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Items tagged with: ABORTION

It shouldn't even be necessary but, well...

"Protection zones around #abortion clinics in England and Wales will make it illegal to harass anyone seeking medical services or working there, the British government said. The new measures are set to take effect at the end of October."- NYT

Via CBS News:

The #Harris campaign released a new ad featuring Hadley Duvall, a Kentucky woman who became pregnant after her stepfather raped her at age 12. Duvall says she had “options” back then, that many women no longer have after Roe v Wade was overturned.

The ad is called “Monster” and is soundtracked to Billie Eilish’s song “When the Party’s Over.” #abortion


Via Chris Borkowski:

Sound up!

"The choices made by GW Bush & Trump are killing people."
"Outlawing ( D&C ) procedure is sheer madness, criminal madness, murderous madness..."
An emotional Lawrence O'Donnell blames death of Amber Thurman on Trump. Trump & JD Vance also killed latest IVF bill.

Amy Siskind: Every voter who cares abt women's freedom & health better watch Lawrence sounding off & being moved to tears! A 28 yr-old mother is dead bc of #Trump #abortion ban!

The otherwise healthy 28-year-old medical assistant, who had her sights set on nursing school, should not have died, an official #Georgia state committee recently concluded.

Tasked w/examining #pregnancy-related #deaths to improve #MaternalHealth, the experts, including 10 doctors, deemed hers “#preventable” & said the #hospital’s delay in performing the critical procedure [#abortion] had a “large” impact on her #fatal outcome.

#law #SCOTUS #AbortionIsHealthcare #ReproductiveRights #Health

…just that summer, her state had made [#abortion] a #felony, w/few exceptions. Any #doctor who violated the new #Georgia #law could be prosecuted & face up to a decade in #prison.

#AmberThurman waited in #pain in a hospital bed, worried about what would happen to her 6-yr-old son, as doctors monitored her infection spreading, her blood pressure sinking & her organs beginning to fail.

It took 20 hrs for doctors to finally operate. By then, it was too late.

#SCOTUS #AbortionIsHealthcare

#AbortionBans Have Delayed #Emergency #Medical Care. In #Georgia, Experts Say This #Mother’s #Death Was #Preventable.

≥2 women in GA died after they couldn’t access #legal #abortions & timely #MedicalCare in their state, @ProPublica has found. This is one of their stories.

#law #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #Dobbs #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortion #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveHealth

Their reviews of individual patient cases are not made public. But ProPublica obtained reports that confirm that at least 2 women have already #died after they couldn’t #access #legal #abortions & timely #medical care in their state [due to #AbortionBans & #restrictions].

There are almost certainly others.

#Georgia #law #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #Dobbs #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortion #ReproductiveRights #ReproductiveHealth


“#Abortion Bans Have Delayed Emergency Medical Care. In #Georgia, Experts Say This Mother’s Death Was Preventable.

At least two women in Georgia died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state, ProPublica has found. This is one of their stories.”
— ProPublica

2 women die in Georgia after they couldn't access legal abortions and timely care

#Abortion #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlueToSaveWomen

"To give equal weight to each 'side' in coverage is already a distortion of the electorate that often fails to account for the anti-democratic forces at work in the anti-abortion movement's fringe."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction #media

"ProPublica obtained reports that confirm that at least two women have already died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state.

There are almost certainly others."

~ Kavitha Surana

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction #Georgia

"These laws are an albatross around the neck of every Republican who hopes to carry a swing state, and none more than the presidential candidate who appointed the three Supreme Court justices who made it happen."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"Sending abortion 'back to the states' has proved wildly unpopular, particularly as conservative legislatures passed draconian bans with criminal penalties for health care providers."

~ Liz Dye

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"But what about spreading an incendiary story for which there is no evidence?

'We’ll take the hit to prove the bigger point,' the adviser said."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"Trump aides think it’s a net plus. The longer the discussion is about migrants, the less it is about tougher topics for them.

'We talk about abortion, we lose. We talk about immigration, we win,' said one Trump adviser."

~ Marc A. Caputo

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

Today in Labor History September 14, 1879: Margaret Sanger, American nurse and activist, was born. Sanger was famous for popularizing the term "birth control." She also opened the first birth control clinic in the United States and established the organizations that evolved into Planned Parenthood. Her protests and civil disobedience efforts contributed to court cases that helped legalize contraception in the U.S. Many on the Christian right have targeted her for her role in supporting women’s reproductive rights, yet Sanger was opposed to abortions and, as a nurse, she refused to participate in them.

In the early 1910s, Sanger joined the Women's Committee of the New York Socialist party. She also participated in labor actions by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), including the notable 1912 Lawrence textile strike and the 1913 Paterson silk strike. She also became close with many left-wing writers and activists, like John Reed, Upton Sinclair, Mabel Dodge and Emma Goldman. During this period, she saw the toll unwanted pregnancies and back-alley abortions took on poor, working class and immigrant women. And it was at this point that she shifted the focus of her activism toward promoting birth control as a way to prevent abortions and the economic strain of having unwanted pregnancies.

In 1914, she launched “The Woman Rebel,” a monthly newsletter with the anarchist slogan, “No Gods, No Masters.” It promoted contraception, with the goal of challenging the federal anti-obscenity laws, which were then used to suppress education and outreach about birth control. In 1916, she opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S., leading to her arrest. In 1921, she founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She argued that women who are educated about birth control are the best judge of the time and conditions under which they should have children, and that it is their right to determine whether or not to bear children.

After World War I, Sanger increasingly appealed to the social necessity of limiting births among the poor. She was a eugenicist and believed that it was necessary to reduce reproduction of those who were “unfit.” While she defined “fitness” in terms of individual fitness, and not race, she supported restricting immigration, and she was known to “look the other way” when racists spoke in favor of eugenics. She even gave a presentation to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan. She also supported compulsory sterilization for those with cognitive disabilities.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #margaretsanger #birthcontrol #plannedparenthood #abortion #IWW #socialism #civildisobedience #freespeech #eugenics #immigration #racism #ableism #kkk

#LyndaCarter’s Sister Is Running in a Key #Arizona Race. #WonderWoman Is Sounding the Alarm

#PamelaCarter, a #RightWing #abortion foe, claims to have her family’s “full support” for her candidacy. Not exactly.

AZ’s 4th #legislative dist, located in the suburban heart of #MaricopaCounty, might be the ultimate bellwether in the ultimate bellwether state.

#Election2024 #USpol #AZpol #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #healthcare #fertility #IVF #law

Trump and Vance, denialists of the first order, walk over eggs (interesting subtext image) as they run away from the ABORTION issue.

#Trump #JDVance #eggs #abortion #runaway #politics #political #humor #humour #cartoon

👉🏼👉🏼“A state judge struck down #NorthDakota’s ban on #abortion Thursday, saying that the state constitution creates a fundamental right to access abortion before a fetus is viable.

In his ruling, state District Judge Bruce Romanick also said that the law violates the state constitution because it is too vague.”

Via Destiny Wells who is running for #Indiana AG:

Not only are we statistically tied, #abortion is the number one issue across the state, even for white men.

This is our time!

FOX59 News:

Destiny Wells' campaign recently released internal polling data, showing "a highly competitive race for Indiana Attorney General" as November's election approaches.


Democrats have obtained audio of #NorthCarolina's Republican gubernatorial nominee #MarkRobinson saying last week that he wants #abortion restrictions to go "down to zero" weeks.

Robinson added: "That 12 weeks, exceptions for rape and incest … I'm not going to say it's reasonable."

🤦🏻‍♀️”A #Missouri court late Friday moved toward striking a ballot measure in November that would ask voters whether to establish a right to #abortion in the state Constitution. Abortion rights groups hope an appeals court will reverse the ruling before the Tuesday deadline to print the state ballots.”-NYT

This is an amazing concept....

Open Sourced "3D Printed" Pharmaceuticals

Build your own pill printing machine. Feed it an open sourced "recipe" / medical chemical compound instruction. Add some base ingredients. And make your own medicine.

This is an exceedingly solarpunk idea and could be a core aspect of a post-scarcity world as it relates to healthcare.

They have information about abortion medication (Misoprostol), ADHD medication (Vyvance), and more.

There are obvious issues - especially around quality control, safety, effectiveness, and application. And the makers address this - but wow. Just wow.

I very specifically have not verified any of this. But I'm incredibly interested in diving in and learning about it and its feasibility.

The anarchist collective behind this venture, Four Thieves Vinegar Collective (@4thievesvinegar), spoke at this last DefCon 32. See @mixael's talk here (via Peertube):

Here is a @404mediaco article by @jasonkoebler :

Here is their main website:

Here is are the open sourced instructions (along with parts list - both purchased and off the shelf along with 3D printed parts):

Definitely something to follow and learn more about. I'm excited and hope this is effective and grows.

(HT @aeischeid for highlighting the article and HT my dear friend for telling me about it after going to their DefCon talk!)

#solarPunk #postScarcity #healthcare #abortion #abortionAccess #ADHD

Via Emptywheel:

#Trump thinks he's running for SCOTUS, not POTUS, which given the raging right wingers he appointed, is an understandable confusion.

Kamala HQ:

Q: If a national #abortion ban came across your desk, would you veto it?

Trump: I don't want to answer

This matter went to the right-wing Arkansas Supreme Court, which upheld the denial of the right for Arkansas citizens to vote on abortion rights.

Unikowsky concludes,

"Arkansas state officials are unapologetically engaging in viewpoint discrimination, interpreting the law in one way for ballot initiatives sponsored by conservative groups and in the opposite way for ballot initiatives sponsored by progressive groups."

So much for rights in GOP states.

#Republicans #abortion #Arkansas

As Adam Unikowsky reports, Arkansas citizens will not be permitted to vote on abortion rights this year despite the fact that a petition to place an initiative on the ballot had far more than the number of signatures required.

State officials — Republican to a man and woman — claim that the petition for the initiative was defective because it did not have an attached photocopy, though law does not require that photocopy.

#Republicans #abortion #Arkansas

"This is always how the anti-abortion movement operates. It’s palatable, and been historically successful, for those activists and allied politicians to paint abortion as a singular, siloed-off procedure that exists only in Planned Parenthood clinics. It’s easy, then, to demonize the supposed distinct set of women (and differently identifying people) who use those services too."

~ Kate Riga

#Republicans #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

“'Take it off the carts?' one doctor said to Lorena O’Neil of the Louisiana Illuminator. 'That’s death. That’s a matter of life or death.'”

#Republicans #abortion #healthcare #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

"It is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medications, a list containing those medications that are the most effective and safe to meet a health care system’s most important needs. After antiabortion activists targeted the drug, Louisiana governor Jeff Landry signed a law reclassifying it as a controlled dangerous substance. The reclassification means that the drug will no longer be easily available on obstetric hemorrhage carts."

#abortion #misoprostol #Louisiana

"On October 1, in Louisiana, a law will go into effect that reclassified the drug misoprostol as a controlled dangerous substance. Misoprostol can be used for abortion. It is also used for routine reproductive care and during medical emergencies to treat postpartum hemorrhage."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Republicans #abortion #healthcare #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

Since sharing my story about my medically necessary hysterectomy at 24… I’ve been told I’m an inadequate woman, my illness was my fault because I neglected my duty to procreate, that I’m scaring other women away FROM procreating and a failure.

One person called me a dried up bitter wench whose uterus “crapped out” when I got old because I didn’t have children. Meanwhile I was diagnosed infertile at 19… I would hardly call that old! I was told I couldn’t survive pregnancy at 21… and then the hysterectomy was a medical emergency at 24. Yet still - I’m blamed.

I know there will always be trolls - but believe me I’ve heard all this (and worse) in real life. I learned within about 3 months of surgery to never speak of it because of how poorly I was treated. It impacted my dating life, healthcare (so many pregnancy tests and accusations of being “confused” about what surgery I had) and caused significant medical PTSD that to this day makes it hard for me to access healthcare.

Please tell me again how women aren’t seen as incubators? How there’s no misogyny? Because if you say these things flippantly to women who are finally speaking out about their experiences - that’s 100% the message you’re sending.

I don’t say this for sympathy - I say it more to hold myself accountable. To remind myself that I had every right to tell my story … and that this type of negativity is the reason it took me twenty years to share it. That’s twenty years that my experiences may have potentially helped another young person going through a similar situation.

We can’t be scared into silence. There will always be people who see those of us without children and/or without a womb as “less than”… but they’re wrong. The best way to change the perception of childless people is to keep speaking out and challenging these ridiculous viewpoints. So I’m going to keep speaking out - and I will encourage others to do the same. I welcome them to tell their own story of reproductive health challenges on any of my posts, on my website or in a DM. I’m happy to listen, encourage and support where I can.

As an aside - this attitude exists in healthcare too where it does WAY more damage. From 16-19 I was repeatedly told I should get pregnant and that might “fix” my painful periods. 19-21 I was told that I was likely infertile and that I should start preparing for difficulties finding a husband. 21-24 I spent begging them to give me a hysterectomy because my quality of life had vanished - I was bedridden most of the time.

I was always told no - and usually because I might want children, meet a man who wants children and/or feel differently once I was “in love”.

They had told me that pregnancy would more than likely be impossible and/or KILL me … yet apparently once I was “in love” I would want to give it the ol college try anyways.

The medical establishment failed me - like they fail so many people who need reproductive healthcare. They waited until I was bleeding out to perform the hysterectomy, left me with severe post operative complications and neglected to handle them properly as well.

My sincere hope is that NO one has to go through what i went through - yet I know that people go through it every single day. Some don’t live to tell their stories. So I will keep telling mine in the hopes of gaining more allies who can help us fight for better healthcare.

I wrote two articles on this topic for anyone who wants to read more in depth. The first one chronicles my journey up to the emergency hysterectomy:

The second one covers the post operative complication and the severe gaslighting and neglect that nearly cost me my life:

CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #endometriosis #abortion #womenshealth #reproductiverights #gynecology #misogyny #infertility #childlesscatlady #bodilyautonomy

Via Josh Gerstein:

BREAKING: #SCOTUS refuses #Oklahoma request to block HHS rules requiring providers of Title X family planning to provide abortion referrals/counseling. 3 justices dissent: Thomas/Alito/Gorsuch. Doc:

Via Bloomberg: The US Supreme Court refused to reinstate millions in federal funding for family planning services that were stripped from Oklahoma after the state said its providers wouldn’t give #abortion referrals

"Yet connecting the dots between #miscarriage care and #abortion is still not clear to many #men...

“The silver lining of #Dobbs is that it forced people to talk about what was stigmatized and shrouded in mystery — miscarriage, fetal anomalies, stillbirth,” she said. They’re now realizing the range of scenarios that can be directly impacted by state bans “and the end of this illusion that you can separate elective abortion from emergency abortions.”

#Health #Healthcare

" #Texas radio #DJ Ryan Hamilton detailed what happened to his wife, Jess, during a prolonged #miscarriage at 13wks. She was refused treatment & sent home by 2 #Dallas -area medical facilities where doctors cited the state’s #abortion restrictions...

She ended up bleeding heavily for more than 24hrs until she lost consciousness on their bathroom floor."

#Health #Healthcare #WomensHealth #GOP #Politics #USPol #US #USA #News

"Two years after #SCOTUS toppled federal protections for [abortion], growing numbers of #men in red states are speaking out in defense of #ReproductiveRights because of the harrowing experiences they’ve seen wives or partners go through when pregnancies went tragically awry, endangering their #health or ability to bear #children. Some... had been staunch #abortion opponents; others concede they’d given the issue little thought until it hit close to home."

#USA #News

"In #Idaho, John Adkins raced his wife from their home in Caldwell, a suburb of #Boise, to #Portland, Ore, last yr after an ultrasound showed a fetal anomaly so complex that she was likely to suffer potentially deadly complications. Jennifer was nearing the end of her 1st trimester.

“I felt like a fugitive,” said Adkins, 37, a sixth-generation Idahoan. He remembers local doctors telling the couple that ending her pregnancy at that point would be #illegal"

#Health #Healthcare #Abortion #News

"Trump had wanted to run on other policies, immigration and Trump’s distorted claims about the economy, but now he’s having to answer for his anti-choice policies….

No matter how many contradictory statements Trump makes about what a second Trump term would do, there’s no escaping what his first term did do. There are no backsies on Dobbs. There are no backsies on Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett."

#Trump #KamalaHarris #abortion #ReproductiveRights

"Twice divorced serial philanderer Donald Trump doesn’t have social conservatism. He has a politically expedient con. Trump has convinced Christian nationalists he was anti-choice in public while attempting to limit the political damage of anti-choice policies behind the scenes. And that con is running headlong into the consequences of the actions he took to sustain the con."

~ Marcy Wheeler

#Trump #KamalaHarris #abortion #ReproductiveRights