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Items tagged with: TRUMP

As Doktor Zoom says at Wonkette, yesterday's news cycle brought "just a ridiculous amount of news…. and all of it kind of weird!"

There was the Mark Robinson story (see /1 - /5 above).

There was the news that Olivia Nuzzi of New York Magazine has been put on leave for a previously undisclosed relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as she wrote about him as a political candidate.

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #RFKJr

"He thinks he can fashion his history of disturbing, angry behavior into a story in which he is the victim—and that the voters will buy it. He sees those voters as morally malleable dupes, who will cross any serious ethical line in the service of politics.

It makes sense for him to make this calculation. After all, it has never not paid off for Trump."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

As Andrew Egger reminds us,

"Donald Trump is a close Robinson ally: He endorsed Robinson during the primary, calling him 'Martin Luther King on steroids.'”


" In pledging to plow through, in suggesting it may all be AI, in choosing to run in the first place—knowing this stuff was all out there—Robinson has offered a nasty appraisal of the voters whose support he is seeking."

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

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Sensitive content

"CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski had tracked down a bunch of old online profiles of Robinson—most notably, an account he’d frequently used to comment on a porn site, Nude Africa, in the early 2010s. Those posts included some of the most insane ranting you’ll ever see:"

~ Andrew Egger

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis

"So those watching Republicans push him to drop out now should ask: Are they doing so out of a desire to fight antisemitism and hatred, or because their candidate is polling poorly? ...

If Republicans were ahead in the polls, would they care about Robinson’s shocking bigotry — toward Jews, or anyone else?"

#MarkRobinson #Trump #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Nazis #antisemitism

"Sixty-seven percent of women 18 to 29 supported Vice President Kamala Harris in a New York Times/Siena College poll in six swing states last month, compared with 40 percent of young men.

Fifty-three percent of young men in those states backed Donald J. Trump, compared with 29 percent of young women."

~ Claire Cain Miller

#Trump #gender #FemaleVoters #MaleEntitlement

The gift link below is from PRRI's Morning Buzz.…

"And those people have always been ultraconservatives intent on systemically dismantling the rights of women and minorities. Evangelicals and hard-right ideologues have succeeded in overturning Roe v Wade and now, should there be another Trump term, they have their sights set on restricting access to IVF. Don’t believe a word Trump says when it comes to IVF – or anything else, for that matter. The man is not a leader on 'fertilization'; he’s a leader on misinformation."

#Trump #IVF

"A mere week after Trump’s comments on IVF at the debate – Senate Republicans blocked, for the second time, a Democratic bill that would have provided a nationwide right to the fertility treatment….

In short: it’s very clear that Trump has no plans to protect the right to IVF. A man of zero convictions, I doubt he has any strong feelings on the matter himself, but we all know that he does the bidding of whoever is most useful to him."

~Arwa Mahdawi

#Trump #IVF

It made me believe that white supremacy was defeated, specifically by people such as us.

And so I am a fool” (p. 14).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“I want to be sure you know, in case you didn’t grow up among white Christian evangelical conservative Americans, as I did, that most of us aren’t pretending. We really are very nice, very kind, very generous. We are, by these and other measures, very fine people.

This made me think that fascism would be unpopular, particularly with people such as us."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“In August 2017, the White Christian president, like all cheap hucksters, knew quite well which lies people would believe, knew quite well what lies his people wanted to hear, and knew quite well the lies they depended on for fortune and identity.

So he told the lie of the very fine people.

It’s a popular lie. It’s a traditional lie.

For most of my life, to one extent or another, I believed it.

And so I am a fool” (p. 13).

#ARMoxon #Trump #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism

"and their deliberate unawareness as regards the methods and intentions of those with whom they march, and yes, their Christianity, too—because how could a religious person ever support atrocity if they did so out of a religious conviction? Their very fine presence in solidarity with monsters defends and enables the monstrousness” (pp. 12-3).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

“Nazis and Confederates and Christian nationalists and other authoritarian supremacists only ever rise on the permissive shoulders of masses of very fine people willing to lend their moral authority to a monstrous cause—yes, and their energy, too, and their normalcy and niceness and well-scrubbed politeness," (continued in /6)

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"and overwhelmingly identify as a specific thing known as ‘Christian,’ and the White Christian president made quite a show over the years of representing U.S. citizens exclusively based on whether or not they support him” (p. 11).

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"August 2017 was also when the White Christian president defended those who marched with the Nazis as ‘very fine people.’ I call him ‘the White Christian president’ because the people who support him are overwhelmingly understood to be a specific thing known as ‘white,’" (continued in /4)

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

"August 2017 is when tiki-torch waving Nazis invaded Charlottesville, Virginia, in defense of treasonous confederate slaveholders and their own perceived supremacy. We know they were Nazis because they were chanting ‘Jews will not replace us,’ and ‘blood and soil,’ and all the other Nazi hits, and because they believed in Nazi causes and utilized Nazi symbology, and so on."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

I'm reading A.R. Moxon's new book Very Fine People: Confessions of an American Fool (Grand Rapids: J. Goat Press, 2024). His comments on why he wrote the book:

“I wrote all the words you’ll find between these covers sometime between December 2016 and early 2023. Most were written after August 2017, which was a key date in my rapidly dawning awareness of the true nature of my country."

#ARMoxon #Trump #evangelicals #WhiteChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #Nazis

From last night *chef’s kiss* for tagging #Trump.

Via CoffeyTimeNews:

Kamala’s Wisconsin rally is over and the house is still packed.

That must infuriate you

Nobody wants to leave.


For good reason. Mandatory viewing. #Maddow outdid herself. #Trump

Trending in #Canada
From Russia with Lev
57.1K posts

2/ As I said above, she is SO trolling him:

"Donald #Trump should have no problem agreeing to this debate. It is the same format and setup as the CNN debate he attended and said he won in June..."


Via Rupar:

Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend encourages #Trump supporters to racially profile people of color at voting locations and press them for proof they're eligible

Democrats desperately wanted to make health care a key issue in the 2024 elections.

It sure was generous of #Trump and #JDVance to give them a hand.…

ADDED: Longwell is a Republican, not "the left," and please read the second toot in the thread.

Via Sarah Longwell:

Unless you’re deep in MAGA world, you probably don’t use TRUTH Social. But that’s where #Trump shares the raw feed of direct communications with his base. That’s why we've created, an archive of ALL Trump’s posts — text, videos, memes, etc.

Via @tristansnell:

#Trump's Plan B?

If he can't win, he at least wants to stop #Harris's votes from being counted so she can't be ruled the winner either

If enough states don't certify, she doesn't get to 270

Election then goes to House - so winning House is ABSOLUTELY VITAL

Via Acyn:

#Harris: But this is a health care crisis. This is a health care crisis, and Donald #Trump is the architect of this crisis. He brags about overturning Roe V. Wade. In his own words, “I did it, and I'm proud to have done it” he says. He is proud, proud that women are dying. Proud that doctors and nurses could be thrown in prison for administering care? Proud that young women today have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers? How dare he. How dare he. #abortion

Questions about Trump’s #mental decline are revived after #Trump claimed on Fox News that the audience who attended the #debate between himself & Vice President #KamalaHarris "went absolutely crazy" when he was fact-checked.

There was no audience.


Via @emptywheel:

Speaker Mike would like to remind you he’s a slavering tool of a guy who says he prefers the ones that didn’t get caught.

Speaker Mike Johnson:

Today, we remember the servicemen and women who were taken as prisoners of war and those who were declared missing while defending our great nation.

We will never forget their sacrifice.


2/ Via Emptywheel:

Shorter Donald #Trump: The Black Nazi is my best friend but if I lose I'm going to exact revenge on Jews for not electing me.

It’s 10am on the day after restrictions on insiders selling Trump’s meme stock expired. It’s traded 43% of its average daily volume in an hour.

Regardless of whether he sells, he gave out stock to vendors and more stock to pay off debt and those people are getting their cash out while they can.

#trump #truthsocial #GriftersGonnaGrift

Via Shane Goldmacher:

One detail in here: In the last 30 days, the #Trump operation has spent more on Meta ads featuring the page of his lawyer/adviser Alina Habba than his running mate Senator #JDVance.…

I'll tell you what. #KamalaHarris isn't going to support a "black NAZI"

" explosive CNN report detailed how one of #trump 's allies running for North Carolina governor made a series of racial and sexual comments on a website where he also referred to himself as a “black NAZI.”

That was Lt. Gov. Mark #Robinson, who is running for the U.S. #senate…


2 elementary #schools were #evacuated & 2 local #colleges moved their classes online as a result of the #threats, & a festival has been canceled as a #safety precaution. DeWine, a #Republican, said many of the threats "are coming in from overseas" from people (opportunists who have latched onto #Trump’s #racism) who want to fuel #discord. Most of the #Haitian #immigrants in the US are here legally under US programs, even as #Trump says he would deport them "back to Venezuela."


#Trump accused #Haitians of eating #Springfield citizens' pets in the presidential #debate last week, & as viral, *false claims* [#lies] on the topic continued to circulate, the city of Springfield has had to step up its #security.

#Ohio Gov Mike DeWine (R) sent 3 dozen state troopers to provide more security as a result of what he said were "a series of unfounded #BombThreats."


VP #KamalaHarris slammed the "hateful rhetoric" & "nonsense" from #Trump around his debunked claim that #Haitian #immigrants in #Springfield, #Ohio, are eating people's pets.

Harris, who made the comments to a #NABJ panel in Philadelphia on Tues, said of Trump, "You cannot be entrusted w/ standing behind the seal of the president of the #UnitedStates of America, engaging in that hateful rhetoric that, as usual, is designed to divide us as a country."


#Harris said her heart broke for the community in #Springfield, calling it a "crying shame" that elementary #school #children, "dressed up in their best" for school picture day, were forced to #evacuate because of the #threats.
"This is #exhausting, & it's #harmful & it's #hateful...& grounded in some age-old stuff that we should not have the tolerance for," Harris said. "So, let's turn the page & chart a new way forward & say [to #Trump], 'you can't have that microphone again.'"

"Combined with the specter of Trump’s threat of mass deportations if he wins, the rhetoric that the Republican campaign is staking the race on continues to blur the line between legal and illegal immigration in a way that puts immigrants of all statuses at risk."

~ David Kurtz

#Trump #JDVance #PoliticsofHate #PoliticsofDistraction #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants


"Engendering public animus toward immigrants is a soft launch of sorts for Trump’s mass deportation project—which, as Mother Jones’ Isabela Dias reports, is going to target not only undocumented migrants but legal ones too."

~ Jason Linkins

#Trump #JDVance #PoliticsofHate #PoliticsofDistraction #Springfield #Haitians #immigrants