and supplies are running out. By participating in this auction, you are helping to ensure that medical workers on the ground can quickly gain access to the resources they need, as soon as this is possible. But right now, the most urgent call to action is to raise your voice against the unfolding genocide in Gaza:

Go into the streets and support protests against the Israeli occupation of Palestine happening near you. Here is a compiled list of actions in cities worldwide. Find a local action and get out there!

Call and email your representatives to demand a ceasefire now and an end to US funding for the Israeli military.

Join the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement to increase public pressure…

in reply to tj

Logical Revolts
The Baffler

June 1, 2021
Poems From Palestine…

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this was posted october 11, 2023


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What's Happening In Tigray?…

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tweet posted october 29, 2023 by thoraoffbeat that reads: "the internet was restored by palestinians themselves by repairing the damaged infrastructure under a rain of bombs falling on them. amidst falling buildings, amidst children pulled out of rubble, amidst digging mass graves.

you cannot beat this will. victory is theirs."

in reply to tj

from from_iran on instagram, posted october 28, 2023 (im attaching the linktree for from_iran because the post itself shows women being physically abused):

"Say their names: ARMITA, SARINA, NIKA, JINA, ... Islamic republic regime beats women to death for not covering their hair.

An ideology that is hostile to women must have no future. These fascists must go. THIS REGIME MUST END.

#IranRevolutuion #EndGenderApartheid #ArmitaGaravand #MahsaAmini "

in reply to tj

from @/elenyaart on bird site:

Palestinian artists who are delivering a message of resistance & resilience in the face of terror — a thread…

in reply to tj

(from from__iran linktree)

This is not a T-Shirt. This is a non-profit project to raise money and awareness for people in need in Southern Turkey, Syria, and the Kurdistan Region.

All profits for KAF Kollektif, do-it-together aid in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, not far from the Syrian border.

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Refusing Genocide w/ Rasha Abdulhadi (10/16/23)

on patreon but unlocked and free

Rasha is also definitely someone you want to be following on the bird site for more resources and information especially in uplifting Palestinian voices

in reply to tj

(TONIGHT) But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
7:00 PM 9:00 PM

3041 Broadway and livestreaming:

in reply to tj

back up copies of articles, videos, audio of events/people telling the truth about palestine, congo, sudan, tigray, armenia, & more. social media sites are not to be trusted with archiving and we have to remember that the safest place the truth can reside is in our own hands.

i know people are doing that work (wayback machine/internet archive are two places that do amazing archival work) but just a reminder that if you have external hard drives, are able to print out paper copies, etc. its important to do so

keep track of as many names as you can, as many lives and their life's stories as you can, have so much that you can gather that it feels like the people are right next to you. there is going to be so much more propaganda and it will be subtler more insidious and this is one way to keep a compass for yourself, so that youre never lost. and make sure to do this in community with others who are intent on ending genocide, remembering the lives and people who have been stolen, on uplifting those who are here and still will be here.

in reply to tj

Free Palestine! A Reading List (Haymarket Books)

(all books are 30% off)…

in reply to tj

The Nakba is Present

The looming threat of yet another mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland is ever present, especially today.
By Sumaya Awad

in reply to tj

Letters From Gaza, Part 3
In Partnership with the Institute for Palestine Studies

(October 25, 2023)…

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For Palestine - reading list, and more…

in reply to tj

Welcome to Decolonize Palestine, a collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.

in reply to tj

(have not watched, cannot provide content warnings!)

Children of Shatila (1998) - Mai Masri…

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But We Must Speak: On Palestine & The Mandates of Conscience

(November 1, 2023)…

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(from 2013) Al-Nakba

A series on the Palestinian ‘catastrophe’ of 1948 that led to dispossession and conflict that still endures.…

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World Health Network

A network devoted to global compassion—working together to inspire collective action through science for a safer, healthier world

in reply to tj

The Accountable Archive is a volunteer based initiative to compile information about the Palestinian genocide in a way that hold Israel, the United States, and other western powers accountable. It is an initiative to combat propaganda and can be found here:

birdsite link: ( alternative text is in the picture as well as below:

Archive Volunteer Checklist
Identify a post, statement, or article
Take note of relevant dates and names
Copy the link into and save
Screenshot the whole page and save videos
Upload all links, screenshots, and videos to our online form (…)
Add simple, factual, non-emotive context

in reply to tj

a tweet from @/samah_fedil that reads: I need non-palestinians to be prepared for the eventual ceasefire that will be called and how Israel will break it the same day.

Nisrin Elamin quote tweeted this with: We've had over seven ceasefires in Sudan since the war started in April. None of them have held. That's why people are saying it can't be the only demand.

This was posted November 2, 2023.

in reply to tj

All links from Imani Barbarin, one of the best people to follow especially for learning about the intersection of disability and blackness. "Researchers Tom Secker and Matthew Alford secured 4,000 new pages of Pentagon and CIA documents using Freedom of Information requests, which show how US intelligence has been behind the scenes on more than 800 movies and 1000 TV shows." US military rewrites Hollywood blockbusters to save reputation, research revealsHow Do the Marvel Movies Promote the US Military by Lily Fox
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Palestine political education resources…

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Black 4 Palestine Resource List
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

does anyone feel comfortable sharing/DM-ing what they've been saying to their representatives that support Israel when demanding a ceasefire and removal of financial/military aid to Israel? #Palestine
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

reminder you can support #FreePalestine without being anti-black & you can support multiple movements to end multiple genocides (because there ARE many) because no one deserves the fears, inhumane violences, murders, and worse that ethnic cleansing and genocide (backed by empires intent on destroying marginalized people) bring.
in reply to tj

the description is below but THIS. like colonial violence mindset as a go-to is for yall not us.


tweet by @/redlianak that reads: If someone said "The person who killed your father and kidnapped your mother is hiding in a house that has six kids in it. You understand why we can't do anything, right?" You probably would not take that well.

This tweet is quoted by @/mouseabolition and says: I'm not trying to get scary but I really need white people to wrap their minds around the fact that if this was as a universal as position as you think it is--like if Black and Indigenous Americans thought this way--you would all be dead.

in reply to tj

tweet from user @/tiannathewriter that reads: Do you see how once people started talking about Palestine they also started talking about Congo, Sudan, Tigray, the Sami people, Hawai'i and all of the everyone fighting for their right to be free?

Freedom is as infectious as it is just and no one is free until they ALL are.

in reply to tj

"I was asked a question earlier this month. I cannot remember the exact wording, but it went something like “is it sometimes ok to be silent to be at peace with oneself.”

If I had been asked this question at another time, or if the question had been asked using slightly different words, I might have given this answer:

We do what we can, where we can, by recognising our own limits, our capacities, and that can be a way of surviving politically, by which I mean, keeping hold of our commitments. Sometimes, then, withdrawal from a conversation or silence in a situation can be how we keep doing our work.

But in the words “at peace with oneself” I heard something else.

They gave me another answer.

There are times when we cannot be at peace with ourselves.

There are times when we should not be at peace with ourselves.

We are in those times.

It is not the time to be silent.

Nor at peace with ourselves."…

@palestine @sudan

in reply to tj

Podcast recommended from the blog above:

Speaking Out of Place is dedicated to highlighting voices confronting systems of colonial, carceral, economic, heteropatriarchal, racial, and ecological violence; and to building relations and conversations to advance justice and liberation across intertwined struggles, including through politics, culture, and art.

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from Working Families Party…

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From Dawn ‘Til Dusk: Private Equity’s Impact on Incarceration

September 13, 2023…

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if youre in the U.S. (sharing from klm on bluesky)

to help your tired disabled loved ones, go here…

click submit a formal comment

write in the box: "I oppose changing the questions used in the ACS to determine disability status as proposed because it would erase millions of disabled people from federal data"

in reply to tj

"Perhaps the most damning aspect of the deployment of the ‘precolonial Africa’ epithet is its implication that we don’t take the history of Africa seriously. It tells the world that African history has only three periods – precolonial Africa, Africa under European colonial rule, and postcolonial Africa – that is, assuming we wish to entertain the idea of ‘postcolonial history’ given the debate in historiography and the philosophy of history regarding the legitimacy of the idea of ‘contemporary history’. "…

in reply to tj

meme of patrick from spongebob squarepants where he's chained in the middle of a collusem, looking unbothered as people jeer and insult him. the meme is captioned with what's a progressive take that'll get you like this.

@/sultanreina quotes this tweet and says It's a joke to pretend you have the political will to fight our oppressors when you can't even wear a mask to protect your comrades.

in reply to tj

Our hope is that this free program, entitled PALESTINIAN VOICES, can be a resource to provide insight into the current situation unfolding in Gaza and the people being affected.

PALESTINIAN VOICES will run through the entire month of November. You can watch most of the films in this series online and from anywhere in the world. A few titles are limited to viewers in the United States and some films will also screen in person in select cities.…

in reply to tj

What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
November 5, 2023
/ By
Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)…

in reply to tj

Huge, FREE covid safety resource list by Violet Blue (regularly updates, if not on this post then on the free pandemic updates weekly)…

in reply to tj

bitch, are these glasses that won't fog up when youre wearing your mask???

in reply to tj

my friend does a weekly newsletter called so very virtual thats a round up of free/low cost virtual events and resources!…

in reply to tj

Shut It Down For Palestine is an International Call for Solidarity with Palestine on November 9th

edit: it wasn't on the first page and kinda hard to find but suggested actions are:

  • Walk out from work and/or school
  • Picket Israeli embassies and consulates
  • Picket against companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestine (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Elbit Systems)
  • Host speak outs
  • Wear kuffiyehs
  • Wear black armbands

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

A teach-in for all architecture students. November 11, 2023

"Dear architecture students around the world

Let’s face it, architecture is settler colonialism’s best friend.

It is a reality that you may or may not learn at school, but it feels like our political duty to provide the necessary tools to those of you who are interested in engaging with it."…

in reply to tj

Stop the Dakota Access pipeline! The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is now taking public comments on DAPL’s fatally flawed Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Demand that the Corps shut the pipeline down and conduct a proper environmental review, not one prepared by the fossil fuel industry. This is our best chance to end DAPL! Please take action, and thank you, always, for standing with Standing Rock.

in reply to tj

from BDS Australia: Australia should not be fueling war crimes and conflict so a small number of arms dealers can make money.
Join the Greens in calling on the Albanese Government to end military exports to Israel.…

in reply to tj

have put link in quotes, content warning for massacre in picture of the link

from @/BSOnBlast on birdsite:

I am sorry to have to share such a disturbing image, I usually avoid doing so, but it must be done.

This is what RSF has done to civilians in Ardamata, West Darfur after taking over the base and area 2 days ago.

This is what they did in AlGineina before it.




in reply to tj

Abortion pills by mail in every state.

Plan C provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing at-home abortion pill options online.
someone accessing at home abortion pill online care

in reply to tj

Block Cop City Schedule
November 10-13, 2023
Atlanta, Georgia

#StopCopCity #BlockCopCity

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Brief Timeline of the Movement to stop Cop City

#BlockCopCity #StopCopCity

in reply to tj

tweet by GeauxGabrielle that reads:

Y’all HAVE to wear masks at these protests y’all. It’s easy to feel safety in numbers while there but people seem to forget we live in a surveillance state. They dont need much to find you.

And if Cop City protests leading to RICO CHARGES have taught us ANYTHING, stay SAFE

in reply to tj

tweet by ReesiePeacie that reads:
you care about accessibility? you're not ableist? you're a leftist? you care about disabled and immunocompromised people? you're not selfish? you're not individualistic? you're not apathetic? you have empathy? you don't wanna spread disease? where's your fucking mask?
in reply to tj

“Language can never live up to life once and for all. Nor should it. Language can never ‘pin down’ slavery, genocide, war. Nor should it yearn for the arrogance to be able to do so. Its force, its felicity is in its reach toward the ineffable.”

~Toni Morrison

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A Liberatory Demand from Queers in Palestine…

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Plain Language COVID-19 Resources…

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Thread by @/BrainsNGrenades with information about Haiti and action that needs to be taken…

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"Peace talks in Jeddah have failed to produce a ceasefire agreement between the army and RSF that would provide much-needed safety and relief.

Both sides have announced a commitment to aid access, a UN-led humanitarian forum and a separate communication mechanism.

However, these outcomes carry little credence as fighting continues on the ground and after several false ceasefire declarations made early in the war.

On 11 October, Sudan's UN representative, aligned with the army, voted no on a UN Human Rights Council vote on a fact-finding mission to investigate abuses committed during this conflict."

Published 11/08/2023 by Yousra Elbagir…

@sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

From Starbucks Workers United:

November 16 is “Red Cup Day,” Starbucks' most PROFITABLE and BUSIEST day of the year. During past Red Cup Days, baristas like us have barely had a chance to breathe. We’re on our feet all day facing impatient customers, long lines, and understaffing. Yep, you heard that right, understaffing ON THE BUSIEST DAY OF THE YEAR.

That’s why on November 16 we’re going on strike to demand an end to unfair labor practices!

Write to Starbucks managers here:…

Learn More about the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) here: (

in reply to tj

after finding out that the blockade of ships carrying bombs to gaza was not the...success that media portrayed it to be (source is Black Powder Press:, i wrote this and keeping it for future reference as i continue to learn.

ever since warsan shire shared that clip of kwame ture explaining the difference between mobilizers & organizers, i've been trying to replace "organizers" like the aforementioned with "mobilizers" & barely even that to be honest.

organizing takes a lot of consistent, grounded, knowledgeable work with the ability to discern what information is truthful and necessary, then integrate that knowledge & attain/organize/distribute resources into movement while making sure people aren't left in the dark about what is happening, what actions they are participating in, & what those actions mean.

mobilizers can get people out there, can get them moving, which serves a purpose! but they may not be there for the long haul (makes me think of the black lives matter calls to action being answered or three months (at best) in 2020 and little sustaining effort (outside of black communities) past that.)

when ture explained that malcolm x was a combination of both mobilizer & organizer, i better understood that movements CANNOT depend on mobilizers alone.

organizers keep the walk to revolution going. mobilizers may inspire people to join that walk. a combination of both may create/find/sustain community for people dedicated to the lifelong (and after) pursuit for collective freedom.

in reply to tj

from Writers Against the War on Gaza: Thread of journalists and writers to follow in Gaza, working with astonishing bravery and love for their people in terrible conditions…

in reply to tj

im late as shit (didnt realize itd take so long) but this is my contribution for shut it down! for palestine (11/9/23)…

in reply to tj

"“When we didn’t have electricity, my mom would gather us around, because we were afraid and we couldn’t read. She would tell us stories until the light came back.”

~Adania Shibli…

in reply to tj

“10,000 dead is an outdated number of those who could be counted. The true number of killed in this senseless war is much, much bigger, but due to the impossibility of movement in the capital and Darfur, no one can determine the accurate number of victims.”


in reply to tj

vía Noura Erakat on instagram

people to follow and uplift their voices
















This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

Black 4 Palestine Resource List (consistently updated)…

in reply to tj

HEAL Africa compassionately serves vulnerable people and communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo through a holistic approach to Healthcare, Education, community Action, and Leadership development in response to changing needs.

in reply to tj

Get four free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests this fall on

in reply to tj

tweet by @/Puff_Iya that reads: The way the government has been completely okay with letting little miss flint spend her entire life campaigning for clean water while they funnel money to other countries pisses me off in a special kind of way

user @/lenubienne quote tweeted with: Not only has the government allowed Flint's water supply to stay poisoned, all prosecution was ended after spending sixty million dollars and achieving zero convictions. The final case, against former Governor Rick Snyder, closed October 31st. All cases dismissed, all appeals rejected. They added a link from click on detroit for verification and more information. (…)

in reply to tj

tweet by user @/farmereva_ that reads:

"Wear A Mask To Actions.

You think the state isn’t planning retribution? You think you can fight cops if you can’t walk up a flight of stairs? You think you’re not on CCTV?"

in reply to tj

Four Cities by Palestinian American poet, Hala Alyan, is on sale for $5 at Black Lawrence Press…

in reply to tj

always always always this poem.

Fuck Your Lecture on Craft, My People Are Dying by Noor Hindi

Colonizers write about flowers.
I tell you about children throwing rocks at Israeli
seconds before becoming daisies.
I want to be like those poets who care about the
Palestinians don't see the moon from jail cells and
It's so beautiful, the moon.
They're so beautiful, the flowers.
I pick flowers for my dead father when I'm sad.
He watches Al Jazeera all day.
I wish Jessica would stop texting me Happy
I know I'm American because when I walk into a
room something dies.
Metaphors about death are for poets who think
ghosts care about sound.
When I die, I promise to haunt you forever.
One day, I'll write about the flowers like we own


in reply to tj

been listening to Rajieen | راجعين on repeat:

this is the version with arabic lyrics:…

this is the version with english lyrics:…


in reply to tj

from bird site, user AgentPaloma:

Hi all, I want to contribute something useful regarding folks speaking up about the current Palestinian genocide, so i’m going to do a quick thread on how to protect yourself as a contractor/worker so you can voice your opinions and avoid firing or losing money.…

in reply to tj

via so very virtual newsletter by justin clarel

Register for I Am Here: Affirmation as a form of Resistance on December 9th and 10th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. This event is $50 for the 2 day workshop and free for writers from Palestine, Haiti, Sudan, and Congo.

in reply to tj

"International inaction against Israeli aggression is part of “a systematic failure to hold Israel to account for decades,” as well as the “absolute double standard” applied to war crimes committed against people of the Global South" --> quote by Noura Erakat

Palestinian Groups Ask ICC to Arrest Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for War Crimes & Genocide in Gaza

in reply to tj

"Since 1948, history has shown that Israel does not abide by the rules of war as set forth by international law, and that it implements what it wants according to its calculations, interests, and goals, because it feels, thanks to unconditional American support, that it is an exception beyond accountability and punishment in the international system."

~A version of this article by Palestinian historian Dr. Saleh Abdel Jawad first appeared in Al-Akhbar in Arabic, and has been republished here with permission.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to tj

Manman ak Pitit
By: Rachelle Saint Louis…

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Queer Solidarity with Palestine: Resource Guide…

in reply to tj

"This wanton carelessness and dehumanization is why we feel a compelling urge to document and describe everything, big and small, to make sure that people understand what is at stake: “But this was a child,” we want to say, “and this an adult.” Not a thing bound to die a gruesome death in a devastated city but a child who would have grown by the sea, who would have been, perhaps, a good swimmer and bad at math or grown to really love cars or cooking. “And this,” we want to say, “was a residential building, this a restaurant on the seashore, this a house with a garden, where someone played or got into a fight in the kitchen, and this is all gone.” These are people with names, we want to say, and faces too, and lives, and friends grieving them, if they are not themselves now dead; and cities, cities, entire, whole. Real cities and towns which they call their own and which are now graveyards. Pundits on television, meanwhile, talk of the thousands dead as justified collateral damage—but this, we want to say, is the gleeful obliteration of a seashore, of families, histories, cities."

~Karim Kattan, At The Threshold of Humanity


in reply to tj

Text Translation: The Israeli plan for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza

Read an English translation of the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence policy paper "Alternatives for a Political Directive for the Civilian Population in Gaza," which advocates for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

Translated by Ofer Neiman


in reply to tj

"Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said that with no electricity, water and oxygen, and injured patients left behind at al-Shifa hospital “with no treatment or means of escape,” the situation is no longer a “humanitarian catastrophe – it is a collective death sentence.”"…


in reply to tj

tweet by @/DrKarimWafa that reads:
Gaza has gas. Sudan has gold. Congo has cobalt. Haiti has limestone. Afghanistan has copper. West Papua has crude oil. Every nation suffering from some form of genocide or intense suffering is attractive in the eyes of the western imperial machine of consumer capitalism.
in reply to tj…

note that this video is from 2020, however it is still important and this link should lead to a thread of resources for further learning

#CongoGenocide #CongoIsBleeding #Congo

in reply to tj

"Cobalt Red": Smartphones & Electric Cars Rely on Toxic Mineral Mined in Congo by Children

Interview with writer, Siddharth Kara on Democracy Now!…

#CongoIsBleeding #Congo #CongoGenocide

in reply to tj

#NoDAPL -- Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline Now!…

in reply to tj

especially as a black person, as someone whose family survived the kkk, this picture of the lynch mob (--> linked in the after word) (and the videos all over fucking social media, from even just this past month!) fucking haunt me.

this poem is everything.…

(this is also one of the people you should be following!)


in reply to tj

"Wherever you are, whatever sand you can throw on the gears of genocide, do it now. If it's a handful, throw it. If it's a fingernail full, scrape it out and throw. Get in the way. The elimination of the Palestinian people is not inevitable. We can refuse with our every breath and action. We must."

~Rasha Abdulhadi


in reply to tj

"Israel has made us hungry and thirsty.

Israel is killing us.

We are on the border between life and death. And it feels that we are getting nearer and nearer to death."

~Eman Hillis, Nearer to Death…


in reply to tj

11/15/23, 7 pm Palestine time / 5 pm UK / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET / 9 am PT

Breaking news and analysis on day 40 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast…


in reply to tj

whats up the government is playing in americans' fucking faces (always has been but good grief)

source is U.S. Campaign For Palestinian Rights

map of the united states with a title that says: How much of this annual $3.8 billion in military funding do people in your city pay through federal tax dollars? What community needs could be funded instead? Find out below on our interactive map.

In The U.S. $3,800,000,000 to Israel's weapons could instead fund:

  • 451,735 Households with public housing for a year
  • 1,322,199 Children receiving free or low-cost healthcare
  • 41,490 Elementary school teachers
  • 10,818,505 Households with solar electricity produced for a year
  • 100,563 Students with their loan debt cancelled
  • Over three billion n95 respirator masks @palestine #FreePalestine
in reply to tj

“We have lost so many people, but there are still many more who are living, and we owe it to them to do everything possible to stop this genocide, [...] I have done everything in my power: I have participated in protests, sit-ins, wrote letters to my representatives, civil disobedience. Now I am asking the courts to end this ongoing genocide.”

~Mohammad Herzallah, Palestinians sue Biden admin for failure to stop genocide in Gaza


in reply to tj

Join USCPR on Friday, November 17 to mobilize our masses to take action to contribute to SHUT IT DOWN FOR PALESTINE.

Let's kick off the day with a strategic mobilization: Jamming Congress’s phone lines together at 12pm ET / 9am PT, Friday, November 17. While activists across the country are protesting for Palestine, make sure the phones are ringing off the hook in the halls of Congress.…


in reply to tj

Solidarity Under Siege: Palestine and the Criminalization of Protest
Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Online, YouTube

Join Ibrahim Husseini, Majed Abusalama, Aviah Sarah Day and Shanice Octavia McBean for an urgent conversation on resistance, repression, and global solidarity.…


in reply to tj

AIPAC and the Israel-US Relationship
Monday, November 20 · 6 - 7:30pm EST
Join Alex Kane (Jewish Currents), Hannah Fertig (Justice Democrats), and Jason Farbman (Jewish Voice for Peace) for a panel moderated by Sumaya Awad (Adalah Justice Project) exploring the US-Israel relationship, with a focus on the role of the Israel lobby in domestic politics.

Register through Eventbrite to receive a link to the video conference on the day of the event. This event will also be recorded and live captioning will be provided.…


in reply to tj

On Solidarity: A Boston Review Launch Event
Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:00 PM - Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:30 PM EST
Online, YouTube

On Solidarity clarifies a key idea in struggles for a more just world. What does solidarity mean, and how can diverse movements build enough of it to change society?

Organizer and political theorist Mie Inouye will be joined by contributors Charisse Burden-Stelly and Nathan R. DuFord for a forum on obstacles to collective action today. Rejecting the language of “allyship” and the politics of deference, On Solidarity makes the case for maintaining solidarity through conflict in durable institutions over time, none of which is possible without the hard work of good organizing.…


in reply to tj

Donate to help Sudanese people

My name is Jehron Muhammad. As Some know, through marriage and researching and writing and interviewing and speaking at university, and on Sudan tv, while living in Khartoum, and traveling to the surrounding region, I’ve developed a love and appreciation for Sudan and its multi ethnic, multi racial, mostly Black indigenous population. Add to the above the many Sudanese family and friendships I’ve developed.

My Gofund is to raise a small amount for those that I’m aware of, that I’ve spoken to, that are in financial need. Needs include passport cost, visas, transportation cost, food, gas, medical assistance and medicine, rent after being displaced, the list goes on. Whatever you can give, nothing is too small, is much appreciated.…


in reply to tj

"Since the conflict’s outbreak, all efforts to end the war, both regional and international, have ended in a stalemate, causing the prolonged suffering of civilians in the region. As this genocide begins to unfold, the rest of the world has been silent, refusing to intervene as human rights are blatantly violated. In fact, despite promising humanitarian aid to the country, the United Arab Emirates – along with the Russian Wagner mercenary group – has been accused of sending weapons to Sudan and prolonging the conflict, thereby becoming complicit in the genocide. The international community must condemn these acts and refuse to engage in human rights violations."

~Rebekka Kabel, “Never Again”?: After Fleeing War In South Sudan, Refugees Caught In Sudanese Conflict


in reply to tj

"We, the undersigned Sudanese and international civil society groups have come together to sound the alarm on future atrocities being committed in Sudan, based on the patterns of atrocities that have occurred in the previous seven months of war. We call on the international community to take decisive preventative action to prevent further atrocities from being perpetrated. The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have captured major Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) garrisons in south, west, and central Darfur, with evidence of crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and conflict related sexual violence (CRSV) being perpetrated against civilians."

~several Sudan grassroots organizations, Civil Society Sounds Alarm: Take Immediate Action on Sudan or Be Complicit in Future Atrocities


in reply to tj

"Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the resident U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, told a United Nations news conference that “the situation is horrific and grim” and “frankly, we are running out of words to describe the horror of what is happening.”

~EDITH M. LEDERER, Over half of Sudan’s population needs humanitarian aid after nearly 7 months of war, UN says


in reply to tj

"Note— I wrote this article on October 24th for an international news media brand after an editor reached out asking for me to write a call to queer people to be in solidarity with Palestine. After receiving backlash for publishing their Pro-Palestinian pieces, the magazine decided that they weren’t going to publish the piece. [...]

I’m going to publish the piece here, after the ordeal. I’ve been extremely disappointed with the way major Queer and Gay newspapers haven’t been covering what is happening in Palestine, due to pink-washing campaigns."

~fatimah asghar, Gay people: I need us to care about Palestine
My article that was axed from being published


in reply to tj

Palestinians are being silenced on Instagram and Facebook through content removal, shadowbanning, and the deletion of accounts.

Sign the petition demanding Meta stop censoring Palestine on its platforms.…

in reply to tj

"It is not enough to hate and believe in the past to make a revolution.
Hatred and belief in the past are sufficient prods for the rebellion phase.
We must love and be future-oriented if we wish to carry out the revolution."


in reply to tj

"But why bother hiding something if no one knows it exists?"

~Siddharth Kara, Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives

#CongoIsBleeding #Congo

in reply to tj

"Halakhe and Hollingworth urge that unless donors step up the humanitarian and diplomatic efforts, including steps to prevent misuse of aid, Sudan and the wider region will witness more suffering and starvation. Not because of a lack of knowledge about the situation but because of a lack of political will, they conclude."…


in reply to tj

Mosab Abu Toha, award-winning poet from Gaza, has been kidnapped by Israel forces.

Mosab and his family were asked by the State Dept. to evacuate to Rafah Crossing – his 3-year-old son is a U.S. citizen born in Boston. He was snatched by Israeli forces while fleeing Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

It is no surprise that Israel is targeting those who bear witness - poets, journalists, artists.

We are all responsible for the freedom of Palestinians. We will not be silent until there is justice, for Mosab and for all Palestinians. AMosab has a 3 year old son who is an American citizen born in Boston, MA, so Massacusetts Senators and Representatives have an obligation to fight for his family’s wellbeing that we can demand through a collective push for phone calls.

Join us on Zoom Tuesday, 11/21 12-12:30pm ET / 9-9:30am PT to demand freedom for Mosab, a ceasefire now, and the end to U.S. support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.


in reply to tj

Not everyone can join in person due to financial, safety, or accessibility reasons. So, we’re hosting a digital protest! Like, comment, and share from home. Engage in a Community LIVE rush to boost creators advocating justice. Enjoy group calls to action and watch your favorite content creators talk about activism! Join us on TikTok LIVE @ 2pm PST / 5pm EST. “Make Black Friday Red” isn’t just a call to action; it’s a performance of justice. Let’s shift towards mindful consumption and keep them in the RED!…

More info here

in reply to tj

Leila Khaled: “Where There is Repression, There is Resistance”
October 23, 2023…


in reply to tj

Mental Health Resources for Palestinians + SWANA folks…


in reply to tj

Welcome to Native Cinema Showcase
All films on demand
November 17–24, 2023

The National Museum of the American Indian’s Native Cinema Showcase is an annual celebration of the best in Native film. For this year’s theme, we highlight films of Indigenous perseverance that inspire, uplift, and triumph against adversity—stories that prevail against the judicial system, generational trauma, and cultural appropriation through love and complex relationships, self-worth, and humor.…

in reply to tj

The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive was launched to collect various documents including identification papers, official records, letters, diaries, manuscripts, maps, photographs, films, and audio recordings that were under threat of loss, damage, or confiscation.


in reply to tj


Thursday, November 23, 2023 (U.S. "thanksgiving" day) at Cole's Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 12 noon SHARP. LIVESTREAM LINK


An annual tradition since 1970, National Day of Mourning is a solemn, spiritual and highly political day. Many of us fast from sundown the day before through the afternoon of that day (and have a social after NDOM so that participants in NDOM can break their fasts). We are mourning our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands. NDOM is a day when we mourn, but we also feel our strength in action and solidarity.

in reply to tj

Palestine Zine Reading List


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Online Reading of The Gaza Monologues by Ashtar Theatre Palestine

Livestreaming on this page on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 10 a.m. HST (Honolulu, UTC -10) / 11 a.m. AKST (Juneau, UTC -9) / 12 p.m. PST (San Francisco, UTC -8) / 2 p.m. CST (Chicago, UTC -6) / 3 p.m. EST (New York, UTC -5) / 20:00 GMT (London, UTC +0) / 21:00 CET (Berlin, UTC +1)


in reply to tj…

ACTION ALERT: Take Action on Fair Pay for Disabled Workers!

#Disability #DisabilityJustice

in reply to tj

Help Individuals with SMA Save for their Financial Futures…

in reply to tj

"So far, since October 7, when Israel launched its genocidal war in Gaza, Israeli forces have killed more than 239 Palestinians, injured more than 3000 others, and detained at least 3,160 in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to Palestinian official statistics. In Gaza, the death toll stands at an estimated 15,000 and over 33,000 injured."…


in reply to tj

"“There are no longer only two parties to the current war in Sudan”, she said and explained that both the RSF and the army are supported by other militias, such as El Baraa Brigades and the Shadow Brigades.

The abuses committed by these militias are not as well documented."

~Radio Dabanga Sudan

Link talks about sexual abuse used as a war tactic



in reply to tj

its fucking ridiculous that an Atlanta cop just killed an older black man and they expect us to just....let them make Cop City (i did not watch the video and bossip lets you know that the video is extremely disturbing)

Learn more here and here and here and here


in reply to tj

"I don't believe your antiracist work is complete or valid or useful if you haven't engaged with Black humanity."

~Tarana Burke, You Are Your Best Thing

in reply to tj

Today is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. As the genocide in Gaza continues and we are on what could be the last day of this 4 day “pause”, we must take action in solidarity together like never before. It will take all of us, in the millions joining forces from all over the world, to stop this genocide.

Hear from guest speakers Mohammed El-Kurd, Macklemore, Jehad Abusalim, Noura Erakat, Aja Monet, and Krystal Two Bulls at 10am/PST, 1pm/EST

You can also livestream through fb here



in reply to tj

tweet by EleanorNorton that reads:

During the first real cold snap this year, it's a good time to remind DC residents that they can call DC 311 or the Shelter Hotline at 202-399-7093 to request free, accessible transportation to a shelter, including for people experiencing homelessness.

Stay safe!

this was posted November 29, 2023

in reply to tj

Experience from Rwanda: Memories of Genocide and Psychosocial Effects on Young Adults and Peacebuilding

Dec. 5, 2023
11:00am – 12:30pm ET

The discussion will highlight the impact of memories on reconciliation efforts, and analyze the implications on the peacebuilding process, especially through the narratives of young people born of genocide perpetrators.


in reply to tj

"Now Publishers for Palestine have organized an international #ReadPalestine week which begins tomorrow, November 29, coinciding with the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Until December 5, people worldwide will be able to download e-books for free in eight languages, made available by participating publishers."



in reply to tj

Sign a letter asking that Bread Loaf Writers start to "support a community of care from the start, so the conference is accessible to all." This year's conference had no COVID protective measures and over 10% of attendees contracted COVID.

The writing community is highkey terrible about COVID precautions (much like every industry) but things like this are important because this conference is Huge, and if they start doing right who knows, maybe others will follow.

in reply to tj

"Tweet by jasclubprez
first came a global pandemic, then came eugenics, fascism, genocide and a world war.
and the fact people (disabled, historians, etc) were gaslighted for calling this lead up out even though it's been page for page nearly the same. whew.

Quoted tweet by plagueprose
I know it's been said and it'll keep being said from a multitude of perspectives, but as someone who spent years studying WWIl and fascism to the point of presenting my thesis in Poland... we should all be very, very afraid right now"

in reply to tj

Weʼre raising £20,000 to Support LGBTQIA+ people in Kakuma Refugee Camp QUEER INITIATIVE KAKUMA

"Kakuma refugee camp has more than 1000 queer assylum seekers and refugees of which 99% of us fled away from uganda and the 1% from congo, Burundi, Rwanda and somalia in fear of persecution, torture and discrimination of all sorts. I pass on this message seeking for support and advocacy creating awareness of what i and my fellow LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees under the umbrella of QUEER INNITIATIVE KAKUMA are currently facing and going through."

#Kenya #QueerMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #BlackCrowdfund @mutualaid

in reply to tj

"Black and Third World people are expected to educate white people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate men. Lesbians and gay men are expected to educate the heterosexual world. The oppressors maintain their position and evade their responsibility..."

—Audre Lorde

in reply to tj

Hour Long Daily Checklist with a lot of resources for learning about Palestine and how to advocate for a permanent ceasefire…


in reply to tj

Sudan Syllabus…


in reply to tj

Sudan Democracy Lifeline Fellowship

Please make sure that all information you enter in the application is correct. All answers should be your original work and any detected plagiarism or AI generated content will be disqualified from the selection process.

يرجى التأكد من صحة جميع المعلومات التي تدخلها في هذه الاستمارة. يجب أن تكون جميع الإجابات هي عملك الأصلي وسيتم استبعاد أي سرقة أدبية أو محتوى تم إنشاؤه بواسطة الذكاء الاصطناعي من عملية الاختيار.

Sudan Democracy Lifeline Fellowship:
The Sudan Democracy Lifeline Fellowship is a transformative non-residential program designed to address the urgent need for evidence-based research and analysis on
Sudan. This program aims to empower Sudanese activists with the skills and
knowledge to influence international discourse and decision-making on critical
issues facing Sudan today. Over a span of 5 months, this intensive fellowship
will equip five passionate activists with the platform and expertise to conduct
rigorous research, produce evidence-based publications, and contribute
meaningfully to the advancement of democracy in Sudan.

Themes of Research:
The central theme of the fellowship revolves around democracy in Sudan. Nevertheless, participants will be encouraged to narrow their research focus to a specific topic or perspective within the broader theme of democracy in Sudan. These focused areas include:

Human rights
Civil society and grassroots organizations
International diplomacy and geopolitics
Peace and conflict
Gender, intersectionality and participation
Youth empowerment and Participation

Application Deadline: December 20, 2023
الموعد النهائي للتقديم هو يوم الاربعاء الموافق 20 ديسمبر…

in reply to tj


Biden is pushing a $14 billion military aid package to support Israel’s continued massacres and ethnic cleansing in Gaza – and Congress could be voting on this arms package as soon as this week.

Millions of people across the country are demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and calling for an end to Israel's brutal occupation. We need our members of Congress to listen and take action.…



in reply to tj

For The Gworls $400,000 WINTER Campaign


The most effective way to ensure transgender people are safe and affirmed is by supporting them tangibly.

Help us make this happen by supporting our campaign. Proceeds will go towards (1) providing rent support to Black transgender applicants, (2) access to hormone replacement + affirmative healthcare, (3) funding for our Black transgender staff, and (4) healthcare for our staff, as well.…

#BlackTransAid #MutualAid #TransCrowdFund

in reply to tj

Sign a petition on Action Network telling the CEOs of Apple, Dell, Google, Microsoft and Tesla to settle the Democratic of The Congo Child Miner Lawsuit…

#CongoIsBleeding #Congo #ModernSlavery

in reply to tj

Join the One Free Community VIRTUAL Protest on Saturday Dec. 9, 2023

Enjoy group calls to action and watch your favorite content creators talk about activism! Join us on TikTok LIVE @ 12pm P / 1pm M / 2pm C / 3pm E

Virtual Protests aren’t just calls to action; it’s a performance of justice. Let’s shift towards community care!…


in reply to tj

Help Sudan- Sudan Relief

(This group is recommended by Sudanese activists I follow such as bsonblast)

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan @sudan

in reply to tj

Ceasefire Now - Permanently - Email Your Congressmen in Just 10 Seconds

Demand a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and End U.S. Complicity in Oppression

#FreePalestine @palestine

in reply to tj

UN is voting on Ceasefire now email your representatives immediately!

script from woketeachers:

Subject line: Ceasefire

Body: I am writing in support of an IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE in Palestine. It has extended beyond a humanitarian crisis and if the UN is of any ACTUAL value it will exercise its power as a global body to STOP COMMITTING FURTHER GENOCIDE!


This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to tj

you know it conceptually, but to see that people are dying PREVENTABLE DEATHS, people are trying to survive PREVENTABLE TRAUMAS, because of the greed of at least one white man?! billionaires never need to exist. (im not even halfway through and i want to rip the world apart)…

in reply to tj

"As Americans debate how and when to open the economy after coronavirus, we are frequently presented with a seemingly impossible choice between risking millions of lives and sliding into a great depression through a continued lock down. This is a repugnant lie.

The money to weather this storm while maintaining quarantine exists, it's just a matter of finding the political will to take it."…

in reply to tj

Gaza in Context: A Collaborative Teach-In Series — Media and the War on Gaza (8 December)

Through their Youtube stream

12:00 AM PST | 3:00 PM EST | 8:00 PM London | 10:00 PM Palestine


in reply to tj

“Sexual assault” as propaganda to facilitate /Genocide in Gaza"الاعتداء الجنسي" بروباغندا لمواصلة إبادة غزة

“Sexual assault” as propaganda to facilitate Genocide in Gaza.

The policy of perpetually creating/fabricating pretexts for enabling the genocidal war against Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip by US President Joe Biden and his administration has been unveiled. It is evidently and manifestly functional to masquerade the massacres committed by the Israeli Occupation war machine. Over 16 thousand Palestinians, most of whom are women and children, have been killed, 40 thousand civilians were injured, and more than 1.7 million Palestinians were displaced from their homes by the effect of this propaganda campaign.

Within their narration to justify the genocide, the US administration adopted, via recitations of its president, the allegations promoted by the Israeli occupation’s propaganda machine regarding the occurrence of “sexual assaults” against Israeli female hostages in the Gaza Strip. No credible evidence or reports from independent international investigative bodies in this regard was provided. Such conduct in endorsing unfounded allegations without due diligence serves as a deliberate distortion of the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation and their legitimate resistance against an occupying colonial entity. We also note that all previous fallacious allegations, such as the killing of children and burning of civilians/ SETTLERS, were later retracted/negated/denied by the very entities that espoused them.

The US-backed Israeli occupation government is obstructing the entry of any international missions into the Gaza Strip to investigate the horrific crimes committed against the Palestinian people-children, women, and men. It also refuses to cooperate with specialized international bodies to investigate allegations of sexual assault. We call for deploying investigative teams affiliated with credible international institutions that advocate for women to investigate the crimes of the occupation in the Gaza Strip and enquire into/examine/probe the allegations that are being weaponized to justify genocide against the Palestinian people.
We stress that the Palestinian people, throughout their long history of struggle for freedom, have not engendered such heinous acts characterising the Zionist movement since its early attacks on Palestinian villages in 1948 until today. Israeli sexual and physical assaults against Palestinian women are constantly confirmed through Palestinian female prisoners’ testimonies and current accounts of women in Gaza. We demand the opening of an independent international investigation to thoroughly examine and document these testimonies.
The use of sexual violence as a weapon of war caused real suffering for thousands of women around the world. Colonial powers have used these weapons throughout their history, and we refuse to see them exploited today in the propaganda campaign for genocide.

Ceasefire Now.
Down with the killing machine and its propaganda
Freedom for Palestine. Freedom for Palestinian women.…


in reply to tj

(this also serves as an image description the following information is on a pie chart)

Did you know with 85% of the "wealth" of the 400 richest Americans (nearly $3,000,000,000,000) we could:

  • Eradicate malaria (worldwide)
  • Test every American for coronavirus
  • Provide clean water and waste disposal to every human on earth
  • Eliminate all federal taxes on households earning less than $80,000 for the next four years
  • Give $10,000 to every American household

and they would still have 500 billion dollars left over.

oh, also! that little $111,405,953,125 is just part of the three trillion mentioned above, if you scroll through you'll see all kinds of things we could be doing with the money that these Americans have built off our backs!…

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to tj

"The indignities threaten to overwhelm. But for those in solidarity with the Palestinian people, there is no time for despair. We owe it to every martyr to fight, we have obligations, we have made commitments. When everything seems designed to generate resignation, to produce acquiescence, those commitments are life-giving, and can see us through till the end. That end may be abrupt, it might be quiet or hard, but refusal is a sign of our aliveness. When a nihilism beckons that cannot be rejected wholesale, we must ask it to be fleeting, and let the productive work set us on a path to something different."

~Two Months by The Palestinian Youth Movement, published in The New Inquiry December 8, 2023


This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to tj

URGENT before 5:30pm/EST (though if you miss the cutoff please continue to send through)

go to…


Sub: Call for UN Res. 377
Body: I am writing to request that my Congress person and any US representatives immediately call for UN resolution 377 to be invoked, returning the veto of UN resolution 99 and invoking a general assembly vote for a ceasefire in Israel-Palestine

@palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

sexual gender based violence (SGBV) in sudan

Sensitive content

in reply to tj

[Justice for Malik

We are calling for justice for Malik!](

Malik Jaffal, age 13, was shot by the IDF in Palestine a month ago for no other reason than simply walking along the same street as them. A few days back, they raided his house, strip searched the him, and arrested him. The boy, a U.S. citizen, is currently being held in a military prison, interrogated, intimidated, and abused with no access to a lawyer or even to his parents. If he doesn’t falsely confess to the crime of throwing rocks, the occupation forces are threatening to arrest his parents. His mother, Dunia, is of the Mustafa family in Paterson. She posted her story on Instagram and asked that it be shared among the community. If you can spare a moment, please contact the American embassy in Jerusalem to urge for the child’s release.

The Israeli government is aware that Malik is a US citizen and are denying him basic rights. They are forcing him to confess to crimes he did not commit, threatening that if he doesn’t, both of his parents will be jailed. Although a minor, Malik is scheduled to appear in court with no family members allowed to watch.

Sign the petition to help this innocent child overcome the injustices of Israeli apartheid now!


in reply to tj

im waiting for christina sharpe's ordinary notes to come back around from the library but i havent been able to stop thinking about how there should be a recorded document of kkk supporters/people who attended lynchings for fun and that database should be free and accessible

imagine if you just take all the guesswork out of racists, how much longer would our communities be able to live their lives instead of putting all that work into surviving people who show their ass when you least expect it

in reply to tj

"Since October 7, Israel has killed at least thirteen Palestinian poets and writers in Gaza."…

@palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

"In my work as a critic, I’ve often played it safe; devoted my time to works I loved or could situate as a positive contribution to the culture, shying away from being public in my negative critiques. As I read and re-read Ghassan Kanafani’s On Zionist Literature, I am reminded that this work is, in fact, a matter of life-or-death; literatures can set the stage for the attempted annihilation of a people, and it is our responsibility to point to it. How often have I chosen a slow death in service of comfort? The truth is, I have never been able to look around a room and not see the genocidal escalation to come—if the vitriolic disregard for human life, for Palestinian life, did not permeate through to our most mundane of activities, over 18,000 Palestinians would not have been killed in the past 67 days, over 1.5 million would not be displaced from Gaza."

~Summer Farah,…

still reading but this is really good

in reply to tj

"Read, quote, teach, share the words of living Palestinians. Withdraw from places that benefit from or take a studied and calculated indifference to our spectacular annihilation. Do what Palestinians ask you to; stop trying to be clever or develop your own opinions about something you have spent no time studying, something you have no material stake in. If you have a material stake in Palestinian freedom: by all means speak and act clearly from that, broadcast that clarity wide and loud and elaborate it deeply. Believe in the meaning of your own life without thinking you must be a genius to matter—this is an imperial lie, a patriarchal lie, a capitalist lie, an ableist lie, a white supremacist lie, and only those who wish to support those violences benefit from you believing you have no power."

~Rasha Abdulhadi, Palestinian Poets on the Role of Literature in Fighting Genocide

in reply to tj

"For me, the minimum line is always rooted in human rights. If an institution can’t affirm that we are all deserving of clean water, food, and dignity, and cannot condemn the indiscriminate bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure, then what “cultural” role do they have? Culture is a celebration of people. It depends on people. What is a love of culture without a love of people?"

~Priscilla Wathington, Palestinian Poets on the Role of Literature in Fighting Genocide


in reply to tj

Palestinian American poet, Priscilla Wathington, reflects on a month of violence in the Middle East…


in reply to tj

"I am not a number and I do not consent to my death being passing news."

~Nour al-Din Hajjaj…

in reply to tj

“Pray for us. Pray for all Palestinians. Pray that there’s a cease-fire yesterday,” Bateh said.…


in reply to tj

Help 4 orphans who fled from Gaza start a new life

"I'm raising funds on behalf of the last surviving members of Al-Aiash family who lost their parents and home in Israeli airstrikes. Funds will go towards finding them a permanent shelter in the country they fled to."…


in reply to tj

Crips for eSims for Gaza

Donate for Palestinians to have eSims

this article is really good for remembering how we, as disabled people, have a part to play in our collective liberation and freedom…


in reply to tj

(from a friend)

This is a list of NYC restaurants that have directly supported the IDF/Israel either by raising money for the Zionist forces or engaging in advocacy to continue the genocide. You can very easily save the Google map list so that next time you're looking for a place to eat in the city, make sure they're *NOT* on this list! #Boycott these restaurants and submit any more restaurants to the list.…

in reply to tj

Sign to demand President Biden call for a permanent ceasefire, protect human rights, and stop sending U.S. bombs for war crimes…


in reply to tj

Kidnapping and Slavery: The RSF is committing more dangerous rights violations in this malign war against civilians in Sudan…


in reply to tj

Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated…


in reply to tj

(US Specific) Home Test to Treat is a program that offers free tests and free treatment (if eligible) for COVID-19 and Flu at home 24/7. No insurance or appointments needed!

#Covid19 #Covid

in reply to tj

FLASH SALE: Jan 5 - 8

Birthright by George Abraham

$10 Signed Copies

$5 Paperback, eBook & Audiobook…


in reply to tj

Tell President Biden: Shut down the Line 5 pipeline now!

Every day that oil flows through the Line 5 pipeline is a catastrophic risk to the entire Great Lakes region.…

in reply to tj


The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has opened a digital platform to enable people to submit complaints online to the ICC with the option to add pictures and videos that show the crimes of the Israeli occupiers against them for the court to consider them and to take a stance against Israel. Those with information relevant to current events in Israel and Palestine are asked to provide submissions. Information submitted under this portal should relate to alleged crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC, namely War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, or Aggression.

Anyone can submit information through the portal. You do not necessarily need to be a victim or witness of the alleged crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC listed above. Information can also be submitted collectively or through an organization (for example an NGO, your masjid, a church), as long as there is an identifiable sender.


in reply to tj

THE HAGUE – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case South Africa v. Israel - Oral argument of South Africa (Jan. 11-12, 2024 starting at 3:30am/EST)…

have it on in the background if you can, just make it be known the world is watching


in reply to tj

Community Screening: International Court of Justice Hearing - South Africa's Case on Israel's Crime of Genocide
Start: Thursday, January 11, 2024• 5:30 PM
The People's Forum• 320 W. 37th St., New York, NY 10018 US
Host Contact Info:…


in reply to tj

Israel continues to bomb Gaza as ICJ genocide case begins…


in reply to tj

Activists To Follow

(Imani Barbarin made a great TikTok about how we still need to circulate the information from martyrs as well, that we cannot let their voices be silenced. so though there may be martyrs on this list it is important to still follow and raise their voices)…

in reply to tj

Actions that take three minutes


in reply to tj

Join us this Sunday, Jan 21 for a virtual panel discussion on historical and present-day anti-apartheid cultural movements from South Africa to Palestine, featuring Wally Serote, Poet Laureate of South Africa and founding Chairperson of the MEDU Arts Ensemble, Judy Seidman, member of the MEDU Arts Ensemble, Clarissa Bitar, award-winning Palestinian oud musician and composer, and Niki Franco, podcaster & cultural worker.

📆 Sun. Jan 21
🕙 10 am San Francisco
🕐 1 pm NYC
🕒 3 pm São Paulo
🕕 6 pm London
🕗 8 pm Johannesburg…


in reply to tj

Palestine Week at Busboys and Poets in DC, Maryland, and Virginia starts Thursday, January 18th (free and open to public but reserve a ticket)…


in reply to tj

Save the date - March 1st - March 30th; an entire month of action and BDS mobilizations to end complicity in genocide, build grassroots power towards liberation and the dismantling of Israel’s settler-colonial apartheid regime. Let’s make this year’s IAW our most impactful ever!

follow their newsletter for updates!…


in reply to tj

Sign an open letter to Stop ShotSpotter…

"An open letter to Ralph Clark, Alan Stewart, and the executives and employees of ShotSpotter, Inc.

We represent a broad coalition of local and national organizations and communities. We call upon you to stop selling surveillance and start listening to communities calling for real solutions to gun violence.

ShotSpotter technology regularly sends police, falsely expecting to find gunshots, into the Black, brown, and poor communities where your microphones are embedded.[1] Instead of preventing gun violence, ShotSpotter tech profits from it. The expansion of ShotSpotter's gunshot detection business depends on continued violence.[2]

ShotSpotter makes everyone in our communities less safe by increasing the number of heightened and harmful interactions with police. Majority Black, brown, and poor communities are already impacted by racist violence by police, and ShotSpotter technology helps further it. "

in reply to tj

Addressing Long COVID: Advancing Research and Improving Patient Care
Date: Thursday, January 18th, 2024
Time: 10:00am
Location: SD-430…

#Covid #LongCovid

in reply to tj

“At this point I'm running out of words to be able to describe the horror of what’s happening and how vile the actions have been by Israel against the Palestinian civilians.”

~Michael Fakhri, U.N.'s special rapporteur on the right to food…


This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to tj

A Step-by-Step Guide for Advocating to End Military Aid on Capitol Hill (especially March 5-10, though all of March there are a lot of events)…


in reply to tj

from BDS Movement:

From March 1st to 31st, let’s March for Palestine!…

"Let’s build actions to peacefully and effectively challenge the system of military relations, funding, propaganda, diplomatic shielding, repression, and whitewashing that enables Israel to continue exterminating Palestinians and wiping our cities, villages, and refugee camps off the map.
Let’s build campaign milestones and mobilize for new BDS campaigns. Organize an Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ) or an Apartheid Free Community (US) during this month of March. Convince your city council/trade union/cultural or academic institution to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and lifting the siege and to cut existing complicit ties with apartheid Israel during this month of March."


in reply to tj

this is the post (please click translate and read it in its entirety) that is referenced in the thread that im about to share in the next post and that thread is very important:

“Al-Jarida” this morning... burning entire villages, killing on an ethnic basis, leading to 50 deaths and 100 injuries, in addition to the kidnapping of 16 women.

• The International Nuba Mountains Association warns of a humanitarian catastrophe in the city of Kadugli

• The Rapid Support Forces burned entire villages"…


in reply to tj

this is the end of the thread but its important to read in its entirety:

"the sudanese people are dying and you’re ignoring us. i’ve asked this time and time again but what the hell will it take for you to act?! (5/5)

#KeepEyesOnSudan "…


in reply to tj

"underscored in a private post how this was not just about Brené Brown but rather “how white women have failed to show up in a meaningful way or in any way again.”

~ Rafia Zakaria, Why Brené Brown’s Gospel of Vulnerability Fails the World’s Most Vulnerable

in reply to tj

"In Brené Brown’s worldview, compassion is generated by a shared belief that everyone is “doing the best they can.” The rude cashier, the unaccommodating flight attendant, are all “doing the best that they can.” It is cute this idea and even workable, but it is a prescription best suited to those who are by and large untouched by systemic injustice. It tells us to think that the white cop nailing brown bodies to the pavement is just doing his best—in doing so it furthers the fraud that all our vulnerability is equally valued.

It is too bad then that the Queen of corporate-friendly aphorisms doesn’t understand that those who need the world to change, or perhaps those who must passively bear the complete evisceration of their lives, their families, their homes must be allowed to say to the Brené Browns, to the world, “do better.” Because right now, they most certainly are not “doing the best they can.”

~Rafia Zakaria, Why Brené Brown’s Gospel of Vulnerability Fails the World’s Most Vulnerable

in reply to tj

Justice for Nex! We demand an investigation NOW!

"On February 7, after a year of being bullied, Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old Choctaw Indigenous gender-fluid teen in Oklahoma, was brutally assaulted in a bathroom by their classmates and died the next day."…

in reply to tj

since (to my knowledge) i have a primarily english-speaking audience i am putting it in english first but it is written in arabic afterwards:


in reply to tj

“The conqueror writes history. They came, they conquered and they wrote. Now you don’t expect people who came to invade us to write the truth about us” —Miriam Makeba
in reply to tj

Help me Raise funds to help my uncle and his family evacuate from Sudan after going to Egypt.

18k/20k raised…


I am a Sudanese American residing in New York, and I am reaching out to you with a plea for urgent assistance. Since April 2023, the ongoing war in Sudan has displaced my family across various states within the country. Among them, my uncle's family is facing an exceptionally dire situation.
Family's Current Situation:

Currently, my uncle, his wife, and their four children - Saja, Dania, Shahd, and Ibrahim - are taking refuge in our family home located in a small village in North Kordofan. Fleeing from Khartoum due to the fear of violence and death, they sought safety in this remote village. However, their struggle for basic necessities has been relentless since their arrival.
Challenges Faced:

The presence of the RSF, a violent militia known for looting, robbing, and assaulting families, has only added to their hardships. Despite our continuous efforts to support them financially, their situation has worsened over time. This week, the situation has reached a critical point as Shahd, my baby cousin, has contracted both Malaria and Dengue fever. Additionally, my cousin Dania suffers from severe anemia, while Ibrahim, the youngest, is in urgent need of milk. Moreover, my uncle, a diabetic, is running out of insulin, and his wife requires emergency surgery that necessitates leaving the country.
Desperate Plea for Evacuation:

The desperate plea from my uncle's family is to evacuate Sudan, especially considering that his children have been deprived of education for nearly eight months. However, the RSF siege on the village has hindered humanitarian aid from reaching them, exacerbating their plight.
Financial Struggle:

We have been doing our utmost to provide financial support for legalization process, travel, and necessities since April 2023, but our resources are dwindling, and we lack the funds necessary for their evacuation. Therefore, I implore you to donate whatever you can spare. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in saving their lives and ensuring their safety.
What else can you do:

If you are unable to donate, please consider sharing this plea across your social networks - in group chats, Instagram stories, Twitter, and beyond. Together, we can bring attention to this urgent situation and rally support for my uncle's family during their time of need.


in reply to tj

"“He was killed while trying to get some food,” Anas said. “He was trying to keep his starving family alive.”"

~Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman, When Israel Slaughtered The Starving


in reply to tj

"Schools are among the most powerful socializing agents. The actual purpose of education has been described as “the transmission of culture,” the process by which the culture of a society is passed down to its children (Saldana 2013). This happens most obviously through the formal curriculum, but it also occurs through the “hidden curriculum”—the unwritten rules and unspoken values transmitted to children by their schools, sometimes unintentionally (Giroux and Penna 1979; Jackson 1968).

Teachers have the power through direct modeling and through explicit instruction to shape the future. Teachers are socialized from the beginning to conform to the culture and expectations of other school staff and especially to avoid going against anything that their supervisors suggest, given that they are dependent on them to maintain their careers (Roberts and Graham 2008)."

~Dr. Sara Woods, Autistic People and the Power of Nonconformity

in reply to tj

Sudan Crisis-attributable Population Mortality Survey / استبيان وفيات السكان المرتبطة بالأزمة في السودان

This survey is about people who have died in Sudan (or after leaving Sudan) since the beginning of the current conflict.…

a link to a survey to keep a better record of those who have died in Sudan, as there is belief that the numbers are being grossly under-reported


in reply to tj

via Black for Palestine

Radical Resistances: Haiti, Palestine and the Fight Against Empire…

Resources Here


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in reply to tj

(US PEOPLE) A new discharge petition in the works on the House side in Congress. We need this measure KILLED. If this passes it will send $14 billion in military aid to Israel
Call YOUR congressperson NOW!!
Suggested Script
“Hi, my name is [Your Name]. I live in [Your City] [Your Zip Code]. I don’t want my Representative to sign onto the discharge petition forcing a vote on the Senate Supplemental in the House.
I continue to urge you to pass legislation that:

1. Advocates for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine,
2. Stops military funding to Israel, and
3. Sends humanitarian aid to Palestine.


in reply to tj

"Haiti is under a state of emergency, with tens of thousands displaced amid the fighting, and United Nations officials warn the country’s health system is nearing collapse. Ariel Henry was appointed prime minister after the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, but he is currently stranded outside the country after a trip to Kenya, where he was seeking a U.N.-backed security force to help him maintain power. For more, we speak with Haitian American scholar Jemima Pierre, who says the unrest in Haiti today can be traced to decisions made two decades ago by the United States and other outside powers. “The root of this crisis is not last week, it’s not this week, it’s not even Ariel Henry. But we have to go back to 2004 with the coup-d’état,” says Pierre. She adds that because successive security plans have been sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council, “the whole world is participating in the occupation of Haiti unwittingly.”"

~Amy Goodman and Jemima Pierre, The World Is Participating in the Occupation of Haiti Unwittingly, Scholar Says


in reply to tj

"You know, we say the crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism. In 2004, as has been revealed and admitted to, the U.S., France and Canada got together and backed a coup d’état against the country’s first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. And the U.S. Marines flew into his home, put him on a plane with his security officials, his wife and aide, and flew them to the Central African Republic. And people can actually go to the Democracy Now! archives, which covered this live. And I remember listening to this happening live.

And the point of this was that this coup d’état, which was led by two permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, was then sanctioned by the U.N. when these same two members of the U.N. Security Council — and that’s the U.S. and France — basically pushed the U.N. Security Council into sending a multinational military force to Haiti armed under Chapter VII deployment. And that itself was illegal, because the original coup d’état was illegal. The U.S. ambassador to Haiti and the deputy ambassador were in the process — they’re the ones that named who the interim president would be, put together a Council of Sages, and basically restructured Haiti’s elected president. And back then we had 7,000 elected officials; today we have zero. And over time, I say Haiti has been under occupation, because it is this military occupation, the MINUSTAH occupation, that went from 2004 to 2007, that established the Core Group, that — it’s an unelected group of Western officials, including Brazil, which led the military arm of the occupation in 2004 under Lula, which led then — which has been controlling all the actions in Haiti, down to naming who the prime minister would be, Ariel Henry, after the assassination of Jovenel Moïse.

I have to quickly say, though, one of the key things that happened is, in 2010, after the earthquake in Haiti that killed hundreds of thousands, when the U.S. pushed the sitting president, René Préval, to have elections — and the WikiLeaks papers revealed to us later that Hillary Clinton actually flew to Haiti and changed the election results, where Michel Martelly of the PHTK political party did not make the first round, but the U.S. forced the Haitian election council to actually make him — put him in the second round. And so, establishing the PHTK, Michel Martelly, a neo-Duvalierist, as Haiti’s president with under 20% of the people voting, with the largest political party in Haiti, Lavalas, not being able to participate, we set the stage for what we see today. "

~Jemima Pierre


in reply to tj

"And so, to understand what’s going on in Haiti, we have to understand how the original moment of the 2004 coup d’état led us to the complete destruction of the Haitian state. And if we don’t do that, we don’t understand these current flareups, where people are saying that they want their democracy back and saying that whatever negotiations that are happening outside of Haiti has nothing to do with them because it has not included them."

~Jemima Pierre

in reply to tj

"I also want to say quickly, just to touch back to the question earlier, is, the reason I say Haiti is a laboratory, because this is the first coup d’état that was sanctioned by the U.N., and Haiti was ruled by a multilateral coalition of all these countries. And so, the U.N. occupation of Haiti, through MINUSTAH and through the Core Group, is multinational, multiracial, and it almost seems as if this is a humanitarian effort as opposed to a coup d’état that has been successful. And so, the whole world is participating in the occupation of Haiti unwittingly, because — and this is how — we have to remember how the U.S. will work, and they will use their proxies to do the dirty work for them."

~Jemima Pierre

in reply to tj

Tell Congress: No TikTok Ban…

in reply to tj

"And so, the problem is, if this goes on and if they don’t take into account other solutions that Haitians have been putting together — you know, in early 2021, you had La Fanmi Lavalas come up with Sali Piblik, which means that we need to start over and change the system. We had the Montana Accords. We have local groups that actually had a solution before the Moïse assassination. The U.S. government was trying to protect Moïse and basically ignored all these local solutions. And so, now they cannot say that they’re here to help Haiti, as much as trying to figure out how to put in place another unpopular and illegal government, and so then we’ll have the same problem a few years down the line.

The other thing I want to quickly say — I know, in a hurry — is that the people funding these armed groups are part of the oligarchy. And most of the guns and ammunition are coming from the U.S. People must remember that in the late 2022, in early 2023, the Canadian government sanctioned three of the richest oligarchs in Haiti. That’s Gilbert Bigio, Reynold Deeb and Sherif Abdallah. The Canadian government also sanctioned former President Michel Martelly and other — and Laurent Lamothe, his prime minister, all of them because they — for drug trafficking, but also for funding these armed groups. And so, in the news we get, you get these guys that look, you know, like raggedy — ragged and poor, but then the people really funding them, because Haiti does not manufacture guns, are these elites that are behind all the violence. And so I also want to put that into very clear context so that we know that this is a very complex problem that’s very much set up by the 2004 coup, but also perpetuated by the oligarchy and the U.S., which work together to keep Haiti unstable, so that we can say Haiti is ungovernable and we need to come in and save it."

~Jemima Pierre


in reply to tj

""Guy Philippe was around in 2004. In fact, Guy Philippe was trained by the U.S. in Ecuador and spent a lot of time training in — living and training in the Dominican Republic. So, in the lead-up to coup d’état against Aristide in 2004, what you had is — all the fall of 2003, what you had, Guy Philippe and his armed groups would ransack — would cross into the border and ransack and attack police stations and so on and so forth. Back then, which is fascinating, if you look up in the news, the Western media portrayed him as a freedom fighter. He was the hero standing up against the evil Aristide, according to the West. And so they supported him. And he would say later that he was actually being funded by the CIA and so on.


Guy Philippe was arrested by the U.S. and put in prison for drug trafficking. And we have to understand this, because even during his trial, there are certain things that were kept secret because it implicated the U.S. government. And so, he served six years in prison as a criminal in the U.S., and now the U.S. dumped him in Haiti in November 2023, after serving six years of a nine-year term.


everyone pretends that Haiti — you know, are saying that Haiti is at war, and so on and so forth, but the reality is, Guy Philippe is giving interviews to all the mainstream press. Guy Philippe gives more interviews than the local people who are organizing against repression. We don’t hear them in The Washington Post, but we hear Guy Philippe. But I wonder what the U.S. role is for Guy Philippe right now. And as far as I’m concerned, he should be tried for treason, because he was behind — he worked with the U.S. to actually remove our elected president. And so, we have to be very careful about what the U.S. is bringing, what the mainstream media is bringing to us as real and as the situation, when we know the situation is actually very much controlled by the U.S. and the Core Group when it comes to Haiti."

~Jemima Pierre


in reply to tj

"what’s going on in Haiti is actually very important, because it’s — I don’t think it’s a plan that the U.S. wanted, which is why they rushed Henry to Kenya to sign this bilateral agreement, after the Kenyan courts said that it was unconstitutional for Kenya to send its police to Haiti. But I think things changed faster than they anticipated, and so now they’re scrambling for a new plan in Haiti. And in the meantime, what’s happening is our people, that are the people — the poor people on the ground, are the ones suffering."

~Jemima Pierre


in reply to tj

Tell City Hall: No Cuts to Libraries!

Your library and your community need your help. Mid-year City budget cuts in November 2023 forced New York City’s public libraries to reduce the vital services we offer to all New Yorkers, including ending Sunday service at most locations offering it across the city, and reducing collections, programming, and maintenance at our branches.

Sign your name to instantly deliver a message to Mayor Adams and the New York City Council to let them know how vital public libraries are to the communities they serve.

From books and e-books to job-search help and ESOL classes to safe spaces for kids and teens to learn and grow, our libraries provide all New Yorkers with the support and resources they need to succeed.

#libraries #library

in reply to tj

US PEOPLE (from a trusted source)

Congress is asking for your opinion if they should support a ceasefire or continue to send weapons for killing our brothers and sisters? Please respond to the survey and get as many people to respond ASAP

NOTE: In the share more box, you can also demand aid and recovery for Sudan and the end of genocide and slavery in Congo.…


@palestine @sudan

in reply to tj

For Sudan: Help us feed families in Omdurman…

"In the city of Omdurman, there is an ongoing initiative being led by Sameh Makki to feed his local community. They receive the funds, buy ingredients and prepare simple meals.

The situation is currently very difficult and donations are weak, as such the kitchen has been forced to turn families away repeatedly.

There are no international aid and relief organizations serving this community. Yet Sameh is doing a great job providing assistance to families in Omdurman during these difficult circumstances of war.

Let us extend our hands in solidarity and support. Your donation, no matter how small, can make a world of difference to those struggling to get by during this war."



in reply to tj

Urge Ziff Davis and IGN Management to Voluntarily Recognize the IGN Creators Guild!…

#gaming #IGN #game #guild

in reply to tj

US PEOPLE via palestinianvoicestoday on picture site

Find your house rep
Call/email them with this script:

Do Not Sign Petition #9

My name is [x]. I am your constituent in [x].

I do not want more American taxpayer dollars sent to Israel. Do not fall under Democratic pressure to sign a discharge a petition for more aid to Israel.

If it goes to vote, vote NO on Amendment 1388 to HR815 and HR7113.

I also urge you to cosponsor HR786 today, so we can permanently stop this bloodshed.

I will not vote for those who aid in genocide.


in reply to tj

"War is never by
itself, just like laughter or
snow--how snowflakes take
on the scent of the bird's wing,
alip off of it as a tear."

~Victoria Chang, from the book The Trees Witness Everything

in reply to tj

(not even halfway towards their goal please share!)…

Help us escape the war at Sudan.

I’m a girl with 2 sisters and one brother, My Father passed away two years ago, Ever since the responsibilities have been held on me and my siblings, my mother is going through complications due to her high blood pressure.
And we were doing better in life and I was going to Medical school with ambitions to fill up my father’s shoes in taking care of my family, right until the war broke and now I have no idea what do with my future, I have really started to lose hope in everything, we literally lost everything from our home to our refuge in madani, and now we have nothing but two beds and the floor.
It’s been almost 10 months since the devastating war started in Sudan, and we live in fear that everyday will be our last day, people are displaced, killed, raped on a daily basis and its literally a nightmare that we hope will end soon.
If it wasn’t our last resort I wouldn’t have asked, but please help me and my family travel to KSA, it’s where we used to live, it’s the only place we can call home other than Khartoum, help me seek treatment for mother, her medications are unavailable in Sudan and she requires medical attention as soon as possible, please help me and my family."
This his her telling her story, I am Zahid Elmisbah Yasin the person responsible for raising this fund quoting her, and I take full responsibility for delivering the money to her through bankak(whenever the internet blackout ends) or through western union.

@sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

y'all please use any other phrase than "eyes on [insert place here]" when it's not sudan.

people have worked really hard to get that hashtag/phrase associated specifically to people of sudan and not everyone will honor that work, but you can.

similar to people using hashtag say his name for black men and hashtag say her name for non-black women, when it was specifically created to highlight the way black women murdered by police are invisibilized, it adds insult to injury.

please don't perpetuate the misuse of black people's work in getting their lives seen and voices heard.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to tj

April 7-10, 2024 ($75)…

The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) hosts the largest national gathering on American Indian and Alaska Native child advocacy issues every year. This multi-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being with over 1,600 attendees and growing every year. The keynote speakers range from federal officials at the highest level of government to youth with lived experience in child welfare systems.

In 2024, our in-person event while be held in Seattle, Washington, which is home to 29 Federally recognized tribes. In addition to the in-person event, we are introducing a hybrid option for the first time. If you are unable to attend the event in person, you can still participate virtually. Virtual attendees will have access to all three of our general sessions, which will feature over 12 speakers and more than six hours of content.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to tj

Our home bombarded and destroyed…

"My family experienced a devastating loss on the 24th of June when our home in Khartoum was bombed while we were all still in it.

We lost my younger brother to this tragedy and words cannot express the pain we endured and continue to endure.

We sought refuge with relatives further north in Sudan, they have been a lifeline during these difficult times and we are immensely grateful for their support.

However, our situation continues to deteriorate as our relatives can no longer afford to support us and we need a place to live.

Now I am reaching out to you for help. Your contribution can make a profound difference in helping us to rebuild our lives and survive during this war. Donations will go directly towards our basic food and housing needs."


in reply to tj

Help Randa's Family flee war in Sudan

"Hello,everyone !
My name is Randa , and my friends organized this fundraiser to help and support my family in finding their way to a peaceful place, hopefully joining me in Rwanda.

Six members of my family are trapped in Sudan, including two with disabilities and chronic illness. My father, who is 70 years old, retired a long time ago due to his medical condition (complete blind with both eyes). He is also diabetic . Our youngest sister had been diagnosed with Erb's palsy since birth. My father and three sisters are now stranded and stuck without first aid treatment, water, food and shelter in Sennar State and my two brothers are trapped in Khartoum in our house where our neighborhood is under RSF control! "


in reply to tj

Share your Blessings with the Sudanese (91% of their goal reached!)

This Ramadan we are breaking fast with the Sudanese families. Providing them with essential Medical Aid, Free Food Supplies, and Clean drinking water. Your Zakat, Sadaqah, and Khairat will help us make this Ramadan easy and filled with blessings for the internally displaced Sudanese.

Funds raised from this campaign will go towards the Need is greatest in Sudan.

Cost of 1 Food Package is $60. Cost of an annual primary healthcare package for a pregnant woman is $50.


in reply to tj

help a black trans person move out of a transphobic environment!

"Help me leave this place to find a new place as I have just received threats from my transphobic family who have found out about my location, I have been running away from them as they keep on threatening my whole existence ever since I was outed.I REALLY HAVE TO MOVE FAST‼️
Part of the funds will go towards my medical transition journey as I need gender affirmation surgeries.I’m out of work at the moment as I try to find my feet,please help me if you can. Please share this and donate if you can"

#Trans #MutualAid #BlackMutualAid #TransMutualAid

in reply to tj

Save Millie's life - Royal Lancaster Infirmary must STOP causing Millie harm…

"I have set up this petition on behalf of Millie, who is 18 years old and has very Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). She is currently in The Royal Lancaster Infirmary part of the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust. Some staff at the hospital have stated that they don’t believe or take seriously ME symptoms and are speculating that it is a mental illness/eating disorder, even though it is stated by WHO and NICE that ME is a physical and complex neurological illness."

#ME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ME/CFS #MECFS

in reply to tj

aside from being a really important article about sudanese journalism during this war, this article also provides 1) actions that journalists world-over should take/values that should be honored and 2) more places to add to your socials/etc. to keep abreast of information about sudan

"Targeted murders of journalists have plunged Sudan into a total media blackout. This prevents journalists from fulfilling their crucial role in informing the public, upholding journalistic integrity, and exposing the war’s devastating consequences. Millions are suffering, our nation is fractured, and foreign intervention looms.

Beyond silencing free media, the warring parties wage a parallel information war. Propaganda, hate speech, and fabricated news manipulate civilians and obstruct access to truth. Severed communication networks further isolate citizens from loved ones and essential resources.

Despite these daunting challenges, the Sudan Media Forum stands united. We journalists, and media professionals, remain committed to our professional responsibilities. We seek the truth, expose violations, defend human rights, and fight for accountability.

We urge the global community to rally behind the Sudanese people and demand an immediate end to the war through negotiations. This conflict has caused enough suffering and democratic regression."

Sudan Media Forum: ‘One year of devastation: Sudan in the grip of war’


in reply to tj

@/redmaat on insta is a really good person to follow Five Ways To Help Sudan

in their description these are good instagrams to follow: if there is a regular website ive linked to that after the name

Grassroots organizations
@fillaheart_fah, regular site
@darfurwomenaction, regular site
@sudanese_american_physicians, regular site
@hometaxsd, regular site
@barana_hanabneiho, fundly
@sudansolidaritycollective, regular site

Activists, creators, groups:
@/bsonblast, linktree
@/kandakamagazine, regular site
@/almigdadhassan0, tiktok
@/, regular site with links to email representatives worldwide
@/nasalsudan, regular site
@/sudan.updates, regular site
@/forsudaneseliberation, sudan war monitor -- which is also an account here on masto
@/project.taghyir, regular page

Youth empowerment:
@/uoftssu, regular site
@/susawaterloo, regular site
@/sapayouth, eyes on sudan
@/nubiyouth, regular site

Artists and Culture:
@/alsarah5000, regular site
@/waleedkushafrojazz, regular site
@/doitlikedua, regular website
@/artomia_, regular site
@/kukujewellery, article
@/liliyan.accessories, regular site

@sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj


tweet from @/Akol Miyen Kuol:

Members of the Nine Ngok Dinka Chiefdoms who live in the US, are planning to stage a rally at the #UN Headquarters in New York tomorrow to call for the prevention of "#genocide" in #Abyei

in reply to tj

Tell Columbia University: No More Suspensions, No More Arrests! We will not rest, until Columbia divests.…

#ColumbiaUniversity #Activism

in reply to tj

Mask Buying Guide

By Mask Bloc Seattle

If you find any dead links in this guide, please reach out to us and let us know

IG: @MaskBlocSeattle


#COVID #LongCovid

in reply to tj

"What's Up with Covid and How to Protect Yourself 2024 Edition" zine by Hazel Newlevant

#COVID #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Rebuild Hope for Rohingya Students

This fundraiser aims to provide quality education by sponsoring an existing K-12 school within the Rohingya refugee camps of Bangladesh, offering essential subjects and extracurriculars to nearly 1000 students from grades 1 to 12.

#Rohingya @mutualaid #Crowdfund

in reply to tj

"The violence must end, and the dignity of everyone must be a priority in these conflicts. No one should have to endure what I am describing, yet millions of families spend their entire days under such conditions.


The solution, while simple in theory, involves stopping the violence through decisive action by the international community and continuing to support the mechanism for emergency and coordinated response to protect civilian populations and ensure their safety."

~humanitarian worker Marcelin Ridja, who has operated in numerous crises across Africa, Humanitarian crises in the DRC and Sudan: Over 14 million displaced as famine looms: The aid networks are being push beyond their limits
Written by Jean Sovon
Translated by Jean-Christophe Brunet

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #Congo #CongoIsBleeding


in reply to tj


"The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) is issuing guidance to help newsrooms more accurately and critically cover issues related to Sudan.

Sudan is in the middle of a civil war, resulting in a humanitarian disaster, famine, and the world’s largest displacement crisis. Yet coverage of the war by the news media has been minimal. Some experts are calling Sudan’s current conflict the “forgotten war” due to the lack of coverage. AMEJA created this reporting guide in response to requests from industry reporters, editors, and producers for resources to better understand the historical context and nuance.

This guidance was created with input from journalists from the region and media professionals across all types of media platforms. This is not an exhaustive list of guidelines and resources, and AMEJA expects these recommendations to evolve as events unfold."

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan #EyesOnSudan


in reply to tj

($85/2,700) Support Family Escaping War in Sudan

"Our immediate goal is to raise $2500 to assist our loved ones in Egypt with essentials such as groceries, medical expenses, and hygienic products (pads, underwear, etc) as they navigate this challenging transition period."

#KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #Sudan

@mutualaid @sudan

in reply to tj

(2,662/34,249) Help Ze and her elderly parents flee Sudan

They are one their FOURTH displacement within a year.

"I’m an only child of two parents who both are above 60+ and struggle with chronic diseases. We have been searching for jobs tirelessly for the past months in and outside Sudan and unfortunately we haven’t been able to find any. My dad’s family are still in warzones unable to fend for themselves."

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan #EyesOnSudan #Disability #DisabilityCrowdFund #DisabilityMutualAid

@mutualaid @sudan

in reply to tj

Campus Bail Funds for University Students and Staff Protesting the Genocide of Palestine


in reply to tj

im not seeing a transcript but still want to share…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

might be good to have for young people in your life

#Library #Libraries #Books

in reply to tj

Free to download: Stop Cop City and the Struggles to Come

The military has become the police, the police mimic the movies, the movies are all for children, and the children have no future…


in reply to tj

Help a family flee the war in Sudan…

"Hi ,
I’m helping my friend’s family by this fundraising, they are family of seven members, tried to flee the war in Sudan- Khartoum, just Six of them made it to Egypt after they spent all the money they have in travelling as well after they scammed couple of times , unfortunately the father couldn’t make it to them , and trying now to help him by this fund as well help the family in their surviving needs where they are now till their situation be stable.

many thanks."

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

help a black person who escaped familial abuse get food and avoid homelessness!

"i could really use help with food and a room tonight. I’m in the negatives and struggling to get anything to eat today.
My goal is $150 and needed before midnight if anyone could help!"$yungirll

#MutualAid @mutualaid #BlackMutualAid

in reply to tj

"Hi my name is Tasia. I'm a 26 year old disabled woman who needs help with a few bills including glasses and related exams as well as food."…

@mutualaid #Disability #MutualAid #BlackMutualAid

in reply to tj

If An Agent Knocks (Updated 2020)…

in reply to tj

Image Scrubber: This is a tool for anonymizing photographs taken at protests.

It will remove identifying metadata (Exif data) from photographs, and also allow you to selectively blur parts of the image to cover faces and other identifiable information.…

in reply to tj

i dont agree with everything on this list but still sharing…

in reply to tj

"Following the devastating results of a rapid nutrition and mortality assessment conducted by MSF in early January, a mass screening of more than 63,000 children under-five, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, was conducted in March and April. The results confirm that there is a catastrophic and life-threatening malnutrition crisis in Zamzam camp, North Darfur.

Despite having called urgently for support in February when the results of the rapid assessment were published, nearly three months later, MSF remains almost the only international aid agency responding to this enormous crisis – and, as a result, one of the very few able to respond to mass casualty events in El Fasher."…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

"The conditions people in Zamzam are living in are deplorable. There have been no official food distributions in the camp since May 2023. Although a handful of UN trucks reached El Fasher two weeks ago, nothing reached Zamzam until Monday 29 April. On this date, community leaders were handed food that they were then expected to distribute among the people.

Even before the start of the war, people in the camp received very little support. Food rations were much lower than international standards, there was insufficient clean water and there were only two other health clinics in the vast camp before MSF opened its first one in 2022, both of which are now barely functional. "…

@sudan #Sudan #ZamZam #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

say it louder!!!!

tweet by mamabetysblues that reads: "it's clear y'all want black people to be okay with selective empathy because you feel like you already did all the fighting for us you had to do back in 2020 when whole time what we're witnessing unfold is a direct result of the 2020 uprisings remaining incomplete."

in reply to tj

only at 795/3500! help a black queer writer get rid of medical debt and support their family!…

"Hi I'm Shannon. I spent a good portion of 2023 quite ill with gallbladder issues I did not know about until I had to have emergency surgery in August 2023. I had surgery and more downtime than I could afford and I also found out my family is getting priced out of our home this year. I've managed through fundraising and hustling to pay almost all of it.

I need help to knock out this last bit of medical debt so I can focus on saving to get us moved to a decent place to live.

Any amount helps. I also have shops with poetry , non fiction and short fiction available as well as an ongoing patreon. All hands on deck I need just a little more help to get through this.

Thank you for your time."

@mutualaid #BlackCrowdFund #BlackMutualAid #MutualAid #MedicalDebt

in reply to tj

"You're correct. Every nation hates it's children. This is a requirement of statehood."

~Solmaz Sharif, "Dear Aleph"

in reply to tj


Donate to Focus on Congo

ten bombs were dropped on Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), at least 40 people have been killed (they are still trying to get information/locate them), the number of casualties is unknown

sources* from people on the ground:


twitter link of this post

*i understand if you usually view tiktok through a different frontend but its important that these get engagement. if you are able to make a throwaway account to help the algorithm, itd be appreciated

#Congo #CongoIsBleeding

in reply to tj

Immediate Action Needed to Halt Ground Invasion in Rafah (Email Template, please send to officials immediately)…

#Rafah #FreePalestine #Palestine


in reply to tj

CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!…

#Congo #CongoIsBleeding #DemocraticRepublicfOfCongo

in reply to tj

Help Hoda and her husband Fulfill Their Dream of Parenthood…

"Your generous contributions will help us start anew, providing us with the means to relocate from Rafah, undergo the necessary medical treatments, and embark on the journey of parenthood once more. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to realizing our dream."

#FreePalestine #Palestine @palestine

in reply to tj

EDIT: I and a friend have been having trouble getting connected via email, so it may be worthwhile to subscribe to them via an RSS feeder. i believe you can see the archive of posts without an account.


Crips for Palestine is a weekly newsletter of digital actions that disabled people and allies can take to stand in solidarity with Palestine.…

#FreePalestine #Palestine @palestine

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to tj


This woman's gofundme has been up for OVER A YEAR and is not even halfway to her goal. one of her kids posted on birdsite about how they're terrified that so soon after celebrating her birthday, they may have to plan for her funeral. donate and share.…

Originally for this woman's recovery from Long Covid and payment for surgeries needed to help her breathe and move, most of the money is now going towards her daughter who is battling stage two breast cancer (the most aggressive type, which you can see in the updates).

#Disability #Covid #Covid19 #LongCovid #Cancer #MutualAid #BlackMutualAid #BlackMastodon

in reply to tj

Kiyo Sato on Japanese Internment’s Language of Dehumanization…

in reply to tj

"“It was already pretty grim. And now it’s catastrophic,”

"While decades of war means that Afghanistan faces unique challenges, it’s not the only country that has been inundated with severe rain since the start of 2024. Extreme flooding this spring has displaced nearly a quarter million people in East Africa and half a million in southern Brazil."…

“With the latest incident, Afghanistan joins a long list of Global South countries grappling with floods this year. And this is as the world continues funding the climate crisis by expanding fossil fuels and industrial agriculture.” (Teresa Anderson)

#Afghanistan #FlashFlood #Climate #ClimateChange

in reply to tj

"Israeli historian and scholar Ilan Pappé wrote: “Palestine was not empty and the Jewish people had homelands; Palestine was colonized, not ‘redeemed;’ and its people were dispossessed in 1948, rather than leaving voluntarily. Colonized people, even under the U.N. Charter, have the right to struggle for their liberation" [...]

The Zionists could not have succeeded in colonizing Palestine if it weren’t for the support of Western imperial powers such as the United Kingdom and United States — two countries that did not want Jews in their midst and put strict restrictions on Jewish immigration."

The Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt observed at the time that the European powers were attempting to deal with the crime carried out against Jews in Europe by committing another crime, one against Palestinians."

~Michel Moushabeck,…

#Palestine #Nakba

in reply to tj

"On Nakba Day 76, we continue to count: It is day 221; we are in the 8th month of renewed atrocities; the death toll has surpassed 35,000 with over 15,000 of these being children; over 79,000 are injured; 17,000 children are unaccompanied or separated from parents; 260 humanitarian aid workers have been killed; 493 health care workers have been killed; 142 journalists and media workers have been killed; 346 schools have been leveled; all 12 universities in Gaza have been flattened; two-thirds of the hospitals in Gaza have been destroyed; and countless children have died from starvation."

~Michel Moushabeck, This Nakba Day, Palestinians Remind the World We Will Not Be Erased

#Palestine #FreePalestine #Nakba #NakbaDay

in reply to tj

14 months after being laid off, still no work.…

"Please help keep us housed. I have been unemployed since last December after a layoff. My daughter, cat, and turtle are all I care about.

Updating this three-year-old fundraiser while I continue my work search. I've been looking for work since December and interviews have dried up.

I hope community can help us inch toward safety. "

#MutualAid #CrowdFund @mutualaid

in reply to tj

Stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Support


"My specific breast cancer is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I’ll need 6months of chemotherapy and subsequently, a mastectomy to remove my left breast. This fund is to support my monthly expenses such as rent, utilities, food and pet expenses while undergoing chemo & I am unable to work. "

#MutualAid #BlackMutualAid #BlackMastodon @mutualaid

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to tj

Malcolm X when asked if he condemns the Mau Mau resistance to British colonial rule in Kenya

from @/SpiritofLenin on twitter but added video here for captions

in reply to tj


"Large-scale massacres in eastern DRC have forced over 500,000 people to flee en masse to Goma, the region's urban hub.

Amidst this chaos, LGBT+ individuals find themselves displaced, confronting dire circumstances and discrimination in makeshift camps.

Donate now to directly support LGBT+ people displaced by war and impacted by ongoing discrimination and persecution."

(one of the sources shared im giving a trigger warning for blood and homophobic violence:…)

#Congo #LGBT #CongoIsBleeding #MutualAid TransCrowdfund #TransMutualAid #BlackMutualAid #BlackMastodon

in reply to tj

MSF teams are currently working and supporting more than 30 health facilities in nine states in Sudan.


We are one of the few international aid organizations still operating in Sudan since the outbreak of war in April 2023, providing critical care to patients who otherwise lack access to medical aid. We are also providing humanitarian aid and medical care in refugee camps and displacement sites in Sudan and in neighboring countries of Chad, South Sudan, and Central African Republic, as more than 8.6 million people have been forced to flee due to the war.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan #EyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

Support for Young Survivor's Fresh Start…

"an anonymous 19-year-old community member raise money to survive after escaping an abusive home. This fund is for her flight ticket to her new housing and to transport her car to the place she’ll be living in. She’s job hunting, but we’re trying to raise money ASAP to ensure her safety and security."

#MutualAid #CrowdFund #Survivor

in reply to tj

Support The Busimba Family To Rebuild Their Lives…

"We are reaching out to you for assistance to support a refugee family desperately in need of help."

#MutualAid #Disability #CrowdFund #Congo #CongoIsBleeding

in reply to tj

a list of gofundmes to help people in gaza…


in reply to tj

ONLY AT $160 of $20,000 GOAL…

Help Aalaa's Family Escape to Safety

"The family is also facing a dire situation as their mother urgently needs medical treatment for severe health issues that she has had for years and are worsened due to the war. With hospitals destroyed and medical supplies scarce, they knew they have to evacuate to a safer place for their mother to receive the care she desperately needs and to have access to the medical care she requires."


in reply to tj

Ten new books about Long Covid, chronic illness, and disability by The Sick Times…

#Covid #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Taking Care of Your Health Across the Decades: A Guide for the LGBTQIA+ Community by FOLX

Explore lifelong health in our LGBTQIA+ guide for thriving at every age, with FOLX's trusted, inclusive care.…


in reply to tj

Alt-Text Selfies


in reply to tj

C19LAP Assessment of Long COVID Disability Applications.
Are you a person with Long COVID or a caregiver for a person with Long COVID?…

In Jan 2022, C19LAP data highlighted 44% of our respondents in a survey of over 400 people, said they had applied for SS disability.

We are interested in seeing how many people, as of mid 2024, with Long COVID have been applying for Social Security Disability, and what that process has been like for them.

We are asking the Long COVID community whether they have applied or not, to take this survey, as we would like to utilize the data in our advocacy efforts. This form is anonymous.

#Covid #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Panel Discussion with Nat Decker, Cielo Saucedo, thai Lu, Xixi Edelsbrunner, and Espeon.

May 24th 6-7:30PM…

This panel discussion will explore the notion of a crip bloc, and methods of disability resistance and solidarity. Disabled people participating in on the ground protest confront numerous inaccessibilities and the realities of the body/mind: vulnerability, immobility, fatigue, over-stimulation, hyper-visibility. Security instructions - wear all black or discrete clothing, cover the face - fail to obfuscate the mobility device or bodily difference, resulting in increased susceptibility to surveillance. Public gathering and proximity to police can result in disproportionate risk, especially for multiply-marginalized people.

#Disability #CripBloc

in reply to tj

Our Community Is Our Remedy
Date & Time

May 30, 2024 04:00 PM EST

Learn how Asian Americans and Palestinians are building power through solidarity, community care, and cultural resistance.

How can Asian Americans sustain ourselves while taking action in solidarity with Palestine? What is giving Palestinians hope at this moment? How are we caring for one another as a community in the midst of a crisis?…

#Palestine #FreePalestine #AsianAmerican

in reply to tj

Decades of Funding Trans Artists: Denise Brown, Gabriel Foster & V Chaudry

Two Decades of Funding Trans Artists: A Conversation with Denise Brown and Gabriel Foster, moderated by V Varun Chaudhry

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 6 - 7pm EDT…

in reply to tj

from Doctors Against Genocide

Call to Protect Gaza's Last Medical Lifeline (will open your email)

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

We are reaching out for your support of CRC's Black Oakland Anti-Displacement Housing Fund. The Fund will be used to assist low-income Black residents of Oakland to purchase their homes to prevent displacement.…

#Oakland #MutualAid #BlackMastodon #BlackMutualAid #Crowdfund

in reply to tj

The Save El Geneina initiative aims to provide services to all Sudanese inside and outside the country.…

The initiative has been working since the outbreak of war last April. Through the initiative, a field clinic was established inside the displacement camps in Chad, and a Troma Center, a kindergarten for children, a retreat for Quran memorization, and a sports league for youth were established.
Also, daily meals are distributed to the children of the camp, at a rate of two meals a day for two thousand children

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #BlackMastodon #MutualAid #BlackMutualAid

in reply to tj

from @/bsonblast on birdsite:

Want to help these refugees? Join us in a mass emailing campaign to UNHCR Ethiopia! 🙌🏾❤️

Just copy/paste this and send it to their email (included in the screenshot). It takes 2 minutes!

Email Script:

Subject: Urgent Aid for Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia-Amhara Region

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to urgently request assistance for

6,080 Sudanese refugees who fled Olala camp due to militia attacks. They are stranded in the bush between Olala Camp and Gondar City, and have been without food for five days.

The group includes children, disabled individuals, and elderly people in dire need of shelter, food, and water.

Immediate intervention is crucial to prevent further suffering.

Thank you for your prompt attention.

[Your name]

Available as a Google Doc Template

#Disability #Disabled #Children #Kids #Elderly #EyesOnSudan #LiberateSudan
#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan

in reply to tj

Air Cleaner Recommendation Tool

#COVID #Covid #LongCovid #AirPurifier

in reply to tj

A broad coalition of human rights organizations is calling for a Congressional investigation into Big Tech and Publishing’s overreaching control of the content, reader data, and existence of digital books. Join in and contact your representatives now!…

#Libraries #Library #InternetArchive

in reply to tj

AJ+ video on Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia as they go on a hunger strike demanding to be treated like humans and calling for international intervention

Birdsite Source

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #Refugees #Refugee #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to tj

my friend made these posters that are free to download and share (read the copyright in the paragraph next to the images)…

#FreePalestine #Palestine

in reply to tj

"Gold smuggling out of Africa, mainly to the United Arab Emirates, has surged over the last decade, with hundreds of tonnes of gold worth tens of billions of dollars illegally leaving the continent every year, according to a report published on Thursday."

~African gold worth tens of billions smuggled to UAE each year: report

#DRC #DemocraticRepublicOfCongo #CongoIsBleeding #UAE #UnitedArabEmirates

in reply to tj

CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!…

#DemocraticRepublicOfCongo #Congo #CongoIsBleeding

in reply to tj

"Over six bloody days in June 2000, the Congolese city of Kisangani was the scene of deadly violence between the Ugandan and Rwandan armies. More than 10,000 shells exploded, killing thousands and injuring thousands more.

Since then, victims of the Six-Day War have fought for recognition and compensation. Uganda has been found guilty of war crimes by the International Court of Justice, but the victims remain uncompensated decades later.

Now, they decide to take matters into their own hands. In the first Congolese film to be an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival, acclaimed director Dieudo Hamadi (Mama Colonel, National Diploma, Ladies in Waiting) captures their long journey down the Congo River to voice their claims in capital city of Kinshasa, seeking justice at last."

(shared via Friends of Congo newsletter)

#Congo #DemocraticRepublicOfCongo #CongoIsBleeding

in reply to tj

Six-Day War: 23rd Anniversary Report
By Aïssata Diallo

This report refers to a sad date for the whole of the Democratic Republic of Congo. On June 5th, 2000, 23 years ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo faced a war that lasted six days from 5 to 10 June 2000 in the city of Kisangani.…

#Congo #CongoIsBleeding #DemocraticRepublicOfCongo

in reply to tj

From People’s CDC: TAKE ACTION BY TUES JUNE 10 - Tell CMS: Hospitals Must Report COVID Infections and Protect Patients from Hospital Acquired COVID Infections!

Use People’s CDC’s template here:…

#COVID #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

in reply to tj


Join us this Friday for an important PSA: we’ll be covering the urgent political developments of the past week and have a special conversation with Astha Sharma Pokharel of Center for Constitutional Rights about the appeal in DCIP v Biden, which charges the Biden administration with failure to prevent and complicity in the genocide in Gaza. The appeal will be heard in San Francisco federal court next Monday, June 10th.…

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

Free Sal!
Action Toolkit to Release
Sal Khan from ICE!

Updated and Urgent
Last update: 6/5/24 (sign the petition if youre in the US)

Muhammad Salman Khan (he/they pronouns), known by their community as Sal, was unjustly detained by ICE in early May. Sal is an openly queer journalist and political refugee from Pakistan who is seeking asylum in the U.S. for their human rights activism. We are calling on our community to help us demand Sal’s release from Plymouth County Correctional Facility, and an end to all detainments by ICE!

#Trans #Transgender #HumanRights #ICE #Queer #Journalism #PoliticalRefugee

in reply to tj

Sign to Congress and the Biden administration: Stop shielding Israel from accountability for war crimes…

#FreePalestine #Palestine


in reply to tj


less than 25% funded and its been up since 2022 (last update was may 11th shared down below)…

Help support Long COVID Recovery- Surgeries

"I have no recent news concerning my surgeries as I have been treated for different respiratory conditions since my last post.

This GoFundMe was created since November 2022 and I didn’t change the goal as I realized that many people didn’t support my cause.

I want to Thank everyone once again that helped support my cause. Many things have changed and my family and I are trying to do our best to survive every medical crisis our family is facing.

My first born daughter has one of the most aggressive form of cancer including my first son that also needs immediate medical treatment and financial support.

It’s devastating for me as illnesses serve as a barrier and a set back for me and my children in the last few years.

This is another call out for support. Please share the link to anyone that can help thank you."

#MutualAid #CrowdFund #LongCovid #COVID #Cancer

in reply to tj

Virtual Pride 2023 Calendar!!!…

#Queer #Virtual #LGBTQIA #LGBT

in reply to tj

please share and submit!!

via ziyadhatesRSF on birdsite:

"the ICC announces that they are calling on people to SEND THEM EVIDENCE of war crimes in Darfur ! this means that all of the RSF videos can all be submitted to them and be used in their case! i will attach evidence below for people to submit to en masse"…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #ICC #InternationalCriminalCourt

in reply to tj

Medical Costs & Housing…

"In March of 2020 I was attacked on my way home from work.
The man grabbed me, shook me, coughed in my face & laughed ‘You’re sick now’
I thought it was a cruel joke. I was wrong.
I had contracted Covid & I never recovered.

I have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, POTS & MCAS.
I am mostly bed bound & barely able to manage the most basic of tasks.
I have no financial support from from family or government & no supplemental insurance.
I have been unable to work since, after over 2 years my savings have been wiped out & my hope of a spontaneous recovery has dwindled.
I’ve lost my business & my autonomy."

#Covid #LongCovid #MutualAid #Disability #MECFS #POTS #MCAS #CFS

in reply to tj

RE this post about the call to submit evidence to the ICC evidence of war crimes in Darfur

Here is an example of something you can put in the file (you can make it anonymous) and the wording is potentially triggering for the videos and those are for murder and abuse--> i am waiting to see if there is anything more relevant but right now thats what ive submitted:…

Here are the videos used in the example (they are extremely triggering for murder and abuse)"…

Make sure to have your VPN off, it won't go through otherwise

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #ICC #InternationalCriminalCourt #Darfur

in reply to tj

"For the West, Sudan’s civil war is still flying under the radar. But considering the war broke out in full view and the humanitarian crisis is well documented, the inaction cannot be traced to ignorance of the situation there. The failure to address the crisis, or at least its exacerbating factors, ultimately amounts to a choice."…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan

in reply to tj

tumblr post by flower-tea-fairies that reads:
You should be furious that people trying to escape genocide in Gaza, Sudan, Congo all need raise an absurd amount of money just to survive

You should be furious at how these people went through atrocity after atrocity and still need raise tens of thousands of dollars to get away

You should be furious at this insidious thing that completely encapsulates how capitalism feeds off of blood

#DemocraticRepublicOfCongo #Sudan #Palestine #DRC #CongoIsBleeding #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

COVID Action Map

Mapping COVID action groups worldwide. Groups are not pinned to exact addresses. On Instagram and Twitter as @covidactionmap.

#COVID #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver

in reply to tj


Qualified artists must be self-identified Black trans women working in visual art and based in the United States.

The Illuminations Grant for Black Trans Women Visual Artists is an annual $10,000 grant awarded to provide critical support to Black trans women whose work has often been under-recognized in the visual art field.…

#BlackTransWomen #TransWomen #VisualArt #Fellowship #IlluminationsGrant

in reply to tj

via Inclusive TOday (formerly Open Your Wallet):

We have a Black Trans Women who wants to remain anonymous due to feeling ashamed. She needs $334 to cover her rent and has already received an eviction notice. She’s been struggling with job discrimination but is trying to get back on her feet. This is urgent. WE NEED TO RAISE HER $334 TODAY.

V: @inclusivetoday

C: $ItsOYW
PPL: dm us

#MutualAid #Urgent #BlackMastodon #Queer #LGBT #LGBTQIA #TransMutualAid

in reply to tj

“We do not get used to it, my father, unless something dies in us, and imagine the extent of what died in us until we become accustomed to everything around us.”

~Mamdouh Adwan

in reply to tj

Help Lamin's Family Afford Food, Clean Water, & Education

After their father died, the family has been facing severe poverty. Lamin was unable to complete his education after losing his dad, but he hopes to provide a better future for his younger siblings. As their mother grows older, she is becoming more dependent on Lamin and his siblings for support.

#Gambia #MutualAid #Hunger #BlackMastodon

in reply to tj

"But if the plight of adults with long COVID remains poorly understood, the millions of children who have it worldwide are practically invisible, their suffering — and the formative years they're losing to this disease — obscured by the myths that COVID is "harmless" for kids and the pandemic is "over".…

#LongCovid #Covid #Children #Covid19 #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

in reply to tj

American Indian and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas Have Among Lowest Rates of High-Speed Internet Access

"Closing the gap is important given the internet’s growing role in daily personal and professional tasks, such as virtual instruction and health visits, banking, sharing culture and stories, and connecting with family and friends."…

in reply to tj

Tell State Department Staffers: Quit Genocide

Demand that US State Department officials and staff resign in protest against the President’s active role in the genocide in Gaza.…

#Palestine #FreePalestine #Genocide #JoeBiden #GenocideJoe

in reply to tj

Save my family from Bombardment: A young Boy's fight for Mob…

"My name is Asala, and I am writing to you from a place of safety, but my heart is still with my family who are enduring unimaginable suffering in Sudan. My 18-year-old brother had his life shattered when he was hit in the spinal cord by shrapnel during a bombardment in our civilian neighborhood. The severe injuries required emergency neurosurgery, which saved his life, but his journey toward recovery is far from over. He still has shrapnel lodged under his lungs, awaiting another critical surgery. Without further medical treatment, he may never walk again and could face a lifetime of paralysis.

I am reaching out to you, kind-hearted souls, to help my family escape this nightmare. Your generous donations will go directly to:

  1. Securing Medical Treatment
  2. Safe Passage
  3. Rebuilding Lives"

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid #Disability #BlackMastodon @mutualaid

in reply to tj

For Sudan:Help us support families impacted by war…

"This fundraiser supports a number of important humanitarian initiatives on the ground in Sudan, helping to alleviate the suffering of ordinary civilians amidst conflict."

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid #BlackMastodon


in reply to tj

A Black disabled queer woman is again facing homeΙessness. Her apartment is infested, her lεase is ending, and she needs to affοrd new rent on top of 15k+ hουsing debt & lawsυit w past landΙοrd.

Nοte: Mia

CA/PP miiiiaaaa0
V Adrianne-Charles-1…

#MutualAid #Disability #BlackMastodon


in reply to tj


Funds for the Dolls is intentionally created by TCG and led by trans women of color (TWOC) leaders in the performing arts who understand the complex issues facing TWOC performing and theatre artists. In this self-funded pilot round with $50,000, TCG aims to support these trailblazers, and uplift their joy, artistry, audacity and tenacity.

We are specifically committed to investing in TWOC performing or theatre artists who are looking to develop their artistry further and have a commitment to their craft. Those who use or have used survival sex work and other forms of hustle are encouraged to apply.

#TransWomen #BlackTransWomen #TransWomenOfColor
#TWOC #BIPOC #TGNC #GNC #PerformingArts #Theatre #Grant #Grants

in reply to tj

DUE JULY 15: Emerging Critics Program…

The Emerging Critics Program will be held virtually on October 7 - 11, 2024. Although the program runs for five days, the work of engaging with program participants will be sustained for at least six months. This means interested participants can continue to use Anaphora’s support to sustain their singular pathways into the field.

The program costs $1,200 to attend; several partial fellowships will be available depending on funding availability. Applications must be submitted by the priority deadline to be eligible for fellowships. Anaphora Fellows and returning alumni will have the opportunity to attend the program at a discounted rate.

#Critics #Fellowship #EmergingCriticsProgram

in reply to tj

Coming Out to Your Kids as Trans: A Guide for Parents

A guide for trans parents on how to talk to their kids about their gender identity and transition, fostering understanding and love.…

in reply to tj

Working Guys: A Transmasculine Sex Worker Anthology

This project successfully funded on May 31, but you can still Late Pledge for available rewards.

Read about the experiences of transgender men and transmasculine people in sex work, in their own words.…

in reply to tj

Template to Write Against the NYC Mask Ban…

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Safer Air Safer Schools is an advocacy group based in Massachusetts that fights for cleaner air in schools.…

Environmental pollutants, allergens and respiratory pathogens all impact the health and learning of our children and their teachers.

We believe in the power of information. When folks understand how to achieve optimal health, it unlocks their potential. We want community members to have the knowledge and the tools needed to support this effort. When we work together, we can elevate the minds and health of the next generation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and beyond.

#CleanAir #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Expand Affordable Internet Access…

#AffordableInternetAccess #Internet

in reply to tj

help my friend tie!

tie is a black queer disabled person who works in the literary space as well as education and liberation.

cash: #tiezesty
venmo: era_unraveling

#MutualAid #BlackMastodon #di


in reply to tj

Stop Mask Bans. Defend our human right to mask protection.…

#COVID #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #Covid19

in reply to tj

The PowerOn Individual Tech Grant provides life-saving and life-changing technology (cell phones, tablets, and laptops) to LGBTQ+ individuals for personal use.…

This grant operates in multiple rounds each year. Applications are accepted in a one month window for each round. Awards will be announced within a month of applications closing. Granted technology will be shipped shortly after.

Individuals may be awarded one (1) device within a 12 month period. Individuals who are not awarded technology in an application round are highly encouraged to reapply in the next round. The next round of applications will open June 28th, 2024 and will close July 28th, 2024.

Please see FAQs and "How to Apply Successfully - Guide" below. ¡También, el formulario de solicitud y la guía están disponibles en Español!

#Trans #Grant #Technology #LGBTQIA #Queer #LGBT

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to tj

Help Lama's Family Rebuild Their Lives…

"Hello everyone on behalf of my family and myself, Lama. I am writing this message because my family is now living in tents without basic needs. They are in an extremely difficult situation. Our family lost 2 buildings including 8 apartments in Khanyounis as well as our second home where we went on weekends. We are in total 70 people "uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, grandchildren". They are still in Gaza faced with horrible humanitarian conditions: living in tents where it is more than 40 degrees. They suffer from lack of food and water in Mawasi. Sanitary conditions are terrible. Since the start of the war in Gaza, we have lost everything and our lives have changed. I am asking for your help because it is the only way I have to save the life and future of my family."

#MutualAid #Palestine #BlackMutualAid #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

No Mask Bans (Actions You Can Take)

Politicians across the US – from North Carolina, to New York State to Chicago – are pushing for mask bans. We all have a responsibility to fight this attack on our rights, our bodily autonomy, our privacy and our health. If you stopped masking, now is a good time to reengage with this practice in public spaces, and particularly in political gatherings. If you are organizing an event, please require and distribute high quality masks as visible expressions of solidarity.

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #Covid19 #LongCovid

in reply to tj

“As we move towards creating a society within which we can each flourish, ageism is another distortion of relationship which interferes without vision. By ignoring the past, we are encouraged to repeat its mistakes. The 'gen-eration gap' is an important social tool for any repressive society. If the younger members of a community view the older members as contemptible or suspect or excess, they will never be able to join hands and examine the living memories of the community, nor ask the all important question, 'Why?' This gives rise to a historical amnesia that keeps us working to invent the wheel every time we have to go to the store for bread.”

~Audre Lorde

in reply to tj

this is a reminder as to why white people need to be accomplices:…

marginalized people have been screaming this shit for years but have (1) privileged white person say something and all of a sudden some shit is taken seriously

i appreciate what violet is doing (especially since her parents sure aren't doing the same thing as far as we can see) and it's important but i want us to remember that for every white person who is recognized for speaking up there are countless people of marginalized identities who've been saying the same thing, longer and have been ignored if not outright violently silenced

#Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #COVID19

in reply to tj

CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!…

#Congo #CongoIsBleeding

in reply to tj

Sudan: Violence forces MSF to evacuate team from Turkish Hospital in Khartoum…

Hands-on support is no longer possible due to multiple attacks and repeated threats to staff.

NAIROBI, July 10, 2024 — Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has evacuated its team from a major medical facility in Khartoum, Turkish Hospital, following a series of violent incidents endangering staff.

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan

in reply to tj

(0/2350) Urgent medical treatment for fibromyalgia and lung disease to save my mom

Housing insecure family needs help affording urgent medical expenses. Mom has chronic lung conditions & fibromyalgia; worsened from COVID. Medical expenses and treatment are increasingly costly.

Mom is currently recovering from surgery, but due to the increasing prices of medicines and no help from insurance company, we are currently out of money to get her medical treatment. Due to her age, her health depends of these medicines to stay alive and well and prevent another medical emergency

#Disability #MutualAid #BlackMastodon #BlackMutualAid #DisabilityMutualAid

in reply to tj

‘Egypt is closing its door’: Sudan’s refugees detained in mass camps and sent back into war from Middle East Eye…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #Egypt

this is fucking terrifying and cruel as shit

in reply to tj

Automatically send daily emails to your representatives using Apple Shortcuts, urging them to do everything in their power to stop this onslaught against the Palestinian people.

#FreePalestine #Palestine

in reply to tj

"The violence and ongoing genocide in Palestine reveal a decades-long agenda by the Zionist lobby, which has strategically influenced U.S. politicians to disregard years of human rights abuses and war crimes in favor of unwavering support for Israel. Unmasking the machinations of the Zionist lobby is a crucial step towards the liberation of Palestine from within the belly of the beast.

Discover who has been swayed by their influence and join us in holding them accountable for their actions. Together, we can stand against this injustice!"

in reply to tj

2024 AAPD ADA Celebration

Join us for our annual AAPD ADA Celebration!

By American Association of People with Disabilities

Thursday, July 25 · 5:30 - 7:30pm EDT…

#Disability #ADA

in reply to tj

"We don’t have a plan for the next five minutes. We don’t know what to do next."

~Norah Alkahlout

“My Life Turned Upside Down”
Palestinian women report on their lives amid Israel’s siege of Gaza.

Norah Alkahlout
Zainab Bashir
Rasha Elwan
Noor Swirki
Vinícius Assis…

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

"If I had a routine before the war, currently I don’t have any routine. I don’t have any life. I’m waiting my destiny. I’m living my time minute by minute, because we don’t have safety. We can’t plan for the next step, we can’t expect what will happen the next time, if we will stay alive or not or our beloved ones will stay alive or not. So there is no daily routine. All things have been changed — our way to live, our way to cook, our way to clean our clothes. We are living in the shelter with too many people, with thousands, and we had our home before, so it’s a completely different life. It’s not about the daily routine. It’s about a war. Life has been changed because of this war."

~Noor Swirki

“My Life Turned Upside Down”
Palestinian women report on their lives amid Israel’s siege of Gaza.

Norah Alkahlout
Zainab Bashir
Rasha Elwan
Noor Swirki
Vinícius Assis

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

Take a look inside my Long Covid body!

note: eye contact from 0:11-0:14, very intense eye contact from 2:41 until the rest of the video…

#LongCovid #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

in reply to tj

this was interesting:…

content warning for cannibalism

in reply to tj

"They chase us around then have fun executing us in the streets. No ambulances, communications, or deliveries. No aid, water, or food. All the failed attempts hang over the shoulders of the most corrupt policymakers on earth."

~Gaza Diaries: “We Left Our Souls at Home.”
From Heba Al-Agha’s Account of the last Eight Months of Israel’s War on Gaza, translated by Julia Choucair Vizoso

#Palestine #FreePalestine #Gaza

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to tj

"The humanitarian response in Sudan remains underfunded at only 26 per cent, with Sahbani describing the situation as “one of the worst in the world”.


"Approximately 800,000 people are trapped in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, suffering from a lack of food, water, and medical treatment, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a press statement yesterday."…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan

in reply to tj

Save Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia (the tweet has a thread of whats been happening in sudan, trigger warnings for both are in the next part of the thread)

Call to:
Government of Sudan
To the Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia
An appeal to UNHCR
A call to all Sudanese and everyone who cares about human rights…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan


in reply to tj

sudan, mention of rape, murder, genocide,

Sensitive content

in reply to tj

Sonya Massey should still be alive. #SayHerName
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to tj

"The internet has been shut down and mobile services severely disrupted in Bangladesh amid student protests that began earlier this week.

The disruptions do not appear to be connected to the global internet outage that is taking place on Friday. But, equally, it is not clear whether the government is attempting to silence critics and prevent organization of anti-regime protests or whether the outages are a consequence of ongoing violence and attacks on infrastructure."…


in reply to tj

Letter Campaign to Congress: Keep Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured Adults…

#COVID #Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

in reply to tj

from birdsite

My GI doc had ONE SLOT in 2024 -- ONE -- for my cancer screening & w/my genetic mutation, if you don't get annual screens, you are dead. Full stop. Please help! $60/~$2000……
Cashapp: $CatLadyHiggins

#ChronicIllness #Disability #MutualAid #Cancer

in reply to tj

a thread on medical abuse of black people through history--and this is just a snippet--

like we joke about how ginger ale can cure anything but that joke is definitely rooted in intergenerational medical abuse and that doesnt even take into account the trauma we get from regular degular day to day doctors appointments

be sure to support African Archives and read more on their ko-fi!

in reply to tj

Love Is Not Enough: How We Can Strengthen & Expand Public Libraries

Thursday, August 1
6 – 7:30pm EDT…

in reply to tj


#Covid #Masking #Masks #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj


#Covid #Masking #Masks #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Justin Marcus Cooper's Memorial Costs…

"Family and friends are devastated at the passing of Justin Marcus Cooper, a fierce disability advocate and artist. This is a fundraiser in his memory to cover funeral, burial, and other end of life and memorial costs."

Learn more about Justin here:…

#Disability #JustinMarcusCooper
#Advocate #Fundraiser

in reply to tj

The Walter Dean Myers Grant program was established to provide grants of $2,000 each to promising diverse writers and illustrators who are currently unpublished. Since 2015, we have awarded over 55 grants, and our grant recipients have now published over 50 books.

Our submission window will close on August 14, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST…

in reply to tj

Israel’s campaign in Gaza has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians, including more than 13,000 children, and injured more than 72,000 since October 7th. The only way to end this current conflict that is threatening to grow across the Middle East is with diplomatic solutions. The violence must stop, hostages must be freed, innocent captives must be released, and humanitarian aid must flow freely. Ceasefire now!

in reply to tj

We're Hiring: Sins Invalid 2024 Development Director Job Description…

#Jobs #GetFediHired #Job

in reply to tj

if youre on the birdsite:

go to your grok settings and turn off "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning". this site automatically checked it for you and you should click "Delete conversation history" right underneath it.

in reply to tj

Refuge Tech Safety…

Secure your phone
Make sure it is safe before you start the step-by-step guide

in reply to tj

help a black nonbinary person survive cancer and get rid of medical debt!

*they were also evicted last week

"i'm asking you to step in & help me to pay off medical debt that has been piling up over the last 19 months

last year, i had 2 separate er visits + a gallbladder removal. this year, i have been admitted twice with intestinal issues.

(on 04/17) i have been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. i'm scared.

pls consider helping me to pay off some of this debt & pay for future cancer treatment."

#Disability #MutualAid #Trans #TransMutualAid #Nonbinary #LGBT #LGBTQIA #LGBTQI #LGBTQ

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to tj

help a black worker pay for electric and groceries during a really hard month!…


in reply to tj

help a person eat after being in the hospital!

Update $164/$327. Out of groceries. Please help share/boost. Haven’t eaten in 5 days. I need some funds for my groceries & hospital transport. Really would like to get groceries by this weekend the latest. Was in hospital today.

#MutualAid #Disability

in reply to tj

Ms. Cheree Peoples' Journey…

"Ms. Cheree Peoples has weathered the worse storm any mother caring for a sick child can endure. Imagine being unjustly arrested for a truancy violation under Kamala Harris’ harsh truancy law, while caring for a sick child who is suffering with sickle cell anemia, all the while being dragged through the criminal justice court system fighting for your freedom."

#MutualAid #Disability #MastodonForHarris

in reply to tj

Darfur Victim Support Organization

#Darfur #Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid

in reply to tj


Sensitive content

in reply to tj

Woman, 36, almost passed out while walking. She was in heart failure due to COVID-19…

on the one hand, i am extremely thankful that 1) she is recovering and 2) this made national news

but i am absolutely terrified that if she hadn't been a white woman, hadn't had good insurance, hadn't had the ability to take off work then we never would've known. and that means this has definitely happened to people who were not privileged enough to receive support to recover.

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #Disability

in reply to tj

Not Another Bomb - Digital Day of Action
Register to join our weekly #NotAnotherBomb Digital Action Session on Wednesdays at 6PM ET as we keep fighting to win an arms embargo now!
Date & Time

Aug 7, 2024 06:00 PM
Aug 12, 2024 06:00 PM
Aug 14, 2024 06:00 PM
Aug 19, 2024 06:00 PM
Aug 21, 2024 06:00 PM…

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

“We can no longer feed our children alone, so my neighbours and I help each other. One brings flour, another brings oil and onions, and we all contribute vegetables. Our children eat once a day at noon and then wait until the next day.” ~Dar El Naeem Idris

~‘2 to 3 children buried daily’ in Sortony camp as famine looms over Darfur,…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #Darfur #ZamZam

in reply to tj



Once you have applied, you will hear back from us by August 15th, 2024 (or sooner) whether or not you were selected to receive Uber Credit. (All qualified applicants selected at random).
We will be distributing funds directly through Uber.
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that you have read and consent to the above items.…

#BlackMastodon #BlackMutualAid #MutualAid

in reply to tj

"The Patient-Led Research Collaborative is a group of Long COVID patients and patients with associated illnesses such as ME/CFS and POTS, who are also researchers. We were born out of the Body Politic Slack support group and did the first research on Long COVID in April 2020. We are all researchers in relevant fields – biomedical research, participatory research, neuroscience, cognitive science, public policy, machine learning, human-centered design, health activism – in addition to having intimate knowledge of COVID-19."

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

"Laundry Love washes the clothes and bedding of low/no income families and person(s) across the US. We brighten the lives of thousands of people through love, dignity, and detergent by partnering with diverse groups and laundromats nationwide."

#US #MutualAid

in reply to tj

Take Action: Tell Congress to Pass the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act…

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

murder of black trans women

Sensitive content

in reply to tj

Palestine Online is a collection of web pages created by Palestinians (and friends), primarily in the late 90s and early 00s, sourced from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Included here are personal homepages, news websites and online magazines, sites showcasing Palestinian art and culture, and online memorials.

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

Country of Words: A Transnational Atlas for Palestinian Literature is a digital-born project that retraces and remaps the global story of Palestinian literature in the twentieth century, starting from the Arab world and going through Europe, North America, and Latin America.

#Palestine #FreePalestine

in reply to tj

Support Diva, a Transwoman from Morocco, to Flee to Safety: Doesn’t have a donation link. Mubaadarat’s facilitates the sending of donations to the individual. Donations to be sent with note: Diva to with password: aid

#MutualAid #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #TransMutualAid

in reply to tj

Help Georgina, an intersex refugee from Egypt, survive…

#TransMutualAid #MutualAid #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Intersex

in reply to tj

from Open Your Wallet:

A Trans guy is recovering from Top Surgery alone as he isn’t out yet. He needs groceries for his two week recovery. We are crowd funding $150 for him today.
Every penny counts.

cashapp: $itsoyw

#MutualAid #Trans #TransMutualAid

in reply to tj

"You Have to Live Your Life:" Responses to Common COVID Minimizing Phrases…

this is like good for starter points for how to respond to people and i like the pictures (found on the site) for like reminding you that being covid conscious is hard and its okay to feel like shit about it and to keep going if you can

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #Advocacy

in reply to tj

Tell Congress: Strengthen TEFAP to help food banks be ready to serve in times of crisis!…

Worsening weather disasters mean rising food bank demand. Embedded in communities across the country, food banks are positioned to act quickly in disasters.

By strengthening The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) in the next farm bill, lawmakers can help ensure food banks are ready to provide a steady flow of healthy foods when disaster strikes. Tell lawmakers to act!

in reply to tj

Demystifying wastewater surveillance data, for Covid-19 and other diseases

Aug 21, 2024…

#COVID #LongCovid #Wastewater

in reply to tj

The 50-Year-Old Rule That Could Destroy Your Benefits (and How to Protect Yourself)

(its ABLE Accounts which ive never heard of)…

#US #Disability #GovernmentBenefits

in reply to tj

"COVID goes against a lot of what people in the United States have been told about viruses and what has come to be common sense. The most common viruses in the U.S. are seasonal, but COVID circulates year-round, more like tropical viruses. Moore highlights that this makes COVID fundamentally different from the flu and, crucially, the vaccination cycle for the flu, where annual vaccination works because it can account for the variants that have evolved in the opposite hemisphere. Since COVID circulates everywhere year-round, annual vaccinations are not enough to keep up on the latest variants. Beatrice Adler-Bolton adds that COVID surges in the United States are not related to seasons but rather to moments of intense travel, like Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, the holidays in November and December, and Spring Break."…

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

United States Specific: Find the Financial Help You Deserve

Stop leaving money on the table! Unlock hidden benefits that most people miss.

#LowIncome #Aid #US #Disability

in reply to tj

"Davenport suspects that mild-to-moderate Long COVID might be significantly more widespread than is currently recognized – and that studying athletes might help illuminate the full scope of the issue. Most people aren’t used to pushing their bodies to the limit on a regular basis, so they may not even register milder symptoms like persistent fatigue or an elevated resting heart rate. But elite athletes are used to putting their bodies through the wringer, and when their bodies don’t respond, they notice right away."…

in reply to tj

“It is not easy for a person to lose everything while living his first moments of freedom.”…

#FreePalestine #Palestine

in reply to tj…

Dear God. Dear Bones. Dear Yellow. by Noor Hindi, Black Movie by Danez Smith, and If They Come For Us by Fatimah Asghar were some of my favorites so looking forward to reading the rest

in reply to tj


Original thread on Twitter by Fannie @IfuekoNadine:
If this is helpful to you AND you have the funds for it, you can ALWAYS slide money over! It goes towards getting PPE and shipping supplies. Remote, mid-level marketing job leads are great, too!

Venmo: @ IfuekoOsaro
Cash App: $IfuekoOsaro​​​​​​​…

#Covid #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid

in reply to tj

Only at 633/20,000

from tootahalata on the birdsite: "hajer’s brother is still suffering from several open wounds due to the torture he endured from the RSF. a doctor has been visiting at home but there is very little he can do. please donate so that he can receive proper treatment"


#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to tj

Tell the CDC to Provide Farmworkers H5N1 Vaccines…

in reply to tj

Help a Family Replace Their Ceiling That Collapsed!

#MutualAid #Crowdfund

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to tj


I’m crowdfunding for my disability chronic pain in my thumb.

TODAY I really need a place to sleep and food (I am literally starving) Ty.


#MutualAid #Trans #TransMutualAid #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #LGBTQIA #Disability #DisabledMutualAid #CrowdFund

in reply to tj

from birdsite

We’ve been unsafe in the heat.
I have an injured lung & pain breathing. No portable AC for me! all Windows are painted shut.
RM in attic using only window for an AC.

We have insomnia & it’s too hot to sleep! hungry, risking utility shut offs or eviction

#MutualAid #Disability

in reply to tj

from Sudanese American Physicians Association on birdsite:

Devastating floods in #Sudan have left thousands homeless and claimed lives, including children. The tragedy continues as the rainy season persists through September.

Donate to help get supplies to them!

#TalkAboutSudan #SudanFloods
#KeepEyesOnSudan #MutualAid #CrowdFund #EyesOnSudan


in reply to tj

Support 9971's Work Behind the Walls in PA

As Black August winds down, 9971 hopes to continue its work behind the walls. Our study groups, political education and mutual aid work must go on. Every month. In order to do so, we need comrades and allies to provide material support. We ask that you make a one time donation to support this important work. 9971 engages imprisoned people through study and discussion. We provide mutual aid that creates and sustains community behind the walls. And we cannot do this without the support of allies out there.

For more info, check out our website:…

in reply to tj

I Was Fired for Organizing—Help Me Take Action

"I was randomly fired from my job due to my anti-war and grassroots political organizing and everything has been a struggle since. My kid and I were already barely surviving on the income from my job and since losing it I have been unable to get as much as an interview for another gig and am on the brink of eviction.

Please help me take legal action against my former employer for firing me unjustly. I was fired with no warning and very little explanation beyond my boss telling me "Your views do not align with ours." He would not explain further just let me go and had security waiting to escort me out.

I would like to remain anonymous as I fear that I am already being blackballed from getting hired locally, as other friends of mine have experienced the same."…



in reply to tj

How to Get FREE School Supplies in 2024
By: Low Income Relief Team…

in reply to tj

(USA SPECIFIC) 50+ US Cities with Guaranteed Income Programs…

What are guaranteed income programs?

Guaranteed Income Programs provide monthly checks to eligible participants for a certain period – usually one to three years. During the program period, participating households will have dependable guaranteed income from the program in accordance with the program term.

Every program sets their own criteria and rules, though, so you’ll need to find your local program in our list below for details.

in reply to tj

USA SPECIFIC - 7 Easy Ways to Get Low Income Grants…

(this headline is v sus looking but i promise go through it there are links that help, like ive never heard of Modest Needs, NetWish, Gradient

in reply to tj

USA SPECIFIC Resources for Emergency Needs

in reply to tj

Take This is in Danger of Closing Forever…

Our Mission is to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.

Our Vision is a game community that welcomes and supports people experiencing mental health challenges, and that recognizes the humanity and mental health of game creators.

If you are able to directly support Take This’ mission, go to our donations page. If you are a potential corporate partner who wants to uplift and build a better game community by sponsoring our future efforts, please reach out at


in reply to tj

Urge President Biden to Pardon and Free Native Activist Leonard Peltier Now!…

in reply to tj

Sign the petition to protect Kw’tsán National Monument today!

in reply to tj

from another site:

I'm at 52/800 needed for Sept rent & won't be getting any income in Aug (unless i get a temp job, fingers crossed!)

I am a single parent of 3 & student going back to school, living off financial aid. Won't get any aid until 2 wks after fall classes start.$LoveNiki


in reply to tj

How Being Silently Pissed-Off is Fueling Autoimmune Disorders in Women of Color*
BY Yamily Habib…

*it says women but this applies to anyone who has XX chromosomes

#Disability #BIPOC

in reply to tj

"I shouldn’t have to be the perfect patient to get competent care."

~Evette Waters, Doctors, Gaslighting, and Advocacy, Oh My!

#Disability #BIPOC #InvisibleDisability

in reply to tj

(Canada) The federal government has launched public consultations on how the Canada Disability Benefit — the first-ever national disability benefit — should work.

From deeply unreasonable eligibility requirements to a measly maximum of just $6 a day – the government’s current proposals for the CDB fall short of their promise to lift millions out of poverty.

Our friends at Disability Without Poverty and other allies have drafted key recommendations that could strengthen the CDB. If thousands of us flood the consultation to echo their demands to make the CDB well-funded and accessible, we could help tip the scales.

Add your voice now.…

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Free Palestine png and pdf art packs from chronic cultural work…


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the next 3-5 messages are from Action Network:

Congress has recently introduced two resolutions to deal with ever worsening crisis in Sudan. Introduced in the Senate (S. Res. 559) and the House (H. Res. 1328) both resolutions recognize the actions of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied militia in Darfur, Sudan, as acts of genocide against non-Arab ethnic communities. The resolutions also:

Condemn these atrocities
Call for accountability through national and international mechanisms
Urge increased humanitarian support for victims
Emphasize the need for preventive measures against future genocides
Promote international cooperation to address the root causes of the conflict in Darfur and ensure lasting peace and stability

Click here to tell your Members of Congress to co-sponsor House and Senate resolutions in support for the people of Sudan.

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #EyesOnSudan

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"Introduced by U.S. Representatives Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) and Carlos A. Giménez (R-FL), the Uyghur Forced Labor Disclosure Act (H.R.4840) requires publicly traded companies to be transparent and divulge any ties to Uyghur forced labor. It would allow both consumers and shareholders to make more informed decisions as they spend and invest their money.
The Uyghur Forced Labor Disclosure Act (UFLDA) :

Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to mandate all publicly traded companies to release annual reports indicating what goods are sourced from the Uyghur regions of China.
Affirms the importance of using outside groups to verify company reports.
Empowers organizations and individuals to push for more ethical business practices."

Click here to tell your representative to support and co-sponsor the Uyghur Forced Labor Disclosure Act.

#Uyghur #UFLDA

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Pass the Rohingya GAP Act

"U.S. Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) have introduced the Rohingya Genocide, Accountability, and Protection Act, or Rohingya GAP Act (H.R.8936).

The bill seeks to provide protection, support, and humanitarian assistance to Rohingya refugees and internally displaced people. It also promotes accountability and a path out of genocide and crimes against humanity for the Rohingya."

Click here to tell your representative to cosponsor the Rohingya GAP Act.

#Rohingya #RohingyaGAPAct